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<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="//" />
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<script data-no-instant>
InstantClick.on('change', function(isInitialLoad){
if (isInitialLoad === false) {
if (typeof MathJax !== 'undefined'){
oit63 / Mac Chrome Application Shortcuts 2018-06.txt
Created December 3, 2018 05:10 — forked from yeutterg/Mac Chrome Application Shortcuts 2018-06.txt
How to enable Application Shortcuts on Chrome for Mac, as of June 2018
How to get "Application Shortcut" functionality on Chrome for Mac, as of June 2018:
1. Type chrome://flags/ in the URL bar and hit return
2. Enable these options:
- The new bookmark app system
- Allow hosted apps to be opened in windows
- Creation of app shims for hosted apps on Mac
3. Restart the browser
4. Visit the web page you would like to turn into an application
5. Navigate to Settings > More Tools > Create Shortcut...
oit63 / luna_pinyin.custom.yaml
Created August 22, 2018 02:19 — forked from lotem/luna_pinyin.custom.yaml
# luna_pinyin.custom.yaml
# 修改字典名爲 luna_pinyin.kunki
# 其對應的用戶詞典名取句點之前部分即 luna_pinyin
translator/dictionary: luna_pinyin.kunki
oit63 /
Created April 1, 2018 14:03 — forked from mamiu/
Install fish shell in Debian 8 (commands from the original fish shell website).
echo 'deb /' >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/fish.list
apt-get update
wget -qO - | apt-key add -
apt-get update
apt-get install -y fish
NIC_MS_AD_QUICK_INTRO: "Introduction",
MISC_QSYNC_ERRMSG03: "Each job supports maximum 5 folder pairs.",
MISC_QSYNC_ERRMSG05: "The password should only contain 1-16 characters.",
MISC_QSYNC_ERRMSG08: "The time interval must be larger than 5 minutes.",
MISC_QSYNC_ERRMSG09: "The source and target paths are identical.",
MISC_QSYNC_ERRMSG11: "The specified paths are parent and child folders.",
MISC_QSYNC_ERRMSG12: "Please specify at least one pair of folders.",
NSString *propertyAttributes = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:property_getAttributes(property)];
NSArray *propertyAttributesStringArray = [propertyAttributes componentsSeparatedByString:@","];
NSString *propertyClassInformationString = classTypeStringArray[0];
NSString *propertyClassTypeString = [propertyClassInformationString componentsSeparatedByString:@"\""][1];
NSString *propertyClassProtocolsString = [propertyClassInformationString componentsSeparatedByString:@"\""][2];
propertyClassProtocolsString = [classTypeString stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@">" withString:@""];
propertyClassProtocolsString = [classTypeString stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"<" withString:@""];
NSArray *propertyClassProtocolsArray = [propertyClassProtocolsString componentsSeparatedByString:@","];