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vim cheatsheet

VIM cheatsheet

A list of commands for Vim and Neovim.


  • N : Normal mode
  • I : Insert mode
  • V : Visual mode
  • Ex : Command-Line mode
  • C-<char> : Ctrl+<char>
  • <leader> : By default \



Command Mode Description
h/j/k/l N Move cursor
gk N Up one display line
gj N Down one display line
gg N Move to start of file
G N Move to end of file
0 N Move to start of line
^ N Move to first nonblank character
$ N Move to end of line
w/W N Forward to start of next word/WORD
b/B N Backward to start of previous word/WORD
e/E N Forward to end of current word/WORD
ge/gE N Backward to end of previous word/WORD
% N Jump between matching keywords
<C-u> N Up one half of the screen
<C-d> N Down one half of the screen
<C-y> N Up one line
<C-e> N Down one line
zz N Center the cursor
<C-o> N Go to previous jump location
<C-i> N Go to next jump location
m{a-zA-Z} N Mark current cursor location
`{mark} N Move to the line where a mark was set
`` N Move to position before last jump
marks Ex Show list of marks


Command Mode Description
i N Insert a character before the cursor
I N Insert a character at start of line
a N Append a character after the cursor
A N Append a character at end of line
o N Append a line below the cursor
O N Append a line up the cursor
r N Replace one character
R N Replace mode
x N Delete character under the cursor
d N Delete
dd N Delete a line
D N Delete to end of line
c N Change
cc N Change the entire line
C N Change to end of line
s N Substitute a character
J N Join lines
> N Increase indentation
>> N Increase line indentation
< N Decrease indentation
<< N Decrease line indentation
~ N Swap case
gU N Make uppercase
gu N Make lowercase
<C-w> I Delete back one word
<C-u> I Delete back to start of line
<C-o> I Go to Normal mode for one command


Command Mode Description
<C-a> N Increment
<C-x> N Decrement
<C-r>={expr} I Evaluate and insert result of expression

Undo and Redo

Command Mode Description
. N Repeat last change
u N Undo last change
<C-r> N Redo last change

Search and Replace

Command Mode Description
f{char} N Forward to next occurrence of {char}
F{char} N Backward to previous occurrence of {char}
t{char} N Forward to the character before the next occurrence of {char}
T{char} N Backward to the character after the previous occurrence of {char}
; N Repeat the last character-search command
, N Reverse the last character-search command
/{pattern} N Search pattern forward
?{pattern} N Search pattern backward
n N Jump to next search match
N N Jump to previous search match
* N Search for the word under the cursor
\v Ex Regex searches
\V Ex Literal searches
%s/old/new/gc Ex Replace all occurrences (g) on all lines (%) with confirmation (c)


Command Mode Description
y N Yank
yy N Yank the entire line
p N Paste after the cursor
P N Paste before the cursor
<C-r>{reg} I Paste content of a register
reg Ex Show registers content
Register Description
"" Unnamed register
"{reg} Select register
"0 Yank register
"_ Black hole register
"+ System clipboard register
"* Selection register
"= Expression register
"% Filename register


Command Mode Description
q{a-z} N Record a macro
q N Stop recording macro
@{a-z} N Play a macro
@@ N Replay most recently used macro

Visual Mode

Command Mode Description
v N Enable visual mode
V N Enable line-wise visual mode
<C-v> N Enable block-wise visual mode
gv N Reselect last visual selection
o V Go to the other end of higlighted text

Command-Line Mode

Command Mode Description
: N Enable Command-Line mode
@: N Repeat last Ex command
<C-f> Ex Switch to the command-line window
<C-r><C-w> Ex Insert the current word into the command prompt
!<cmd> Ex Run a shell command
shell Ex Start an interactive shell session
terminal Ex Create a terminal buffer
set spell Ex Enable spell checker
z= Ex Suggest corrections for current word
noh Ex Remove highlights

Buffers, Tabs and Windows

Command Mode Description
ls Ex Print the buffer list
bn Ex Switch to next buffer
bp Ex Switch to previous buffer
bd Ex Delete buffer
<C-w>s N Split current window horizontally
<C-w>v N Split current window vertically
<C-w>h/j/k/l N Move focus
<C-w>H/J/K/L N Move windows
<C-w>w N Cycle between open windows
<C-w>c N Close active window
<C-w>o N Close all windows except current
tabnew Ex Create a new tab
tabclose Ex Close a tab
gt N Switch to next tab


Command Mode Description
w Ex Save file
w !sudo tee % > /dev/null/ Ex Save file as root (Vim only)
e Ex Edit file
q Ex Exit vim

Code compilation

Command Mode Description
set makeprg={cmd} Ex Define the command executed by make
make Ex Execute command
copen Ex Open quickfix window
cclose Ex Close quickfix window
cfirst Ex Jump to quickfix first item
clast Ex Jump to quickfix last item
cn Ex Jump to next quickfix item
cp Ex Jump to previous quickfix item
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