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Last active June 26, 2023 07:23
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AppleScript to position newly created iTerm windows next to previous windows. Either in column or row direction
use framework "AppKit"
property ca : current application
on run {input, parameters}
-- calculate screen size
set activeScreenVisibleFrame to ca's NSScreen's mainScreen()'s visibleFrame()
set activeScreenSize to {ca's NSWidth(activeScreenVisibleFrame) as integer, ca's NSHeight(activeScreenVisibleFrame) as integer}
set screenWidth to item 1 of activeScreenSize
set screenHeight to item 2 of activeScreenSize
-- requested window size
set WindowWidth to 800
set WindowHeight to 500
set winWidth to WindowWidth
set winHeight to WindowHeight
-- fit at least 2x2 windows on screen
if (screenWidth / 2 < WindowWidth) then set winWidth to (screenWidth / 2) as integer
if (screenHeight / 2 < WindowHeight) then set winHeight to (screenHeight / 2) as integer
set direction to "column" -- "row" / "column"
tell application "iTerm"
set winCount to (count windows)
-- calculate the maximum number of columns and rows that can fit on the screen
set maxCols to (screenWidth div winWidth)
set maxRows to (screenHeight div winHeight)
set numberOfPositionedWindows to 0
repeat with i from 1 to winCount
-- loop windows backwards, 1st window is the latest
set thisWin to item (winCount - i + 1) of windows
-- see if other windows are positioned automatically by checking if their width and height match the default
set {x, y, x2, y2} to bounds of thisWin
set w to x2 - x
set h to y2 - y
if w is winWidth and h is winHeight then
set numberOfPositionedWindows to numberOfPositionedWindows + 1
end if
-- all windows positioned
if numberOfPositionedWindows = winCount then return
-- position the last window
if i is winCount then
if direction = "row" then
set column to numberOfPositionedWindows mod maxCols
set colPos to winWidth * column
set windowsOnLastRow to (numberOfPositionedWindows mod maxCols)
set row to (numberOfPositionedWindows - windowsOnLastRow) div maxCols
set rowPos to row * winHeight
else if direction = "column" then
set row to numberOfPositionedWindows mod maxRows
set rowPos to winHeight * row
set windowsOnLastColumn to (numberOfPositionedWindows mod maxRows)
set col to (numberOfPositionedWindows - windowsOnLastColumn) div maxRows
set colPos to col * winWidth
end if
set bounds of thisWin to {colPos, rowPos, colPos + winWidth, rowPos + winHeight}
end if
end repeat
end tell
return input
end run
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oiva commented Apr 20, 2023

I set this to run in my ~/.zshrc
osascript ./apple\ scripts/position-terminals.scpt

It's a bit slow (0.3 seconds) but the terminal is interactive while the script positions it

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