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Last active October 22, 2022 16:46
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import Data.List (unfoldr, partition)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Criterion.Main (defaultMain, env, bgroup, bench, nf)
import System.Random (randomIO)
import Control.Monad (replicateM)
groupOn :: Eq k => (a -> k) -> [a] -> [(k, [a])]
groupOn k = unfoldr f . map (\x -> (k x, x))
f [] = Nothing
f ((k,x):xs) = Just ((k , x : map snd ys), zs)
(ys,zs) = partition ((k==) . fst) xs
groupOnOrd :: Ord k => (a -> k) -> [a] -> [(k,[a])]
groupOnOrd k = catMaybes . go . map (\x -> (k x, x))
go [] = []
go ((k,x):xs) = Just (k, x : e) : merge m (go l) (go g)
(e, m, l, g) = foldr split ([],[],[],[]) xs
split ky@(k',y) ~(e, m, l, g) = case compare k' k of
LT -> ( e, LT : m, ky : l, g)
EQ -> (y:e, EQ : m, l, g)
GT -> ( e, GT : m, l, ky : g)
merge [] lt gt = []
merge (EQ : xs) lt gt = Nothing : merge xs lt gt
merge (LT : xs) (l:lt) gt = l : merge xs lt gt
merge (GT : xs) lt (g:gt) = g : merge xs lt gt
main =
[ env (replicateM m randomIO) $ \xs ->
bgroup (show m)
[ bgroup "id"
[ bench "groupOn" $ nf (groupOn id) xs
, bench "groupOnOrd" $ nf (groupOnOrd id) xs
] ++
[ bgroup (show (n :: Word))
[ bench "groupOn" $ nf (groupOn (`rem` n)) xs
, bench "groupOnOrd" $ nf (groupOnOrd (`rem` n)) xs
| n <- [2,3,100,1000], n < toEnum m ]
| p <- [2,3,4], let m = 10 ^ p ]
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anka-213 commented Oct 22, 2022

Riight, I see now. It's the recursive case where it breaks down, since if the child calls would remove an element of the list, it would no longer line up for the parent. Thanks for clearing it up!

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