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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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streams module
%% Author: Torbjorn Tornkvist
%% Date: 27 Nov 1995
%% Try this:
%% 1> streams:first(10,streams:map(fun(X)-> round(X) end,streams:scale(100,streams:random_numbers(random:seed())))).
%% [9,44,72,95,50,31,60,92,67,48]
%% 2> streams:first(10, streams:primes()).
%% [2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29]
%% 3> hd(lists:reverse(streams:first(2000, streams:pi()))).
%% 3.14399
-define( cons_stream(H,T) , [H|fun() -> T end] ).
head(S) -> hd(S).
tail(S) -> NS=tl(S),NS().
first(0,_) -> [];
first(N,S) -> [head(S)|first(N-1,tail(S))].
all([]) -> [];
all(S) -> [head(S)|all(tail(S))].
nth(0,S) -> head(S);
nth(N,S) -> nth(N-1,tail(S)).
map(F,S) ->
scale(C,S) ->
map(fun(X) -> X*C end,S).
double(S) -> scale(2,S).
naturals() -> integers_starting_from(0).
integers_starting_from(N) ->
filter(Pred,S) ->
HS = head(S),
case Pred(HS) of
true ->
_ ->
primes() -> sieve(integers_starting_from(2)).
sieve(S) ->
HS = head(S),
Pred = fun(X) -> 'not'(divisible(X,HS)) end,
divisible(X,Y) ->
X rem Y == 0 -> true;
true -> false
'not'(true) -> false;
'not'(_) -> true.
gcd(A,0) -> A;
gcd(A,B) -> gcd(B,A rem B).
random_numbers(Seed) ->
cesaro_stream() ->
F = fun(R1,R2) -> case gcd(R1,R2) of 1 -> true; _ -> false end end,
map_successive_pairs(F,map(fun(X)-> round(X) end,scale(100,random_numbers(random:seed())))).
map_successive_pairs(F,S) ->
monte_carlo(ExperimentS,Nt,Nf) ->
Next = fun(Nnt,Nnf) ->
case head(ExperimentS) of
true -> Next(Nt+1,Nf);
false -> Next(Nt,Nf+1)
%% An approximation of pi.
%% We will use the fact that the probability that
%% two integers choosen at random will have no factors
%% in common (i.e their GCD is 1) is 6/pi**2. The
%% fraction of times the test is passed gives us an
%% estimate of this probability. So the further you
%% look into the stream, the better approximation you'll get.
pi() ->
map(fun(P) -> math:sqrt(6/P) end,
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