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Created September 25, 2011 15:33
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Solution: Google Royale (Google Code Jam 2011 World Finals Problem E)
"" Solution: Google Royale (Google Code Jam 2011 World Finals Problem E)
"" by:
"" run: python infile outfile
import sys
# files
fin = file(sys.argv[1])
fout = open(sys.argv[2], 'w')
lines = fin.readlines()
tests = int(lines[0])
# parse input
games = {}
for i in range(1, tests+1):
keys = ['A','M','V']
vals = str(lines[i]).split(' ')
vals[2] = (vals[2].splitlines())[0] # chomp trailing newline
games[i] = dict(zip(keys, vals))
# solver
def rounds(A, M2, V):
# bets
b0 = 0
b1 = 1
# inflection points
f = True
j = 2
b2 = 1
while f:
k = 1 << j
if (k > M2):
a = min(V / 2, M2 / k)
t = (k - 2) * a
if (t >= b0):
b0 = t
b2 = j
b1 = a
j = j + 1
# initial bet and win probability
if (A >= b1):
wp = float(A + b0) / float(V + b0)
ib = min(min(A - b1, V - A), M2 / 2)
t = A + b0
j = 1
f = True
while f:
k = 1 << j
if (k - 1 > t):
if (t % (k - 1) == 0):
t0 = t / (k - 1)
if (t0 <= A and A + t0 <= V and A + t0 + b0 <= M2):
ib = max(ib, t0)
j = j + 1
return (wp, ib)
(wp, ib) = rounds(A, M2, b1)
wp = wp * float(b1 + b0) / float(V + b0)
return (wp, ib)
# betting rounds
for i in range (1, tests+1):
# game conditions
A = int(games[i]['A'])
M = int(games[i]['M'])
V = int(games[i]['V'])
M2 = 2 * M
(wp, ib) = rounds(A, M2, V)
# output file
fout.write("Case #%d: %.12f %d\n" % (i, wp, ib))
Answer cribbed from contest victor rng..58 sol'n and contest analysis,
There is nothing quite like a hard probability problem, now off to
break the bank at monte carlo ;)
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