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Last active July 22, 2021 11:43
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ALM REST API usage with curl

This GIST shows example on how to authenticate with ALM REST API and run queries.

SSL certificate verification

curl uses the file "ca-bundle.crt" by default and will get client certificates from that file. This is needed to avoid to use the "-k" unsecure switch in curl. Append the content of the ca-bundle.crt in this GIST to the rest of the ca-bundle.crt file, as provided by curl out of the box.


By default, the ALM REST API returns XML data. If you want to get JSON data, add -H "Accept: application/json"

Authenticate with ALM and set the LWSSO_COOKIE_KEY cookie

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: text/xml" --cookie cookies.txt -k --cookie-jar cookies.txt -d "<alm-authentication><user>alm_user</user><password>alm_password</password></alm-authentication>" https://alm_host:8443/qcbin/authentication-point/alm-authenticate

Alternatively (same result):

curl --cookie cookies.txt --cookie-jar cookies.txt --user alm_user:alm_password https://alm_host:8443/qcbin/authentication-point/authenticate

Setup QCSession cookie (need with ALM >= 12.x)

curl -X POST --cookie cookies.txt --cookie-jar cookies.txt https://alm_host:8443/qcbin/rest/site-session

Get defects assigned to an individual

curl --cookie cookies.txt --cookie-jar cookies.txt -g "https://alm_host:8443/qcbin/rest/domains/[ALM_DOMAIN]/projects/[ALM_PROJECT]/defects?fields=id,name,status,severity,owner&query={owner['alm_user']}"

Get opened defects for a given EPR ID (user-template-35=205713 in this example) (IT Domain)

curl --cookie cookies.txt --cookie-jar cookies.txt -g "https://alm_host:8443/qcbin/rest/domains/IT/projects/WORKSPACE_2/defects?fields=id,name,status,severity,owner&query={user-template-35['205713*'];status[Not%20Closed]}"

Get the list of all fields you can filter on by querying all fields of a particular command

curl --cookie cookies.txt --cookie-jar cookies.txt -g "https://alm_host:8443/qcbin/rest/domains/IT/projects/WORKSPACE_2/defects/14729"

Logout when you are done (or keep re-using the cookie and disconnect only at the end of the session)

curl --cookie cookies.txt -k --cookie-jar cookies.txt https://alm_host:8443/qcbin/authentication-point/logout

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