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Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
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  • Save okomarov/ab727cdc4cfb45b0e055 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save okomarov/ab727cdc4cfb45b0e055 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
MATLAB factory defaults to script
%% R2014b
% Retrieve all factory defaults
s = get(0,'factory');
fnames = fieldnames(s);
% groupnames = unique(regexp(fnames, 'factory[A-Z][a-z]+','match','once'));
% Select those of interest
groupnames = {
% 'factoryUibuttongroup'
% 'factoryUicontainer'
% 'factoryUicontextmenu'
% 'factoryUicontrol'
% 'factoryUiflowcontainer'
% 'factoryUigridcontainer'
% 'factoryUimenu'
% 'factoryUipanel'
% 'factoryUipushtool'
% 'factoryUisplittool'
% 'factoryUitab'
% 'factoryUitabgroup'
% 'factoryUitable'
% 'factoryUitogglesplittool'
% 'factoryUitoggletool'
% 'factoryUitoolbar'
% Keep only groups of interest
idx = cellfun(@(s) strncmp(s,fnames,numel(s)),groupnames,'un',0)';
idx = sum([idx{:}],2) > 0;
% Flag fields which are struct themselves or other funky classes
idx = ~idx | structfun(@(x) isstruct(x) | isa(x, '') | isa(x,'matlab.mixin.Heterogeneous'),s);
% Flag the easter egg image
idx = idx | strcmp(fnames, 'factoryImageCData');
% Drop
s = rmfield(s,fnames(idx));
% Replace 1x0 empty arrays with [] or ''
fnames = fieldnames(s);
for ii = 1:numel(fnames)
f = s.(fnames{ii});
if isempty(f)
if ischar(ischar(f))
s.(fnames{ii}) = '';
elseif isnumeric(f)
s.(fnames{ii}) = [];
end'factoryDefaultsR2014b','s', 'MaximumArraySize',4096, 'MaximumTextWidth',100)
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% R2014a
% Retrieve all factory defaults
s = get(0,'factory');
fnames = fieldnames(s);
% groupnames = unique(regexp(fnames, 'factory[A-Z][a-z]+','match','once'));
% Select those of interest
groupnames = {
% 'factoryUicontainer'
% 'factoryUicontextmenu'
% 'factoryUicontrol'
% 'factoryUiflowcontainer'
% 'factoryUigridcontainer'
% 'factoryUimenu'
% 'factoryUipanel'
% 'factoryUipushtool'
% 'factoryUisplittool'
% 'factoryUitable'
% 'factoryUitogglesplittool'
% 'factoryUitoggletool'
% 'factoryUitoolbar'
% Keep only groups of interest
idx = cellfun(@(s) strncmp(s,fnames,numel(s)),groupnames,'un',0)';
idx = sum([idx{:}],2) > 0;
% Flag fields which are struct themselves
idx = ~idx | structfun(@isstruct,s);
% Flag the easter egg image
idx = idx | strcmp(fnames, 'factoryImageCData');
% Drop
s = rmfield(s,fnames(idx));
% Replace 1x0 empty arrays with [] or ''
fnames = fieldnames(s);
for ii = 1:numel(fnames)
f = s.(fnames{ii});
if isempty(f)
if ischar(ischar(f))
s.(fnames{ii}) = '';
elseif isnumeric(f)
s.(fnames{ii}) = [];
end'factoryDefaultsR2014a','s', 'MaximumArraySize',4096, 'MaximumTextWidth',100)
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