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Forked from bartvanandel/yarn-sync.js
Created June 24, 2021 12:31
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Sync versions from yarn.lock back into package.json
const fs = require("fs");
* Removes matching outer quotes from a string.
* @param {string} text - String to unquote
* @returns {string} - Unquoted string
const unquote = text => /(["'])?(.*)\1/.exec(text)[2];
* @typedef {object} YarnLockItem
* @property {string[]} pkgs - Array of package version specs, e.g. "yippee-ki-yay@^1.23.45", "@foo/bar@^1.6.0"
* @property {string} version - Installed version
* @property {string} resolved - Resolved package URL
* @property {string} integrity - Package integrity
* @property {object.<string, string>} dependencies - Package dependencies and their version specs
* Extracts information about installed packages from yarn.lock file.
* NB: functionality for parsing a yarn.lock file exists in a package called `@yarnpkg/lockfile`,
* however this package pulls in way too many dependencies (all of yarn, it seems).
* @param {string} filename - Path to yarn.lock file
* @returns {object.<string, YarnLockItem>} Installed package information, keyed by package version spec
const parseYarnLockFile = s => {
const lines = s.replace(/\r/g, "").split(/\n/);
const entries = {};
let entry;
let key;
lines.forEach(line => {
const indent = /^(\s*)/.exec(line)[1].length;
line = line.trim();
if (line === "") {
if (entry) {
// Add an entry for each of the package specs in the item
entry.pkgs.forEach(pkg => {
entries[pkg] = entry;
entry = null;
} else if (line[0] === "#") {
// Comment, skip
} else if (indent === 0) {
// Start of entry
entry = {
// Remove trailing colon, split, trim and unquote
pkgs: line
.replace(/:$/, "")
.map(s => unquote(s.trim()))
} else if (indent === 2) {
let match;
if ((match = /^(\w+) (.+)/.exec(line))) {
entry[match[1]] = unquote(match[2]);
} else if ((match = /^(\w+):$/.exec(line))) {
key = match[1];
entry[key] = {};
} else if (indent === 4) {
const match = /^(.+) (.+)/.exec(line);
if (match) {
entry[key][unquote(match[1])] = unquote(match[2].trim());
} else {
console.warn("Line not understood:", line);
return entries;
const updatePackageJson = (packageJson, yarnLock) => {
let changeCount = 0;
const updateSection = sectionName => {
console.log("Updating", sectionName, "...");
const section = packageJson[sectionName];
Object.entries(section).forEach(([pkg, versionSpec]) => {
const dependency = `${pkg}@${versionSpec}`;
// Get the version spec prefix, e.g. '^' or '>=', or none.
// We support version specs containing a single semver, other types of version spec are untested a.t.m.
// (version spec format is documented here:
const versionSpecPrefix = /^([^\d]*)/.exec(versionSpec)[1];
const yarnLockEntry = yarnLock[dependency];
if (yarnLockEntry) {
const actualVersion = yarnLockEntry.version;
const actualVersionSpec = `${versionSpecPrefix}${actualVersion}`;
if (actualVersionSpec !== versionSpec) {
console.log(" Updating:", dependency, "=>", actualVersionSpec);
section[pkg] = actualVersionSpec;
} else {
console.log(" Up-to-date:", dependency);
} else {
console.warn(" !!! Missing yarn.lock entry for:", dependency);
console.log(" Done.");
].forEach(sectionName => {
if (sectionName in packageJson) {
return changeCount;
const main = () => {
console.log("Reading package.json ...");
const packageJsonFile = fs.readFileSync("package.json", "utf8");
const packageJson = JSON.parse(packageJsonFile);
console.log("Reading yarn.lock ...");
const yarnLockFile = fs.readFileSync("yarn.lock", "utf8");
const yarnLock = parseYarnLockFile(yarnLockFile);
const changeCount = updatePackageJson(packageJson, yarnLock);
if (changeCount > 0) {
const outFilename = "package_synced.json";
console.log("Writing changes to:", outFilename);
fs.writeFileSync(outFilename, JSON.stringify(packageJson, null, 2));
} else {
console.log("No changes");
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from collections import OrderedDict
import json
import re
from typing import List, Dict
# class YarnLockItem:
# pkgs: List[str]
# version: str
# resolved: str
# integrity: str
# dependencies: Dict[str, str]
# def __init__(self, pkgs):
# self.pkgs = pkgs
def unquote(text):
return re.sub(r"([\"'])?(.*)\1", r"\2", text)
def load_package_json_file(fp):
return json.load(fp, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
def write_package_json_file(package_json, fp):
json.dump(package_json, fp, indent=2, ensure_ascii=False)
def load_yarn_lock_file(fp):
entries = {}
entry = None
key = None
for line in f:
indent = len(re.match(r"^(\s*)", line).group(0))
line = line.strip()
if not line:
if entry:
# Add an entry for each of the package specs in the item
for pkg in entry["pkgs"]:
entries[pkg] = entry
entry = None
elif line[0] == "#":
# Comment, skip
elif indent == 0:
# Start of entry
entry = {
"pkgs": ([unquote(pkg.strip()) for pkg in line.rstrip(":").split(",")])
elif indent == 2:
match = re.match(r"^(?P<key>\w+) (?P<value>.+)", line)
if match:
entry["key")] = unquote("value"))
match = re.match(r"(?P<key>\w+):$", line)
if match:
key ="key")
entry[key] = {}
elif indent == 4:
match = re.match(r"^(?P<key>.+) (?P<value>.+)", line)
if match:
entry[key][unquote("key"))] = unquote("value").strip()
return entries
def update_package_json(package_json, yarn_lock):
change_count = 0
def update_section(section_name):
print("Processing", section_name, "...")
section = package_json[section_name]
for pkg, version_spec in section.items():
dependency = f"{pkg}@{version_spec}"
yarn_lock_entry = yarn_lock.get(dependency)
if yarn_lock_entry:
# Get the version spec prefix, e.g. '^' or '>=', or none.
# Only single version semver values are currently tested
# (version spec format is documented here:
version_spec_prefix = re.match(r"([^\d]*)", version_spec).group(0)
actual_version = yarn_lock_entry["version"]
actual_version_spec = f"{version_spec_prefix}{actual_version}"
if actual_version_spec != version_spec:
" Updating:", dependency, "=>", actual_version_spec,
section[pkg] = actual_version_spec
change_count += 1
print(" Up-to-date:", dependency)
" !!! Missing yarn.lock entry for:", dependency,
print(" Done.")
for section_name in [
if section_name in package_json:
return change_count
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("Reading package.json ...")
with open("package.json", "rt") as f:
package_json = load_package_json_file(f)
print("Reading yarn.lock ...")
with open("yarn.lock", "rt") as f:
yarn_lock = load_yarn_lock_file(f)
change_count = update_package_json(package_json, yarn_lock)
if change_count > 0:
print("Writing changes to package_synced.json ...")
with open("package_synced.json", "wt") as f:
write_package_json_file(package_json, f)
print("No changes")
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