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Created October 1, 2017 06:15
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Building Photoshop layers with Python
import os
import comtypes.client
app = comtypes.client.CreateObject('Photoshop.Application.60') # CS6
# maya config
project_path = 'd:/project/alice/maya'
log_path = project_path + '/log'
images_path = project_path + '/images'
layers = ['master', 'prop_matte', 'shadow', 'wall_matte']
passes = ['beauty', 'N']
# psd opt
psd_opt = comtypes.client.CreateObject('Photoshop.PhotoshopSaveOptions.60') # CS6
psd_opt.annotations = False
psd_opt.alphaChannels = True
psd_opt.layers = True
psd_opt.spotColors = True
psd_opt.embedColorProfile = True
def get_image_size(path):
doc = app.Open(path)
size = (doc.width, doc.height)
doc.Close(2) # 2 (psDoNotSaveChanges)
return size
def copy_file_contents_to_clipboard(path):
doc = app.Open(path)
doc.Close(2) # 2 (psDoNotSaveChanges)
def create_layer_from_file(doc, layer_name, path):
app.activeDocument = doc
layer = doc.artLayers.add() # Create Layer = layer_name # Rename Layer
doc.activeLayer = layer # Select Layer
doc.Paste() # Paste into
def composite_ma(ma):
# 이름 정리
name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(ma))[0] # hc_column_corridor
path_tokens = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(ma)).split('\\')
theme = path_tokens[-1] # HeartCastle
category = path_tokens[-2] # Housing
category_theme = category + '/' + theme # Housing/HeartCastle
# 새 포토샵 문서를 만든다
app.Preferences.RulerUnits = 1 # Pixel
w, h = get_image_size( images_path + '/' + category_theme + '/' + name + '/masterLayer/beauty.tif' ) # 기본 뷰티를 이용해 그림 크기를 얻는다.
doc = app.Documents.Add(w, h, 72, name, 2, 1, 1)
app.activeDocument = doc
# 파일로 부터 새로운 레이어를 만든다
for layer in layers:
create_layer_from_file(doc, layer , images_path + '/' + category_theme + '/' + name + '/' + layer + '/' + 'beauty.tif')
# 저장한다
psd_path = images_path + '/' + category_theme + '/' + name + ".psd"
doc.SaveAs(psd_path, psd_opt)
def composite(files):
for file in files:
def get_include_list(filepath):
f = open(filepath)
content = f.readlines()
content = [x.strip() for x in content] # 줄 끝에 '\n'를 제거.
result = []
for path in content:
if path[0] != '#': # 주석 처리된 파일을 생략.
return result
# main
if __name__ == '__main__':
files = get_include_list('include.txt')
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Thank you very much @oiehot!

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