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Created May 7, 2014 22:20
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An example of correspondence analysis.
#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import svd
class CA(object):
"""Simple corresondence analysis.
ct : array_like
Two-way contingency table. If `ct` is a pandas DataFrame object,
the index and column values are used for plotting.
The implementation follows that presented in 'Correspondence
Analysis in R, with Two- and Three-dimensional Graphics: The ca
Package,' Journal of Statistical Software, May 2007, Volume 20,
Issue 3.
def __init__(self, ct):
self.rows = ct.index.values if hasattr(ct, 'index') else None
self.cols = ct.columns.values if hasattr(ct, 'columns') else None
# contingency table
N = np.matrix(ct, dtype=float)
# correspondence matrix from contingency table
P = N / N.sum()
# row and column marginal totals of P as vectors
r = P.sum(axis=1)
c = P.sum(axis=0).T
# diagonal matrices of row/column sums
D_r_rsq = np.diag(1. / np.sqrt(r.A1))
D_c_rsq = np.diag(1. / np.sqrt(c.A1))
# the matrix of standarized residuals
S = D_r_rsq * (P - r * c.T) * D_c_rsq
# compute the SVD
U, D_a, V = svd(S, full_matrices=False)
D_a = np.asmatrix(np.diag(D_a))
V = V.T
# principal coordinates of rows
F = D_r_rsq * U * D_a
# principal coordinates of columns
G = D_c_rsq * V * D_a
# standard coordinates of rows
X = D_r_rsq * U
# standard coordinates of columns
Y = D_c_rsq * V
# the total variance of the data matrix
inertia = sum([(P[i,j] - r[i,0] * c[j,0])**2 / (r[i,0] * c[j,0])
for i in range(N.shape[0])
for j in range(N.shape[1])])
self.F = F.A
self.G = G.A
self.X = X.A
self.Y = Y.A
self.inertia = inertia
self.eigenvals = np.diag(D_a)**2
def plot(self):
"""Plot the first and second dimensions."""
xmin, xmax = None, None
ymin, ymax = None, None
if self.rows is not None:
for i, t in enumerate(self.rows):
x, y = self.F[i,0], self.F[i,1]
plt.text(x, y, t, va='center', ha='center', color='r')
xmin = min(x, xmin if xmin else x)
xmax = max(x, xmax if xmax else x)
ymin = min(y, ymin if ymin else y)
ymax = max(y, ymax if ymax else y)
plt.plot(self.F[:, 0], self.F[:, 1], 'ro')
if self.cols is not None:
for i, t in enumerate(self.cols):
x, y = self.G[i,0], self.G[i,1]
plt.text(x, y, t, va='center', ha='center', color='b')
xmin = min(x, xmin if xmin else x)
xmax = max(x, xmax if xmax else x)
ymin = min(y, ymin if ymin else y)
ymax = max(y, ymax if ymax else y)
plt.plot(self.G[:, 0], self.G[:, 1], 'bs')
if xmin and xmax:
pad = (xmax - xmin) * 0.1
plt.xlim(xmin - pad, xmax + pad)
if ymin and ymax:
pad = (ymax - ymin) * 0.1
plt.ylim(ymin - pad, ymax + pad)
plt.xlabel('Dim 1')
plt.ylabel('Dim 2')
def scree_diagram(self, perc=True, *args, **kwargs):
"""Plot the scree diagram."""
eigenvals = self.eigenvals
xs = np.arange(1, eigenvals.size + 1, 1)
ys = 100. * eigenvals / eigenvals.sum() if perc else eigenvals
plt.plot(xs, ys, *args, **kwargs)
plt.ylabel('Eigenvalue' + (' [%]' if perc else ''))
def _test():
import pandas as pd
df ='data/fashion_brands.csv')
df = df.set_index('brand')
print df.describe()
print df.head()
ca = CA(df)
if __name__ == '__main__':
brand luxurious traditional intellectual brilliant calm youthful friendly simple energetic
Chanel 449 252 106 236 61 13 8 29 16
Louis Vuitton 410 286 83 142 80 18 20 48 31
Christian Dior 356 200 95 206 67 19 18 27 9
Tiffany 362 219 103 187 59 55 36 35 10
Rolex 442 248 114 89 109 4 9 52 12
Burberry 287 287 143 42 199 29 67 124 9
Ralph Lauren 198 191 101 39 147 61 70 100 9
Benetton 86 62 31 88 35 216 97 65 21
Uniqlo 6 7 10 8 23 260 331 199 291
H&M 8 5 10 2 10 272 132 91 223
GAP 10 10 10 9 24 275 203 137 84
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