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Created March 31, 2022 06:26
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[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z INFO wgpu_hal::gles::adapter] Vendor: AMD
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z INFO wgpu_hal::gles::adapter] Renderer: AMD RENOIR (DRM 3.44.0, 5.16.16-arch1-1, LLVM 13.0.1)
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z INFO wgpu_hal::gles::adapter] Version: OpenGL ES 3.2 Mesa 21.3.7
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG wgpu_hal::gles::adapter] Extensions: {
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z INFO wgpu_hal::gles::adapter] SL version: OpenGL ES GLSL ES 3.20
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z INFO wgpu_core::instance] Adapter Vulkan AdapterInfo { name: "AMD RADV NAVI14", vendor: 4098, device: 29504, device_type: DiscreteGpu, backend: Vulkan }
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG wgpu_hal::vulkan::adapter] Supported extensions: ["VK_KHR_swapchain"]
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z INFO wgpu_hal::vulkan::adapter] Private capabilities: PrivateCapabilities { flip_y_requires_shift: true, imageless_framebuffers: true, image_view_usage: true, timeline_semaphores: true, texture_d24: false, texture_d24_s8: false, can_present: true, non_coherent_map_mask: 63, robust_buffer_access: true, robust_image_access: true }
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z INFO wgpu_core::device] Created buffer Valid((0, 1, Vulkan)) with BufferDescriptor { label: None, size: 64, usage: COPY_DST | UNIFORM, mapped_at_creation: true }
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device] Buffer (0, 1, Vulkan) map state -> Idle
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z INFO wgpu_core::device] Created texture Valid((0, 1, Vulkan)) with TextureDescriptor { label: Some("wgpu_glyph::Cache"), size: Extent3d { width: 2048, height: 2048, depth_or_array_layers: 1 }, mip_level_count: 1, sample_count: 1, dimension: D2, format: R8Unorm, usage: COPY_DST | TEXTURE_BINDING }
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device] Create view for texture (0, 1, Vulkan) filters usages to RESOURCE
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z INFO wgpu_core::device] Created buffer Valid((1, 1, Vulkan)) with BufferDescriptor { label: Some("wgpu_glyph::Cache upload buffer"), size: 25600, usage: COPY_SRC | COPY_DST, mapped_at_creation: false }
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device] Bind group Valid((0, 1, Vulkan)) TrackerSet {
buffers: {
): Unit {
first: None,
last: UNIFORM,
textures: {
): TextureState {
mips: [
RangedStates {
ranges: [
Unit {
first: None,
full: false,
views: {
): PhantomData,
bind_groups: {},
samplers: {
): PhantomData,
compute_pipes: {},
render_pipes: {},
bundles: {},
query_sets: {},
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z INFO wgpu_core::device] Created buffer Valid((2, 1, Vulkan)) with BufferDescriptor { label: Some("wgpu_glyph::Pipeline instances"), size: 2600000, usage: COPY_DST | VERTEX, mapped_at_creation: false }
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [1] = GlobalVariable([1]) : Value(Pointer { base: [2], class: Uniform })
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [2] = GlobalVariable([2]) : Handle([3])
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [3] = GlobalVariable([3]) : Handle([4])
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [4] = FunctionArgument(0) : Handle([9])
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [5] = LocalVariable([1]) : Value(Pointer { base: [10], class: Function })
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [6] = Constant([1]) : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [7] = Constant([1]) : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [8] = Compose { ty: [7], components: [[6], [7]] } : Handle([7])
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [9] = LocalVariable([2]) : Value(Pointer { base: [7], class: Function })
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [10] = AccessIndex { base: [4], index: 1 } : Handle([6])
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [11] = AccessIndex { base: [10], index: 0 } : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [12] = LocalVariable([3]) : Value(Pointer { base: [11], class: Function })
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [13] = AccessIndex { base: [4], index: 2 } : Handle([7])
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [14] = AccessIndex { base: [13], index: 0 } : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [15] = LocalVariable([4]) : Value(Pointer { base: [11], class: Function })
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [16] = AccessIndex { base: [4], index: 1 } : Handle([6])
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [17] = AccessIndex { base: [16], index: 1 } : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [18] = LocalVariable([5]) : Value(Pointer { base: [11], class: Function })
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [19] = AccessIndex { base: [4], index: 2 } : Handle([7])
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [20] = AccessIndex { base: [19], index: 1 } : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [21] = LocalVariable([6]) : Value(Pointer { base: [11], class: Function })
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [22] = AccessIndex { base: [4], index: 0 } : Handle([5])
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [23] = As { expr: [22], kind: Sint, convert: Some(4) } : Value(Scalar { kind: Sint, width: 4 })
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [24] = Load { pointer: [12] } : Handle([11])
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [25] = Load { pointer: [18] } : Handle([11])
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [26] = Compose { ty: [7], components: [[24], [25]] } : Handle([7])
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [27] = AccessIndex { base: [5], index: 1 } : Value(Pointer { base: [7], class: Function })
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [28] = AccessIndex { base: [4], index: 3 } : Handle([7])
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [29] = Load { pointer: [15] } : Handle([11])
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [30] = Load { pointer: [18] } : Handle([11])
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [31] = Compose { ty: [7], components: [[29], [30]] } : Handle([7])
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [32] = AccessIndex { base: [5], index: 1 } : Value(Pointer { base: [7], class: Function })
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [33] = AccessIndex { base: [4], index: 4 } : Handle([7])
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [34] = AccessIndex { base: [33], index: 0 } : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [35] = AccessIndex { base: [4], index: 3 } : Handle([7])
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [36] = AccessIndex { base: [35], index: 1 } : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [37] = Compose { ty: [7], components: [[34], [36]] } : Handle([7])
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [38] = Load { pointer: [12] } : Handle([11])
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [39] = Load { pointer: [21] } : Handle([11])
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [40] = Compose { ty: [7], components: [[38], [39]] } : Handle([7])
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [41] = AccessIndex { base: [5], index: 1 } : Value(Pointer { base: [7], class: Function })
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [42] = AccessIndex { base: [4], index: 3 } : Handle([7])
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [43] = AccessIndex { base: [42], index: 0 } : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [44] = AccessIndex { base: [4], index: 4 } : Handle([7])
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [45] = AccessIndex { base: [44], index: 1 } : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [46] = Compose { ty: [7], components: [[43], [45]] } : Handle([7])
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [47] = Load { pointer: [15] } : Handle([11])
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [48] = Load { pointer: [21] } : Handle([11])
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [49] = Compose { ty: [7], components: [[47], [48]] } : Handle([7])
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [50] = AccessIndex { base: [5], index: 1 } : Value(Pointer { base: [7], class: Function })
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [51] = AccessIndex { base: [4], index: 4 } : Handle([7])
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [52] = AccessIndex { base: [5], index: 2 } : Value(Pointer { base: [8], class: Function })
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [53] = AccessIndex { base: [4], index: 5 } : Handle([8])
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [54] = AccessIndex { base: [5], index: 0 } : Value(Pointer { base: [8], class: Function })
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [55] = AccessIndex { base: [1], index: 0 } : Value(Pointer { base: [1], class: Uniform })
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [56] = Load { pointer: [55] } : Handle([1])
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [57] = Load { pointer: [9] } : Handle([7])
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [58] = AccessIndex { base: [4], index: 1 } : Handle([6])
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [59] = AccessIndex { base: [58], index: 2 } : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [60] = Constant([2]) : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [61] = Compose { ty: [8], components: [[57], [59], [60]] } : Handle([8])
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [1] = GlobalVariable([1]) : Value(Pointer { base: [2], class: Uniform })
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [2] = GlobalVariable([2]) : Handle([3])
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [3] = GlobalVariable([3]) : Handle([4])
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [4] = FunctionArgument(0) : Handle([10])
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [5] = AccessIndex { base: [4], index: 1 } : Handle([7])
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [6] = ImageSample { image: [3], sampler: [2], gather: None, coordinate: [5], array_index: None, offset: None, level: Auto, depth_ref: None } : Value(Vector { size: Quad, kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [7] = AccessIndex { base: [6], index: 0 } : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [8] = LocalVariable([1]) : Value(Pointer { base: [11], class: Function })
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [9] = Load { pointer: [8] } : Handle([11])
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [10] = Constant([1]) : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [11] = Binary { op: LessEqual, left: [9], right: [10] } : Value(Scalar { kind: Bool, width: 1 })
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [12] = AccessIndex { base: [4], index: 2 } : Handle([8])
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [13] = Constant([2]) : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [14] = Constant([2]) : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [15] = Constant([2]) : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [16] = Load { pointer: [8] } : Handle([11])
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [17] = Compose { ty: [8], components: [[13], [14], [15], [16]] } : Handle([8])
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::valid::interface] var GlobalVariable { name: Some("globals"), class: Uniform, binding: Some(ResourceBinding { group: 0, binding: 0 }), ty: [2], init: None }
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::valid::interface] var GlobalVariable { name: Some("font_sampler"), class: Handle, binding: Some(ResourceBinding { group: 0, binding: 1 }), ty: [3], init: None }
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::valid::interface] var GlobalVariable { name: Some("font_tex"), class: Handle, binding: Some(ResourceBinding { group: 0, binding: 2 }), ty: [4], init: None }
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::valid::function] var LocalVariable { name: Some("out"), ty: [10], init: None }
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::valid::function] var LocalVariable { name: Some("pos"), ty: [7], init: None }
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::valid::function] var LocalVariable { name: Some("left"), ty: [11], init: None }
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::valid::function] var LocalVariable { name: Some("right"), ty: [11], init: None }
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::valid::function] var LocalVariable { name: Some("top"), ty: [11], init: None }
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::valid::function] var LocalVariable { name: Some("bottom"), ty: [11], init: None }
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG naga::valid::function] var LocalVariable { name: Some("alpha"), ty: [11], init: None }
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z INFO wgpu_core::device] Created buffer Valid((3, 1, Vulkan)) with BufferDescriptor { label: Some("iced_wgpu::quad uniforms buffer"), size: 80, usage: COPY_DST | UNIFORM, mapped_at_creation: false }
[2022-03-31T06:24:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device] Bind group Valid((1, 1, Vulkan)) TrackerSet {
buffers: {
): Unit {
first: None,
last: UNIFORM,
textures: {},
views: {},
bind_groups: {},
samplers: {},
compute_pipes: {},
render_pipes: {},
bundles: {},
query_sets: {},
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