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Created August 9, 2018 22:07
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Behat FeatureContext.php for Drupal
use Drupal\DrupalExtension\Context\DrupalContext,
use Behat\Behat\Context\BehatContext,
class FeatureContext extends DrupalContext {
* @var $output
* Command line output.
protected $output;
public function __construct(array $parameters) {
// Initiliaze subcontexts.
// $this->useContext('OgContext', new OgContext($parameters));
* Returns the current, relative path.
* Simply using Drupal's current_path() or $_GET['q'] does not work.
* @return string
public function getCurrentPath() {
$url = $this->getSession()->getCurrentUrl();
$parsed_url = parse_url($url);
$path = trim($parsed_url['path'], '/');
return $path;
* Returns node currently being viewed. Assumes /node/[nid] URL.
* Using path-based loaders, like menu_load_object(), will not work.
* @return object
* The currently viewed node.
* @throws Exceptionq
public function getNodeFromUrl() {
$path = $this->getCurrentPath();
$system_path = drupal_lookup_path('source', $path);
if (!$system_path) {
$system_path = $path;
$menu_item = menu_get_item($system_path);
if ($menu_item['path'] == 'node/%') {
$node = node_load($menu_item['original_map'][1]);
else {
throw \Exception(sprintf("Node could not be loaded from URL '%s'", $path));
return $node;
* Returns the most recently created node.
* @return object
* The most recently created node.
public function getLastCreatedNode() {
$node = end($this->nodes);
return $node;
* @Then /^I should not see the "([^"]*)" region$/
public function iShouldNotSeeTheRegion($region) {
$session = $this->getSession();
$regionObj = $session->getPage()->find('region', $region);
if ($regionObj) {
throw new \Exception(sprintf('The region "%s" was found on the page %s.', $region, $session->getCurrentUrl()));
return $regionObj;
* @Then /^I should see the css selector "([^"]*)"$/
* @Then /^I should see the CSS selector "([^"]*)"$/
public function iShouldSeeTheCssSelector($css_selector) {
$element = $this->getSession()->getPage()->find("css", $css_selector);
if (empty($element)) {
throw new \Exception(sprintf("The page '%s' does not contain the css selector '%s'", $this->getSession()->getCurrentUrl(), $css_selector));
* @Then /^I should not see the css selector "([^"]*)"$/
* @Then /^I should not see the CSS selector "([^"]*)"$/
public function iShouldNotSeeATheCssSelector($css_selector) {
$element = $this->getSession()->getPage()->find("css", $css_selector);
if (empty($element)) {
throw new \Exception(sprintf("The page '%s' contains the css selector '%s'", $this->getSession()->getCurrentUrl(), $css_selector));
* @Then /^I should see the css selector "([^"]*)" in the "([^"]*)" region$/
* @Then /^I should see the CSS selector "([^"]*)" in the "([^"]*)" region$/
public function iShouldSeeTheCssSelectorInTheRegion($css_selector, $region) {
$regionObj = $this->getRegion($region);
$elements = $regionObj->findAll('css', $css_selector);
if (empty($elements)) {
throw new \Exception(sprintf('The css selector "%s" was not found in the "%s" region on the page %s', $css_selector, $region, $this->getSession()->getCurrentUrl()));
* @When /^(?:|I )click the element with CSS selector "([^"]*)"$/
* @When /^(?:|I )click the element with css selector "([^"]*)"$/
public function iClickTheElementWithCssSelector($css_selector) {
$element = $this->getSession()->getPage()->find("css", $css_selector);
if (empty($element)) {
throw new \Exception(sprintf("The page '%s' does not contain the css selector '%s'", $this->getSession()->getCurrentUrl(), $css_selector));
* @Given /^I create a "([^"]*)" node with title "([^"]*)"$/
public function iCreateANodeWithTitle($type, $title) {
$this->createNode($type, array('title' => $title));
* @Given /^I am viewing (?:a|an) "([^"]*)" node$/
* @Given /^I create (?:a|an) "([^"]*)" node$/
* This overrides the parent createNode() method, allowing node properties
* to be passes via $properties argument.
* @override
public function createNode($type, $properties = array()) {
$node = (object) array(
'title' => Random::string(25),
'type' => $type,
'uid' => 1,
if ($properties) {
foreach ($properties as $key => $value) {
$node->$key = $value;
$this->dispatcher->dispatch('beforeNodeCreate', new EntityEvent($this, $node));
$saved = $this->getDriver()->createNode($node);
$this->dispatcher->dispatch('afterNodeCreate', new EntityEvent($this, $saved));
$this->nodes[] = $saved;
// Set internal page on the new node.
$this->getSession()->visit($this->locatePath('/node/' . $saved->nid));
return $saved;
* Populates required fields before node creation.
* @beforeNodeCreate
public function nodePreSave(EntityEvent $event) {
$node = $event->getEntity();
$node->status = 1;
// Prevent bug caused by pathauto menu rebuild outside of Drupal context.
// @see
$node->path = array('pathauto' => 0);
if (module_exists('workbench_moderation')) {
$node->workbench_moderation_state_new = 'published';
* Clean up after node save.
* @afterNodeCreate
public function nodePostSave(EntityEvent $event) {
$node = $event->getEntity();
// By default, workbench_moderation delays calling node_save() on new
// revisions until the PHP proc is being shutdown.
if (module_exists('workbench_moderation') && !empty($node->workbench_moderation['published'])) {
* Modify user entity before saving.
* @beforeUserCreate
public function userPreSave(EntityEvent $event) {
$user = $event->getEntity();
// Prevent bug caused by pathauto menu rebuild outside of Drupal context.
// @see
$user->path = array('pathauto' => 0);
* @Given /^I am viewing the "([^"]*)" theme$/
public function iAmViewingTheTheme($expected_theme) {
global $theme;
if ($theme !== $expected_theme) {
throw new \Exception(sprintf("'%s' is not the active theme. '%s' is active instead.", $expected_theme, $theme));
* @Then /^I should see a select element named "([^"]*)" containing "([^"]*)" as an option$/
public function iShouldSeeASelectElementNamedContainingAsAnOption($select, $optionValue) {
$selectElement = $this->getSession()->getPage()->find('named', array('select', "\"{$select}\""));
if (!$selectElement) {
throw new \Exception(sprintf("Did not find a <select> element '%s'.", $select));
$optionElement = $selectElement->find('named', array('option', "\"{$optionValue}\""));
if (!$optionElement) {
throw new \Exception(sprintf("Did not find a <select> element '%s' with <option> '%s'.", $select, $optionValue));
* @Given /^I should see a select element named "([^"]*)" that does not contain "([^"]*)" as an option$/
public function iShouldSeeASelectElementNamedThatDoesNotContainAsAnOption($select, $optionValue) {
$selectElement = $this->getSession()->getPage()->find('named', array('select', "\"{$select}\""));
if (!$selectElement) {
throw new \Exception(sprintf("Did not find a <select> element '%s'.", $select));
$optionElement = $selectElement->find('named', array('option', "\"{$optionValue}\""));
if ($optionElement) {
throw new \Exception(sprintf("Found <select> element '%s' with <option> '%s'.", $select, $optionValue));
* @When /^I select the following <fields> with <values>$/
public function iSelectTheFollowingFieldsWithValues(TableNode $table) {
$multiple = TRUE;
$table = $table->getHash();
foreach ($table as $key => $value) {
$select = $this->getSession()->getPage()->findField($table[$key]['fields']);
if(empty($select)) {
throw new Exception("The page does not have the field with id|name|label|value '" . $table[$key]['fields'] . "'");
// If multiple is always true we get "value cannot be an array" error for single select fields
$multiple = $select->getAttribute('multiple') ? TRUE : FALSE;
$this->getSession()->getPage()->selectFieldOption($table[$key]['fields'], $table[$key]['values'], $multiple);
* @Given /^I wait (\d+) seconds$/
public function iWaitSeconds($seconds) {
* Wait for AJAX to finish.
* @Given /^I wait for AJAX to finish$/
public function iWaitForAjaxToFinish() {
$this->getSession()->wait(10000, '(typeof(jQuery)=="undefined" || (0 === && 0 === jQuery(\':animated\').length))');
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oksana-c commented Nov 9, 2018


   * @todo: REMOVE IF NOT USED.
   * Asserts option from select with specified id|name|label|value is selected.
   * @Then /^the "(?P<option>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" option from "(?P<select>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" (?:is|should be) selected/
   * @Then /^the option "(?P<option>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" from "(?P<select>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" (?:is|should be) selected$/
   * @Then /^"(?P<option>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" from "(?P<select>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" (?:is|should be) selected$/
  public function theOptionFromShouldBeSelected($option, $select) {
    $selectField = $this->getSession()->getPage()->findField($select);
    if ($selectField === NULL) {
      throw new ElementNotFoundException($this->getSession(), 'select field', 'id|name|label|value', $select);

    $optionField = $selectField->find('named', [

    if ($optionField === NULL) {
      throw new ElementNotFoundException($this->getSession(), 'select option field', 'id|name|label|value', $option);

    if (!$optionField->isSelected()) {
      throw new ExpectationException('Select option field with value|text "' . $option . '" is not selected in the select "' . $select . '"', $this->getSession());

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