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Last active September 9, 2016 15:15
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Daily Kata # 1 - Get Middle
(defn get-middle [x]
(if (odd? (count x))
(subs x (Math/floor (/ (count x) 2.0)) (+ (Math/floor (/ (count x) 2.0)) 1))
(subs x (- (/ (count x) 2.0) 1)(+ (/ (count x) 2.0) 1))
;; Better
(defn is-even [s] (= 0 (mod (count s) 2)))
(defn mid [s] (int (Math/ceil (/ (count s) 2))))
(defn get-middle [s]
(if (is-even s)
(subs s (- (mid s) 1) (+ (mid s) 1))
(subs s (- (mid s) 1) (mid s)))
function getMiddle(s) {
var str = s.split(""),index;
if (str.length % 2 === 0) {
index = str.length/ 2;
return str[index-1] + str[index]
} else {
index = Math.floor(str.length/ 2)
return str[index]
function getMiddle(s)
return s.substr(Math.ceil(s.length / 2 - 1), s.length % 2 === 0 ? 2 : 1);
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