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Created November 27, 2016 20:42
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#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
class Student {
string fName_, sName_;
int id_, grade_;
Student(string fName, string sName, int id, int grade){
fName_ = fName;
sName_ = sName;
id_ = id;
grade_ = grade;
int Compare(string fName, string sName){
// tiebreak on second names first, but if they're equal consider first names.
int comp =;
if (comp != 0) return comp;
int Compare(Student *s2){
return Compare(s2->fName_, s2->sName_);
void Print(){
cout << "Name: " << sName_ << ", " << fName_ << endl <<
"ID: " << id_ << endl <<
"Final Grade: " << grade_ << endl <<
"-----" << endl;
class LLNode {
Student *data;
LLNode *next;
LLNode(Student *st) {
data = st;
next = NULL;
class LinkedList {
LLNode *head_;
LLNode *tail_;
LinkedList() {
head_ = tail_ = NULL;
void Add(Student *st){
LLNode *node = new LLNode(st);
// first node in list
if (!head_) {
head_ = tail_ = node;
LLNode *ptr = head_;
LLNode *prev = NULL;
while(ptr && st->Compare(ptr->data) >= 0) {
prev = ptr;
ptr = ptr->next;
// first node
if (!prev) {
node->next = head_;
head_ = node;
// if it's the last node, update tail var.
if (!ptr) tail_ = node;
// insert at this loc.
node->next = prev->next;
prev->next = node;
Student* FindStudent(string fName, string lName){
LLNode *ptr = head_;
int c = 0;
while (ptr){
int comp = ptr->data->Compare(fName, lName);
if (comp == 0){
else if (comp > 0) {
ptr = NULL;
ptr = ptr->next;
cout << "Number of comparisons made: " << c << endl;
if (ptr) {
cout << "Student found..." << endl;
return ptr->data;
else {
cout << "No matching student found." << endl;
return NULL;
void Print(){
LLNode *ptr = head_;
while (ptr){
ptr = ptr->next;
class TreeNode {
Student *FindStudent(string fName, string lName, int i){
int comp = data_->Compare(fName, lName);
if (comp == 0) {
// print stuff..
cout << "Number of comparisons made: " << i << endl;
cout << "Student found..." << endl;
return data_;
TreeNode *t = (comp > 0 ? left_ : right_);
if (t)
return t->FindStudent(fName, lName, i+1);
else {
cout << "Number of comparisons made: " << i << endl;
cout << "Student not in tree." << endl;
Student *data_;
TreeNode *left_;
TreeNode *right_;
TreeNode(Student *stu){
data_ = stu;
void Add(Student *stu){
TreeNode **ptr = (data_->Compare(stu) > 0) ? &left_ : &right_;
if (*ptr) (*ptr)->Add(stu);
else *ptr = new TreeNode(stu);
Student *FindStudent(string fName, string lName){
return FindStudent(fName, lName, 0);
int main(){
int NUM_STU = 10000;
vector<Student*> students;
string fName, lName;
int id, grade;
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_STU; i++){
cin >> lName >> fName >> id >> grade;
students.push_back(new Student(fName, lName, id, grade));
cout << endl;
cout << "---------- LINKED LIST RESULTS ----------" << endl;
LinkedList *s_ll = new LinkedList();
for (Student* s : students){
s_ll->FindStudent("Abraham", "CRONIN");
s_ll->FindStudent("Collin", "BREE");
s_ll->FindStudent("Etienne", "HOLOHAN");
s_ll->FindStudent("", "AAAA");
s_ll->FindStudent("", "ZZZZ");
cout << endl;
cout << "---------- BINARY TREE RESULTS ----------" << endl;
TreeNode *s_bst = new TreeNode(students[0]);
for (int i = 1; i < NUM_STU; i++){
s_bst->FindStudent("Abraham", "CRONIN");
s_bst->FindStudent("Collin", "BREE");
s_bst->FindStudent("Etienne", "HOLOHAN");
s_bst->FindStudent("", "AAAA");
s_bst->FindStudent("", "ZZZZ");
cout << endl;
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