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* Read the blog post here, for better under standing,
const getBinary = async (params = undefined) => {
* @auther: Shankha
* @date: 26 Apr, 2020
// params format:
// getBinary({
// path : '<file_relative_path>',
// padlength: '<prepending_padding_length>', (Default: 4)
// debug: false, (Default: true)
// limit: 10 (Default: Full_File_Length)
// putSpacing: Boolean (Default: false)
// })
// Params Description:
// 1. path: Specifies the relative file path, to be read.
// 2. padlength: After reading the file, it reads object as number
// (ex: hex(f): 1111, hex(0): 0), so if you need a
// unform lenght binary string then you will need to
// fill the strings. as hex(0): 0000 when padlength is 4.
// 3. limit: limits the read buffer to render.
// 4. putSpacing: if true it puts a space after each padlength.
// or
// getBinary('<file_relative_path>');
let fs = require("fs");
let result = '';
try {
if ((typeof params) == 'string') {
params = {
path: params
if (params) {
let mendatoryKeys = ['path'];
for (let i = 0; i < mendatoryKeys.length; i++) {
if (!params.hasOwnProperty(mendatoryKeys[i])) {
throw "JSON key " + mendatoryKeys[i] + " is expected in prarameter object";
let hexBuffer = Buffer.from(fs.readFileSync(params.path)).toString('hex');
let padding = params.hasOwnProperty('padlength') ? params.padlength : 4;
let limit = params.hasOwnProperty('limit') ? parseInt(params.limit) : hexBuffer.length;
let putSpacing = params.hasOwnProperty('putSpacing') ? params.putSpacing : false;
if (typeof putSpacing == 'boolean') {
putSpacing = putSpacing ? ' ' : '';
} else {
throw "JSON key 'putSpacing' is expected as boolean";
for (let i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
result += String(parseInt(hexBuffer[i], 16).toString(2).substr(-8)).padStart(padding, '0') + putSpacing;
} else {
throw "JSON object is expected as prarameter, but got undefined"
} catch (e) {
if (params.hasOwnProperty('debug') ? params.debug : true) {
} finally {
return (result.trim() === '') ? undefined : result.trim();
const main = () => {
let obj = {
path: './a.jpg',
padlength: 4,
limit: 10
getBinary(obj).then((data) => {
// or for quick use
// getBinary('./a.jpg').then((data)=>{
// console.log(data);
// })
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