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Last active January 3, 2016 19:39
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(define (cps expr)
(define (cps-arg arg)
(if (and (pair? arg) (not (eq? (car arg) 'lambda)))
`(let ((pending? #t)
(arg-val '<undefined>))
(lambda (k)
(if pending?
,(cps-nested arg
(lambda (arg-code)
`(begin (set! pending? #f)
(set! arg-val ,arg-code)
(k arg-val))))
(k arg-val))))
(cps-tail-call arg)))
(define (cps-arg-list arg-list)
(if (pair? arg-list)
(cons (cps-arg (car arg-list))
(cps-arg-list (cdr arg-list)))
(define (cps-atom-nested expr builder)
(if (symbol? expr)
`(,expr (lambda (v) ,(builder 'v)))
(builder expr)))
(define (cps-lambda-nested params body builder)
(builder `(lambda ,params ,(cps-tail-call body))))
(define (cps-application-nested op args builder)
(cps-nested op (lambda (op-code)
`(,(cons op-code (cps-arg-list args))
(lambda (v) ,(builder 'v))))))
(define (cps-nested expr builder)
(if (pair? expr)
(if (eq? (car expr) 'lambda)
(cps-lambda-nested (cadr expr) (caddr expr) builder)
(cps-application-nested (car expr) (cdr expr) builder))
(cps-atom-nested expr builder)))
(define (cps-atom-tail-call expr cont)
(if (symbol? expr)
`(,expr ,cont)
`(,cont ,expr)))
(define (cps-lambda-tail-call params body cont)
`(,cont (lambda ,params ,(cps-tail-call body))))
(define (cps-application-tail-call op args cont)
(cps-nested op (lambda (op-code)
`(,(cons op-code (cps-arg-list args)) ,cont))))
(define (cps-tail-call expr)
`(lambda (k)
,(if (pair? expr)
(if (eq? (car expr) 'lambda)
(cps-lambda-tail-call (cadr expr) (caddr expr) 'k)
(cps-application-tail-call (car expr) (cdr expr) 'k))
(cps-atom-tail-call expr 'k))))
(if (and (pair? expr) (eq? (car expr) 'define))
`(define ,(cadr expr) ,(cps-tail-call (caddr expr)))
`(,(cps-tail-call expr) (lambda (val) val))))
(define (lazy-repl environment)
(begin (display "> ")
(let ((expr (read)))
(if (not (eof-object? expr))
(begin (display (eval (cps expr) environment))
(lazy-repl environment))))))
(lazy-repl (interaction-environment))
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