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Last active October 2, 2023 12:35
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WGS84 to ETRS-TM35FIN coordinate system converter in Java
public class WGS84_to_ETRS89_TM35FIN {
private static final double F = 1d / 298.257222101d; // Ellipsoidin litistyssuhde
private static final double N = F / (2d - F);
private static final double A1 = (6378137d / (1d + N)) * (1d + (Math.pow(N, 2) / 4d) + (Math.pow(N, 4) / 64d)); // Isoakselin puolikas
private static final double E_POW_SQRT = Math.sqrt((2d * F) - Math.pow(F, 2));
private static final double H1 = (1d / 2d) * N - (2d / 3d) * Math.pow(N, 2) + (5d / 16d) * Math.pow(N, 3) + (41d / 180d) * Math.pow(N, 4);
private static final double H2 = (13d / 48d) * Math.pow(N, 2) - (3d / 5d) * Math.pow(N, 3) + (557d / 1440d) * Math.pow(N, 4);
private static final double H3 = (61d / 240d) * Math.pow(N, 3) - (103d / 140d) * Math.pow(N, 4);
private static final double H4 = (49561d / 161280d) * Math.pow(N, 4);
private static final double LAMBDA_ZERO = 0.471238898d; // Keskimeridiaani (rad), 27 astetta
private static final double K_ZERO = 0.9996d; // Mittakaavakerroin
private static final double E_ZERO = 500000d; // Itäkoordinaatti
public static void main(final String[] args) {
// Tests
System.out.println("%s => %s".formatted(
convert(61.690427d, 27.267360d))
System.out.println("%s => %s".formatted(
convert(61.680366d, 27.258336d))
System.out.println("%s => %s".formatted(
convert(65.017913d, 25.475675d))
* Converts WGS84 to ETRS89_TM35FIN
* <p>Based on and</p>
* @author JHaiko 2023
public static String convert(final double latitude, final double longitude) {
final double fii = Math.toRadians(latitude);
final double beta = Math.atan(Math.sinh(asinh(Math.tan(fii)) - E_POW_SQRT * atanh(E_POW_SQRT * Math.sin(fii))));
final double etaDot = atanh(Math.cos(beta) * Math.sin(Math.toRadians(longitude) - LAMBDA_ZERO));
final double zetaDot = Math.asin(Math.sin(beta) / (1d / Math.cosh(etaDot)));
final double zeta =
+ (H1 * Math.sin(2d * zetaDot) * Math.cosh(2d * etaDot))
+ (H2 * Math.sin(4d * zetaDot) * Math.cosh(4d * etaDot))
+ (H3 * Math.sin(6d * zetaDot) * Math.cosh(6d * etaDot))
+ (H4 * Math.sin(8d * zetaDot) * Math.cosh(8d * etaDot));
final double eta =
+ (H1 * Math.cos(2d * zetaDot) * Math.sinh(2d * etaDot))
+ (H2 * Math.cos(4d * zetaDot) * Math.sinh(4d * etaDot))
+ (H3 * Math.cos(6d * zetaDot) * Math.sinh(6d * etaDot))
+ (H4 * Math.cos(8d * zetaDot) * Math.sinh(8d * etaDot));
return "%s,%s".formatted(
A1 * zeta * K_ZERO,
A1 * eta * K_ZERO + E_ZERO
// FIXME: Use Apache Commons Math
private static double asinh(final double _double) {
final double sign;
final double a;
if (Double.doubleToRawLongBits(_double) < 0) {
a = Math.abs(_double);
sign = -1.0d;
} else {
a = _double;
sign = 1.0d;
return sign * Math.log(Math.sqrt(a * a + 1.0d) + a);
// FIXME: Use Apache Commons Math
private static double atanh(final double _double) {
final double mult;
final double a;
if (Double.doubleToRawLongBits(_double) < 0) {
a = Math.abs(_double);
mult = -0.5d;
} else {
a = _double;
mult = 0.5d;
return mult * Math.log((1.0d + a) / (1.0d - a));
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