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Last active May 17, 2016 11:04
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import Control.Monad
import Data.Char
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
data State = State { code :: [Char], codeIndex :: Int
, memory :: [Int], memIndex :: Int
, input :: [Char], brackets :: Map Int Int }
main = do
fstLine <- getLine
secLine <- getLine
rawCodeFile <- replicateM (read $ last $ words fstLine) getLine
let codeStr = filter (`elem` "><+-.,[]") (unlines rawCodeFile)
putStrLn $ executeProgramString codeStr (init secLine)
executeProgramString program input = exceuteProgram 100000 $ State program 0 (repeat 0) 0 input Map.empty
exceuteProgram steps state
| codeIndex state == length (code state) = ""
| steps == 0 = "\nPROCESS TIME OUT. KILLED!!!"
| token == '>' = (execPrAdvCode $ changeMemL 1 state)
| token == '<' = (execPrAdvCode $ changeMemL (-1) state)
| token == '+' = (execPrAdvCode $ addMem 1 state)
| token == '-' = (execPrAdvCode $ addMem (-1) state)
| token == ',' = (execPrAdvCode $ readInput $ changeMem (ord $ head $ input state) state)
| token == '.' = (chr currMemC) : (execPrAdvCode $ state)
| token == '[' && currMemC == 0 = excProg $ rotateToBr 1 state
| token == '[' = execPrAdvCode state
| token == ']' && currMemC == 0 = execPrAdvCode state
| token == ']' = excProg $ rotateToBr (-1) state
where token = code state !! codeIndex state
excProg = exceuteProgram $ steps - 1
execPrAdvCode state = excProg $ state {codeIndex = 1 + codeIndex state}
readInput state = state {input = tail $ input state}
currMemC = memory state !! memIndex state
addMem n = changeMem (currMemC + n)
changeMem n state = state {memory = replaceAtIndex (memIndex state) (n `mod` 256) (memory state)}
changeMemL n state = state {memIndex = n + memIndex state}
replaceAtIndex n item ls = a ++ (item:b) where (a, (_:b)) = splitAt n ls
rotateToBr :: Int -> State -> State
rotateToBr dir state
| isJust memoBr = state { codeIndex = fromJust memoBr }
| otherwise = state { codeIndex = search, brackets = bracketsLst }
where bracketsLst = Map.insert search index $ Map.insert index search (brackets state)
index = codeIndex state
memoBr = Map.lookup index $ brackets state
search = searchR (code state) index 0 dir
searchR code ind depth dir
| currDepth == 0 = ind
| otherwise = searchR code (ind+dir) currDepth dir
where currDepth
| code !! ind == '[' = depth+1
| code !! ind == ']' = depth-1
| otherwise = depth
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