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Last active December 12, 2015 05:29
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
require 'aws-sdk'
ACCESS_KEY = "set your access key id"
SECRET_KEY = "set your secret key"
ec2 =
:access_key_id => ACCESS_KEY,
:secret_access_key => SECRET_KEY,
:ec2_endpoint => REGION
## EC2インスタンスの場合
ec2.describe_instances(options = {:instance_ids => ["i-xxxxxxxx"]})
## このような形に省力する事も出来ます ※以降の内容も同様に省略可能です
ec2.describe_instances(:instance_ids => ["i-xxxxxxxx"])
## Availability Zoneの場合
ec2.describe_availability_zones(options = {:zone_names => ["ap-northeast-1a"]})
## AMIの場合
ec2.describe_images(options = {:image_ids => ["ami-xxxxxxxx"]})
## EIPの場合
ec2.describe_addresses(options = {:public_ips => [""]})
## VPCの場合
ec2.describe_vpcs(options = {:vpc_ids => ["vpc-xxxxxxxx"]})
## VPC Subnetの場合
ec2.describe_subnets(options = {:subnet_ids => ["subnet-xxxxxxxx"]})
## Route Tableの場合
ec2.describe_route_tables(options = {:route_table_ids => ["rtb-xxxxxxxx"]})
## Internet Gatewayの場合
ec2.describe_internet_gateways(options = {:internet_gateway_ids => ["igw-xxxxxxxx"]})
## Virtual Private Gatewayの場合
ec2.describe_vpn_gateways(options = {:vpn_gateway_ids => ["vgw-xxxxxxxx"]})
## Customer Gatewayの場合
ec2.describe_customer_gateways(options = {:customer_gateway_ids => ["cgw-xxxxxxxx"]})
## VPNコネクションの場合
ec2.describe_vpn_connections(options = {:vpn_connection_ids => ["vpn-xxxxxxxx"]})
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