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Last active May 14, 2022 14:55
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{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns, PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, DerivingVia, DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}
import Data.Bits
import Data.Bool
import Test.QuickCheck hiding ((.&.))
import Control.Applicative
size :: Int
size = 32
bits :: Int -> [Bool]
bits i = map (testBit i) [size-1,size-2..0]
truncTo :: Int -> Int -> Int
n `truncTo` t = n .&. (2 ^ t - 1)
trunc :: Int -> Int
trunc = flip truncTo size
data Ranges
= None
| !Ranges :!!: !Ranges
| All
| Seg {-# UNPACK #-} !Int {-# UNPACK #-} !Int {-# UNPACK #-} !Int !Ranges
-- ^ ^ ^
-- Length Path Offshoots
deriving (Show)
-- A segment in a tree is a run of children with only one non-leaf child, i.e.:
-- .
-- |\
-- | \
-- . All
-- /|
-- / |
-- None .
-- |\ ~= (None :!: ((... :!: None) :!: All)) :!: All
-- | \
-- . All
-- |\
-- | \
-- . None
-- / \
-- ...
-- Here, it's wasteful to store this as a tree, since it's really just a linked list.
-- We can compress it, however, into a few `Int`s, using the `Seg` constructor.
-- This has 4 fields:
-- 1. The first is the length of the segment. In the example above, it's 4.
-- 2. The second is the path the tree continues down. Above, that's
-- Left, Right, Left, Left
-- We can encode this as a bit string, 0100, or the int 4.
-- 3. The last field is the offshoots: the leaves as you walk down the path.
-- Above, they are:
-- All, None, All, None
-- Which encoded is 1010, giving us 10.
-- This means that instead of 4 constructors we can instead have the single constructor
-- Seg 4 4 10 ...
instance Eq Ranges where
None == None = True
All == All = True
(xl :!: xr) == (yl :!: yr) = (xl == yl) && (xr == yr)
_ == _ = False
instance Ord Ranges where
None <= _ = True
_ <= All = True
All <= _ = False
_ <= None = False
(xl :!: xr) <= (yl :!: yr) = case compare xl yl of
LT -> True
GT -> False
EQ -> xr <= yr
compare None None = EQ
compare None _ = LT
compare _ None = GT
compare All All = EQ
compare All _ = GT
compare _ All = LT
compare (xl :!: xr) (yl :!: yr) = compare xl yl <> compare xr yr
pattern (:!:) :: Ranges -> Ranges -> Ranges
pattern x :!: y <- (unconsBranch -> Just (x, y))
All :!: All = All
None :!: None = None
None :!: Seg l p o r = Seg (l+1) (setBit p l) o r
All :!: Seg l p o r = Seg (l+1) (setBit p l) (setBit o l) r
Seg l p o r :!: None = Seg (l+1) p o r
Seg l p o r :!: All = Seg (l+1) p (setBit o l) r
None :!: y = Seg 1 1 0 y
All :!: y = Seg 1 1 1 y
x :!: None = Seg 1 0 0 x
x :!: All = Seg 1 0 1 x
x :!: y = x :!!: y
{-# COMPLETE (:!:), None, All #-}
unconsBranch :: Ranges -> Maybe (Ranges, Ranges)
unconsBranch (xs :!!: ys) = Just (xs, ys)
unconsBranch (Seg l p o r)
| testBit p (l-1) = Just (bool None All (testBit o (l-1)), tl l p o r)
| otherwise = Just (tl l p o r, bool None All (testBit o (l-1)))
tl 1 _ _ r = r
tl l p o r = Seg (l-1) (clearBit p (l-1)) (clearBit o (l-1)) r
unconsBranch None = Nothing
unconsBranch All = Nothing
compl :: Ranges -> Ranges
compl None = All
compl All = None
compl (x :!: y) = compl x :!: compl y
singleton :: Int -> Ranges
singleton i = Seg size (trunc i) 0 All
differAt :: Int -> Int -> Int
differAt x y = (finiteBitSize x - 1) - countLeadingZeros (xor x y)
(?) :: Int -> Ranges -> Bool
(?) n = go (size-1)
go _ All = True
go _ None = False
go i (l :!!: r)
| testBit n i = go (i-1) r
| otherwise = go (i-1) l
-- This finds if the needle diverges from the path, and if so it returns the
-- offshoot at that point, otherwise (i.e. the path is followed to the end) we
-- recurse on the child node.
go i (Seg l p o r)
| d >= 0 = testBit o d
| otherwise = go (i-l) r
where d = differAt ((n `shiftR` ((i+1)-l)) `truncTo` l) p
slowMember :: Int -> Ranges -> Bool
slowMember i t = foldr f (All ==) (bits (trunc i)) t
f _ _ All = True
f _ _ None = False
f False k (l :!: _) = k l
f True k (_ :!: r) = k r
instance Num Ranges where
None + x = x
All + _ = All
x + None = x
_ + All = All
xl :!: xr + yl :!: yr = (xl + yl) :!: (xr + yr)
None * _ = None
All * x = x
_ * None = None
x * All = x
xl :!: xr * yl :!: yr = (xl * yl) :!: (xr * yr)
fromInteger = singleton . fromEnum
abs = id
_ - All = None
x - None = x
None - _ = None
All - y = compl y
xl :!: xr - yl :!: yr = (xl - yl) :!: (xr - yr)
signum None = 0
signum _ = 1
atLeast :: Int -> Ranges
atLeast i = foldr (bool (:!: All) (None :!:)) All (take (size - countTrailingZeros i) (bits i))
lessThan :: Int -> Ranges
lessThan i = compl (atLeast i)
atMost :: Int -> Ranges
atMost i = lessThan i + singleton i
range :: Int -> Int -> Ranges
range lb ub = atLeast lb * atMost ub
enumerate :: Ranges -> [Int]
enumerate r = go size 0 r []
go !n !a All = (++) [a .. (a + (2^n) - 1)]
go !_ !_ None = id
go !0 !_ _ = id
go !n !a (l :!: r) = go (n-1) a l . go (n-1) ((2^(n-1)) + a) r
instance Arbitrary Ranges where
arbitrary = sized (go . min size . fromEnum . logBase 2 . (toEnum :: Int -> Double))
go 0 = elements [All, None]
go n = frequency [(n, let r = go (n-1) in liftA2 (:!:) r r), (1, elements [All, None])]
shrink (x :!: y) = None : All : x : y : map (uncurry (:!:)) (shrink (x, y))
shrink _ = []
newtype InRange = InRange Int
deriving stock (Eq, Ord)
deriving newtype (Show, Enum, Num, Integral, Real)
instance Bounded InRange where
minBound = 0
maxBound = 2 ^ size - 1
instance Arbitrary InRange where
arbitrary = arbitrarySizedBoundedIntegral
shrink = shrinkIntegral
prop_member :: InRange -> Property
prop_member (InRange i) = property (i ? singleton i)
prop_fastMember :: InRange -> Ranges -> Property
prop_fastMember (InRange i) r = slowMember i r === (i ? r)
prop_delete :: InRange -> Ranges -> Property
prop_delete (InRange i) r = not (i ? r) ==> ((singleton i + r) - singleton i) === r
prop_compl :: Ranges -> Property
prop_compl r = r + compl r === All
prop_range :: InRange -> InRange -> InRange -> Property
prop_range (InRange lb) (InRange ub) (InRange i) = ((lb <= i) && (i <= ub)) === (i ? range lb ub)
prop_all :: Property
prop_all = range 0 (2^size - 1) === All
return []
main :: IO Bool
main = $quickCheckAll
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