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Created September 9, 2018 05:11
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gulp file
* Gulp config
// Load plugins
let gulp = require('gulp');
let gulpLoadPlugins = require('gulp-load-plugins');
let del = require('del');
let browserSync = require('browser-sync').create();
let browserify = require('browserify');
let source = require('vinyl-source-stream');
let buffer = require('vinyl-buffer');
let runSequence = require('run-sequence');
let lazypipe = require('lazypipe');
let imageminPngquant = require('imagemin-pngquant');
let imagemin = require('gulp-imagemin');
let $ = gulpLoadPlugins();
let reload = browserSync.reload;
// // declare and assign paths
// const paths = {
// notNode: '!node_modules/**',
// src: 'src/',
// srcHTML: 'src/*.html',
// srcCSS: 'src/css/*.css',
// srcJS: 'src/js/*.js',
// tmp: '.tmp/', // tmp folder
// tmpIndex: '.tmp/index.html', // index.html tmp folder
// tmpCSS: '.tmp/**/*.css', // css files in .tmp folder
// tmpJS: '.tmp/**/*.js', // js files in .tmp folder
// dist: 'dist/',
// distIndex: 'dist/index.html',
// distCSS: 'dist/**/*.css',
// distJS: 'dist/**/*.js'
// };
// lint
gulp.task('lint', () => {
return gulp
.src(['src/**/*.js', '!node_modules/**'])
// clear files from temp
gulp.task('clear', () => {
// clear files from dist
gulp.task('clear:dist', () => {
return del(['dist/**/*']);
// Signature start
gulp.task('start', () => {
console.log('ssssip...ssssssip....sssssssssip ');
// Signature finish
gulp.task('neck', () => {
// Watch changes and reload
gulp.task('serve', () => {
runSequence(['clear', 'start', 'images', 'lint', 'sw', 'html'], () => {
server: '.tmp',
port: 3030
// watch['src/*.html'], ['html', reload]);['src/css/*.css'], ['html', reload]);['src/js/*.js'], ['lint', 'html', reload]);['src/sw.js'], ['lint', 'sw', reload]);['src/manifest.json'], ['manifest', reload]);
// Bundle and serve the optimized site
gulp.task('serve:dist', ['default'], () => {
server: 'dist',
port: 3031
});['src/*.html'], ['html:dist', reload]);['src/css/*.css'], ['html:dist', reload]);['src/js/*.js'], ['lint', 'html:dist', reload]);['src/sw.js'], ['lint', 'sw:dist', reload]);['src/manifest.json'], ['manifest:dist', reload]);
// serve & watch
//gulp.task('serve:build', ['copy', 'js', 'serve']);
// ensures js task is completed before reloading
// gulp.task('js-watch', ['js'], done => {
// browserSync.reload();
// done();
// });
// Copies unaltered images
gulp.task('unaltered', () => {
return gulp
// Builds responsive images
gulp.task('images', ['unaltered'], () => {
return gulp
// icons
gulp.task('icons', () => {
return gulp
// Prep process of js, css, html files
gulp.task('html', () => {
return gulp
.pipe($.if('*.css', $.autoprefixer()))
.pipe($.if('*.js', $.babel()))
removeComments: true,
collapseBooleanAttributes: true,
removeAttributeQuotes: true,
removeRedundantAttributes: true,
removeEmptyAttributes: true,
removeScriptTypeAttributes: true,
removeStyleLinkTypeAttributes: true,
removeOptionalTags: true
// Scan html for js and css then optimize
gulp.task('html:dist', () => {
return gulp
.pipe($.size({ title: 'html (before)' }))
.pipe($.useref({}, lazypipe().pipe($.sourcemaps.init)))
.pipe($.if('*.css', $.size({ title: 'css (before)' })))
restructure: false,
sourceMap: true,
debug: true
.pipe($.if('*.css', $.size({ title: 'css (after)' })))
.pipe($.if('*.css', $.autoprefixer()))
.pipe($.if('*.js', $.babel()))
.pipe($.if('*.js', $.size({ title: 'js (before)' })))
.pipe($.if('*.js', $.uglifyEs.default()))
.pipe($.if('*.js', $.size({ title: 'js (after)' })))
removeComments: true,
collapseWhitespace: true,
collapseBooleanAttributes: true,
removeAttributeQuotes: true,
removeRedundantAttributes: true,
minifyJS: { compress: { drop_console: true } },
removeEmptyAttributes: true,
removeScriptTypeAttributes: true,
removeStyleLinkTypeAttributes: true,
removeOptionalTags: true
.pipe($.if('*.html', $.size({ title: 'html (after) ', showFiles: false })))
// process sw
gulp.task('sw', () => {
let bundler = browserify('./src/sw.js', {
debug: true
return bundler
.bundle() // concatenation
.pipe(gulp.dest('.tmp')); // get stream with pathname
// optimize sw
gulp.task('sw:dist', () => {
let bundler = browserify('./src/sw.js', {
debug: true
return bundler
.bundle() // concatenation
.pipe(source('sw.js')) // get stream with pathname
.pipe(buffer()) // stream for other plugins
title: 'Sw (before) '
loadMaps: true
.pipe($.uglifyEs.default()) // minify js
title: 'Sw (after) '
// Copy web manifest
gulp.task('manifest', () => {
return gulp.src('/src/manifest.json').pipe(gulp.dest('.tmp/'));
// Copy web manifest
gulp.task('manifest:dist', () => {
return gulp.src('/src/manifest.json').pipe(gulp.dest('dist/'));
// Build production files,
gulp.task('default', ['clear:dist'], done => {
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