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Created November 12, 2024 00:44
easily switch between the current glyph edit window and the current font overview window
# menuTitle : Current UFO to Front
# shortCut : command+control+]
from AppKit import *
from mojo.UI import CurrentWindow, CurrentGlyphWindow, AllFontWindows, AllGlyphWindows
def current_to_front():
okay-type /
Created September 17, 2024 18:35
Decomposed nested components one level. In robofont, obvs.
f = CurrentFont()
for g in f.selectedGlyphs:
if len(g.components) > 0:
with g.undo('Nested Decompose ' +
for component in g.components:
baseGlyph = f[component.baseGlyph]
if len(baseGlyph.components) > 0:
pen = g.getPointPen()
# menuTitle: Sort Script Menu
import AppKit
from import CallbackWrapper
from mojo.subscriber import Subscriber, registerRoboFontSubscriber, registerSubscriberEvent, getRegisteredSubscriberEvents
class sort_script_menu(Subscriber):
okay-type / randomly-transform-each.jsx
Last active March 14, 2024 20:27
An InDesign script to randomly transform each selected object
// indesign script
// apply a random transformation to each selected objects
// 2024
function rotate_objects(params) {
var rotate_range = parseFloat(params[0])
var x_range = params[1]
okay-type /
Created January 6, 2024 00:39
Open Robofont scripting windows with preset code
from mojo.subscriber import Subscriber, registerRoboFontSubscriber
# set as a startup script
# open new scripting windows with preset code
# requires Robofont beta 2401051907 (5 January 2024) or later
preset = '''# a = AllFonts()
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Last active August 29, 2023 18:13
add update remove menu items
from vanilla import *
from AppKit import NSApp, NSMenuItem, NSImage
from mojo.UI import MenuBuilder
from lib.doodleMenus import BaseMenu
import AppKit
# print(help(MenuBuilder))
class testMenu():
okay-type /
Created June 13, 2023 18:48
shift+click a vanilla checkbox to un/check other checkboxes
from vanilla import *
from AppKit import NSEvent, NSShiftKeyMask, NSCommandKeyMask, NSAlternateKeyMask, NSControlKeyMask
class Test_Only_CheckBox():
def __init__(self):
u = 22
self.w = Window((250, u*10), 'Test_Only_CheckBox')
self.w.check_0 = CheckBox((5, u*0, -5, u), 'Check 0', value=True, callback=self.checks)
okay-type /
Created May 25, 2023 16:19
import with self
from sub import *
class this():
def __init__(self):
self.x = 2
y = sub_test(self)
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Last active April 7, 2023 13:42
A hack to see different italic angles when drawing a ufo
from mojo.subscriber import Subscriber, registerRoboFontSubscriber
Italic angles are complicated.
Technically, they don't really exist.
They're constructed by font editors to make drawing slanted things more consistent.
It's very helpful.
okay-type /
Last active February 25, 2023 21:42
A UI to do something to a bunch of ufo files
from vanilla import *
import os
from AppKit import NSFilenamesPboardType, NSDragOperationCopy
import re
from mojo.roboFont import AllFonts, CurrentFont, OpenFont
class Bulk_UFOs():