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Created February 28, 2022 13:00
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import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd
from func import FeatureSelector
from charts import *
from models import ModelRunner
import warnings
from sklearn.exceptions import DataConversionWarning
warnings.filterwarnings(action='ignore', category=DataConversionWarning)
df = None # global dataframe; if it is not uploaded, it is None.
def main():
global df
st.title("Feature Selection App")
st.sidebar.subheader("File Upload")
uploaded_file = st.sidebar.file_uploader(label="Upload your file, Only .csv or .xlsx",type=['csv','xlsx'])
#file upload
if uploaded_file is not None:
df = pd.read_csv(uploaded_file)
df = pd.read_excel(uploaded_file)
#after upload
if df is not None:
#display dataframe
#select target variable
target = st.selectbox("Select Target Feature",df.columns)
#select feature selection method
selector ="Selection Method",options=["SelectKBest","RFE","SelectFromModel"])
F = FeatureSelector(df,target)
univariate,ref,sfm,problem = F.get_result_dictionaries()
if selector == "SelectKBest":
fig = barchart(univariate["feature_names"], univariate["scores"],"Feature Scores acc to SelectKBest")
elif selector == "RFE":
fig = barchart(ref["feature_names"], ref["ranking"],"Ranking acc to RFE; (Lower better)")
elif selector == "SelectFromModel":
fig = barchart(sfm["feature_names"], sfm["scores"],"Feature Scores acc to SelectFromModel")
#select k number of features to proceed
k = st.number_input("Number of Feature to proceed (k): ", min_value=0, max_value= len(df.columns) - 1)
if problem == "regression":
model = st.selectbox("ML Method",["Linear Regression","XGBoost"])
model = st.selectbox("ML Method",["Logistic Regression","Decision Tree"])
#when k is determined
if k > 0:
#get last X,y according to feature selection
X,_,temp,col_types,_ = F.extract_x_y()
y = df[target].values.reshape(-1,1)
#feature set
if selector == "SelectKBest":
X = F.univariate_feature_selection(X,y,temp,k)["X"]
elif selector == "RFE":
X = F.ref_feature_selection(X,y,temp,col_types,k)["X"]
elif selector == "SelectFromModel":
X = F.sfm_feature_selection(X,y,temp,col_types,k)["X"]
#run models
M = ModelRunner(model,X,y,problem)
score = M.runner()
#display score
st.write("Score of Model: {}".format(score))
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