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Created May 3, 2021 21:23
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// Package messages is generated by protoactor-go/protoc-gen-gograin@0.1.0
package messages
import (
logmod ""
var (
plog = logmod.New(logmod.InfoLevel, "[GRAIN]")
_ = proto.Marshal
_ = fmt.Errorf
_ = math.Inf
// SetLogLevel sets the log level.
func SetLogLevel(level logmod.Level) {
var xPongerFactory func() Ponger
// PongerFactory produces a Ponger
func PongerFactory(factory func() Ponger) {
xPongerFactory = factory
// GetPongerGrainClient instantiates a new PongerGrainClient with given ID
func GetPongerGrainClient(c *cluster.Cluster, id string) *PongerGrainClient {
if c == nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("nil cluster instance"))
if id == "" {
panic(fmt.Errorf("empty id"))
return &PongerGrainClient{ID: id, cluster: c}
// Ponger interfaces the services available to the Ponger
type Ponger interface {
Init(id string)
ReceiveDefault(ctx actor.Context)
Ping(*PingMessage, cluster.GrainContext) (*PongMessage, error)
// PongerGrainClient holds the base data for the PongerGrain
type PongerGrainClient struct {
ID string
cluster *cluster.Cluster
// Ping requests the execution on to the cluster with CallOptions
func (g *PongerGrainClient) Ping(r *PingMessage, opts ...*cluster.GrainCallOptions) (*PongMessage, error) {
bytes, err := proto.Marshal(r)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
reqMsg := &cluster.GrainRequest{MethodIndex: 0, MessageData: bytes}
resp, err := g.cluster.Call(g.ID, "Ponger", reqMsg, opts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
switch msg := resp.(type) {
case *cluster.GrainResponse:
result := &PongMessage{}
err = proto.Unmarshal(msg.MessageData, result)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return result, nil
case *cluster.GrainErrorResponse:
if msg.Code == remote.ResponseStatusCodeDeadLetter.ToInt32() {
return nil, remote.ErrDeadLetter
return nil, errors.New(msg.Err)
return nil, errors.New("unknown response")
// PongerActor represents the actor structure
type PongerActor struct {
inner Ponger
Timeout time.Duration
// Receive ensures the lifecycle of the actor for the received message
func (a *PongerActor) Receive(ctx actor.Context) {
switch msg := ctx.Message().(type) {
case *actor.Started:
case *cluster.ClusterInit:
a.inner = xPongerFactory()
if a.Timeout > 0 {
case *actor.ReceiveTimeout:
case actor.AutoReceiveMessage: // pass
case actor.SystemMessage: // pass
case *cluster.GrainRequest:
switch msg.MethodIndex {
case 0:
req := &PingMessage{}
err := proto.Unmarshal(msg.MessageData, req)
if err != nil {
plog.Error("Ping(PingMessage) proto.Unmarshal failed.", logmod.Error(err))
resp := &cluster.GrainErrorResponse{Err: err.Error()}
r0, err := a.inner.Ping(req, ctx)
if err != nil {
resp := &cluster.GrainErrorResponse{Err: err.Error()}
bytes, err := proto.Marshal(r0)
if err != nil {
plog.Error("Ping(PingMessage) proto.Marshal failed", logmod.Error(err))
resp := &cluster.GrainErrorResponse{Err: err.Error()}
resp := &cluster.GrainResponse{MessageData: bytes}
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