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Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
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Started GET "/api/acknowledges" for at 2015-04-03 15:03:12 +0300
ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Load (0.2ms) SELECT "schema_migrations".* FROM "schema_migrations"
Processing by Api::AcknowledgesController#index as JSON
User Load (0.6ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."id" = 18 ORDER BY "users"."id" ASC LIMIT 1
Acknowledge Load (6.3ms) SELECT "acknowledges".* FROM "acknowledges" ORDER BY "acknowledges"."created_at" DESC LIMIT 50
SQL (268.3ms) SELECT `triggers`.*, `triggers`.`triggerid` AS t0_r0, `triggers`.`expression` AS t0_r1, `triggers`.`description` AS t0_r2, `triggers`.`url` AS t0_r3, `triggers`.`status` AS t0_r4, `triggers`.`value` AS t0_r5, `triggers`.`priority` AS t0_r6, `triggers`.`lastchange` AS t0_r7, `triggers`.`comments` AS t0_r8, `triggers`.`error` AS t0_r9, `triggers`.`templateid` AS t0_r10, `triggers`.`type` AS t0_r11, `triggers`.`state` AS t0_r12, `triggers`.`flags` AS t0_r13, `hosts`.`hostid` AS t1_r0, `hosts`.`proxy_hostid` AS t1_r1, `hosts`.`host` AS t1_r2, `hosts`.`status` AS t1_r3, `hosts`.`disable_until` AS t1_r4, `hosts`.`error` AS t1_r5, `hosts`.`available` AS t1_r6, `hosts`.`errors_from` AS t1_r7, `hosts`.`lastaccess` AS t1_r8, `hosts`.`ipmi_authtype` AS t1_r9, `hosts`.`ipmi_privilege` AS t1_r10, `hosts`.`ipmi_username` AS t1_r11, `hosts`.`ipmi_password` AS t1_r12, `hosts`.`ipmi_disable_until` AS t1_r13, `hosts`.`ipmi_available` AS t1_r14, `hosts`.`snmp_disable_until` AS t1_r15, `hosts`.`snmp_available` AS t1_r16, `hosts`.`maintenanceid` AS t1_r17, `hosts`.`maintenance_status` AS t1_r18, `hosts`.`maintenance_type` AS t1_r19, `hosts`.`maintenance_from` AS t1_r20, `hosts`.`ipmi_errors_from` AS t1_r21, `hosts`.`snmp_errors_from` AS t1_r22, `hosts`.`ipmi_error` AS t1_r23, `hosts`.`snmp_error` AS t1_r24, `hosts`.`jmx_disable_until` AS t1_r25, `hosts`.`jmx_available` AS t1_r26, `hosts`.`jmx_errors_from` AS t1_r27, `hosts`.`jmx_error` AS t1_r28, `hosts`.`name` AS t1_r29, `hosts`.`flags` AS t1_r30, `hosts`.`templateid` AS t1_r31, `hosts`.`description` AS t1_r32, `interface`.`interfaceid` AS t2_r0, `interface`.`hostid` AS t2_r1, `interface`.`main` AS t2_r2, `interface`.`type` AS t2_r3, `interface`.`useip` AS t2_r4, `interface`.`ip` AS t2_r5, `interface`.`dns` AS t2_r6, `interface`.`port` AS t2_r7, `interface`.`bulk` AS t2_r8, `groups`.`groupid` AS t3_r0, `groups`.`name` AS t3_r1, `groups`.`internal` AS t3_r2, `groups`.`flags` AS t3_r3 FROM `triggers` LEFT OUTER JOIN `functions` ON `functions`.`triggerid` = `triggers`.`triggerid` LEFT OUTER JOIN `items` ON `items`.`itemid` = `functions`.`itemid` LEFT OUTER JOIN `hosts` ON `hosts`.`hostid` = `items`.`hostid` LEFT OUTER JOIN `interface` ON `interface`.`hostid` = `hosts`.`hostid` LEFT OUTER JOIN `hosts_groups` ON `hosts_groups`.`hostid` = `hosts`.`hostid` LEFT OUTER JOIN `groups` ON `groups`.`groupid` = `hosts_groups`.`groupid` AND `hosts`.`status` = 0 WHERE `triggers`.`triggerid` IN (100100000111967, 100100000138508, 100100000088817, 100100000021888, 100100000077162, 100100000120428, 100100000083479, 100100000132629, 100100000110272, 100100000118836, 100100000095802, 100100000087865, 100100000101007, 100100000114946, 100100000133144, 100100000109315, 100100000145334, 100100000026648, 100100000014962, 100100000029845, 100100000113720, 100100000117836, 100100000134813, 100100000134799, 100100000130533, 100100000014933, 100100000127109, 100100000133950, 100100000118784, 100100000121004, 100100000126469, 100100000144178, 100100000133956, 100100000110711, 100100000144180, 100100000121025, 100100000133957, 100100000139604, 100100000139555, 100100000139434, 100100000139470, 100100000139523, 100100000139499, 100100000022343, 100100000125777)
Item Load (52.4ms) SELECT `items`.* FROM `items` INNER JOIN `functions` ON `items`.`itemid` = `functions`.`itemid` WHERE `functions`.`triggerid` = 100100000111967 ORDER BY `items`.`itemid` ASC LIMIT 1
HistoryText Load (49.1ms) SELECT `history_text`.* FROM `history_text` WHERE `history_text`.`itemid` = 100100000048419 ORDER BY `history_text`.`id` DESC LIMIT 1
Item Load (52.3ms) SELECT `items`.* FROM `items` INNER JOIN `functions` ON `items`.`itemid` = `functions`.`itemid` WHERE `functions`.`triggerid` = 100100000120428 ORDER BY `items`.`itemid` ASC LIMIT 1
HistoryText Load (50.0ms) SELECT `history_text`.* FROM `history_text` WHERE `history_text`.`itemid` = 100100000155224 ORDER BY `history_text`.`id` DESC LIMIT 1
Item Load (52.1ms) SELECT `items`.* FROM `items` INNER JOIN `functions` ON `items`.`itemid` = `functions`.`itemid` WHERE `functions`.`triggerid` = 100100000120428 ORDER BY `items`.`itemid` ASC LIMIT 1
HistoryText Load (50.8ms) SELECT `history_text`.* FROM `history_text` WHERE `history_text`.`itemid` = 100100000155224 ORDER BY `history_text`.`id` DESC LIMIT 1
Item Load (53.2ms) SELECT `items`.* FROM `items` INNER JOIN `functions` ON `items`.`itemid` = `functions`.`itemid` WHERE `functions`.`triggerid` = 100100000109315 ORDER BY `items`.`itemid` ASC LIMIT 1
HistoryText Load (54.4ms) SELECT `history_text`.* FROM `history_text` WHERE `history_text`.`itemid` = 100100000096616 ORDER BY `history_text`.`id` DESC LIMIT 1
Item Load (61.5ms) SELECT `items`.* FROM `items` INNER JOIN `functions` ON `items`.`itemid` = `functions`.`itemid` WHERE `functions`.`triggerid` = 100100000113720 ORDER BY `items`.`itemid` ASC LIMIT 1
HistoryText Load (48.8ms) SELECT `history_text`.* FROM `history_text` WHERE `history_text`.`itemid` = 100100000112750 ORDER BY `history_text`.`id` DESC LIMIT 1
Item Load (51.2ms) SELECT `items`.* FROM `items` INNER JOIN `functions` ON `items`.`itemid` = `functions`.`itemid` WHERE `functions`.`triggerid` = 100100000117836 ORDER BY `items`.`itemid` ASC LIMIT 1
HistoryText Load (48.8ms) SELECT `history_text`.* FROM `history_text` WHERE `history_text`.`itemid` = 100100000065632 ORDER BY `history_text`.`id` DESC LIMIT 1
Item Load (51.0ms) SELECT `items`.* FROM `items` INNER JOIN `functions` ON `items`.`itemid` = `functions`.`itemid` WHERE `functions`.`triggerid` = 100100000134813 ORDER BY `items`.`itemid` ASC LIMIT 1
HistoryText Load (49.6ms) SELECT `history_text`.* FROM `history_text` WHERE `history_text`.`itemid` = 100100000181697 ORDER BY `history_text`.`id` DESC LIMIT 1
Item Load (56.1ms) SELECT `items`.* FROM `items` INNER JOIN `functions` ON `items`.`itemid` = `functions`.`itemid` WHERE `functions`.`triggerid` = 100100000134799 ORDER BY `items`.`itemid` ASC LIMIT 1
HistoryText Load (48.8ms) SELECT `history_text`.* FROM `history_text` WHERE `history_text`.`itemid` = 100100000181697 ORDER BY `history_text`.`id` DESC LIMIT 1
Item Load (51.4ms) SELECT `items`.* FROM `items` INNER JOIN `functions` ON `items`.`itemid` = `functions`.`itemid` WHERE `functions`.`triggerid` = 100100000127109 ORDER BY `items`.`itemid` ASC LIMIT 1
HistoryText Load (50.9ms) SELECT `history_text`.* FROM `history_text` WHERE `history_text`.`itemid` = 100100000169639 ORDER BY `history_text`.`id` DESC LIMIT 1
Item Load (53.6ms) SELECT `items`.* FROM `items` INNER JOIN `functions` ON `items`.`itemid` = `functions`.`itemid` WHERE `functions`.`triggerid` = 100100000134813 ORDER BY `items`.`itemid` ASC LIMIT 1
HistoryText Load (54.0ms) SELECT `history_text`.* FROM `history_text` WHERE `history_text`.`itemid` = 100100000181697 ORDER BY `history_text`.`id` DESC LIMIT 1
Item Load (49.9ms) SELECT `items`.* FROM `items` INNER JOIN `functions` ON `items`.`itemid` = `functions`.`itemid` WHERE `functions`.`triggerid` = 100100000121004 ORDER BY `items`.`itemid` ASC LIMIT 1
HistoryText Load (50.2ms) SELECT `history_text`.* FROM `history_text` WHERE `history_text`.`itemid` = 100100000156137 ORDER BY `history_text`.`id` DESC LIMIT 1
Item Load (50.2ms) SELECT `items`.* FROM `items` INNER JOIN `functions` ON `items`.`itemid` = `functions`.`itemid` WHERE `functions`.`triggerid` = 100100000126469 ORDER BY `items`.`itemid` ASC LIMIT 1
HistoryText Load (49.7ms) SELECT `history_text`.* FROM `history_text` WHERE `history_text`.`itemid` = 100100000168553 ORDER BY `history_text`.`id` DESC LIMIT 1
Item Load (51.5ms) SELECT `items`.* FROM `items` INNER JOIN `functions` ON `items`.`itemid` = `functions`.`itemid` WHERE `functions`.`triggerid` = 100100000139555 ORDER BY `items`.`itemid` ASC LIMIT 1
HistoryText Load (50.3ms) SELECT `history_text`.* FROM `history_text` WHERE `history_text`.`itemid` = 100100000189461 ORDER BY `history_text`.`id` DESC LIMIT 1
Item Load (51.8ms) SELECT `items`.* FROM `items` INNER JOIN `functions` ON `items`.`itemid` = `functions`.`itemid` WHERE `functions`.`triggerid` = 100100000139434 ORDER BY `items`.`itemid` ASC LIMIT 1
HistoryText Load (52.0ms) SELECT `history_text`.* FROM `history_text` WHERE `history_text`.`itemid` = 100100000189340 ORDER BY `history_text`.`id` DESC LIMIT 1
Item Load (49.4ms) SELECT `items`.* FROM `items` INNER JOIN `functions` ON `items`.`itemid` = `functions`.`itemid` WHERE `functions`.`triggerid` = 100100000139470 ORDER BY `items`.`itemid` ASC LIMIT 1
HistoryText Load (51.9ms) SELECT `history_text`.* FROM `history_text` WHERE `history_text`.`itemid` = 100100000189376 ORDER BY `history_text`.`id` DESC LIMIT 1
Item Load (49.7ms) SELECT `items`.* FROM `items` INNER JOIN `functions` ON `items`.`itemid` = `functions`.`itemid` WHERE `functions`.`triggerid` = 100100000139523 ORDER BY `items`.`itemid` ASC LIMIT 1
HistoryText Load (49.7ms) SELECT `history_text`.* FROM `history_text` WHERE `history_text`.`itemid` = 100100000189429 ORDER BY `history_text`.`id` DESC LIMIT 1
Item Load (53.0ms) SELECT `items`.* FROM `items` INNER JOIN `functions` ON `items`.`itemid` = `functions`.`itemid` WHERE `functions`.`triggerid` = 100100000139499 ORDER BY `items`.`itemid` ASC LIMIT 1
HistoryText Load (52.7ms) SELECT `history_text`.* FROM `history_text` WHERE `history_text`.`itemid` = 100100000189405 ORDER BY `history_text`.`id` DESC LIMIT 1
Item Load (52.9ms) SELECT `items`.* FROM `items` INNER JOIN `functions` ON `items`.`itemid` = `functions`.`itemid` WHERE `functions`.`triggerid` = 100100000125777 ORDER BY `items`.`itemid` ASC LIMIT 1
HistoryText Load (49.9ms) SELECT `history_text`.* FROM `history_text` WHERE `history_text`.`itemid` = 100100000167247 ORDER BY `history_text`.`id` DESC LIMIT 1
Rendered api/acknowledges/index.json.jbuilder (5175.3ms)
Completed 200 OK in 5302ms (Views: 2555.4ms | ActiveRecord: 2687.7ms)
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