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Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
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Option type in C++11
#ifndef OPTION_H
#define OPTION_H
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <utility>
#include <iostream>
#include <tuple>
#include <functional>
namespace types {
template<typename T>
class Some {
template<typename U> friend class Optional;
Some(const T &val) : val_(val) { }
Some(T &&val) : val_(std::move(val)) { }
T val_;
class None { };
namespace impl {
template<typename Func> struct callable_trait :
public callable_trait<decltype(&Func::operator())> { };
template<typename Class, typename Ret, typename... Args>
struct callable_trait<Ret (Class::*)(Args...) const>
static constexpr size_t Arity = sizeof...(Args);
typedef std::tuple<Args...> ArgsType;
typedef Ret ReturnType;
template<size_t Index>
struct Arg {
static_assert(Index < Arity, "Invalid index");
typedef typename std::tuple_element<Index, ArgsType>::type Type;
template<typename Func,
bool IsBindExp = std::is_bind_expression<Func>::value>
struct callable_trait;
/* std::bind returns an unspecified type which contains several overloads
* of operator(). Thus, decltype(&operator()) does not compile since operator()
* is overloaded. To bypass that, we only define the ReturnType for bind
* expressions
template<typename Func>
struct callable_trait<Func, true> {
typedef typename Func::result_type ReturnType;
template<typename Func>
struct callable_trait<Func, false> : public impl::callable_trait<Func> {
template<typename T>
struct is_nothrow_move_constructible :
std::is_nothrow_constructible<T, typename std::add_rvalue_reference<T>::type> {};
template<class T>
struct is_move_constructible :
std::is_constructible<T, typename std::add_rvalue_reference<T>::type> {};
inline types::None None() {
return types::None();
template<typename T> inline types::Some<T> Some(const T &value) {
return types::Some<T>(value);
template<typename T>
class Optional {
Optional(Optional<T> &&other)
*this = std::move(other);
template<typename U>
Optional(types::Some<U> some) {
static_assert(std::is_same<T, U>::value || std::is_convertible<T, U>::value,
"Types mismatch");
from_some_helper(std::move(some), types::is_move_constructible<U>());
Optional(types::None) { addr = nullptr; }
template<typename U>
Optional<T> &operator=(types::Some<U> some) {
static_assert(std::is_same<T, U>::value || std::is_convertible<T, U>::value,
"Types mismatch");
from_some_helper(std::move(some), types::is_move_constructible<U>());
return *this;
Optional<T> &operator=(types::None) { addr = nullptr; return *this; }
Optional<T> &operator=(Optional<T> &&other)
if ( {
move_helper(std::move(other), types::is_move_constructible<T>());
other.addr = nullptr;
else {
addr = nullptr;
return *this;
bool isEmpty() const {
return addr == nullptr;
T getOrElse(const T &defaultValue) const {
if (addr != nullptr) {
return *constData();
return defaultValue;
template<typename Func>
void orElse(Func func) const {
if (isEmpty()) {
T get() const {
return *constData();
~Optional() {
T *const constData() const {
return const_cast<T *const>(reinterpret_cast<const T *const>(bytes));
T *data() const {
return const_cast<T *>(reinterpret_cast<const T *>(bytes));
void move_helper(Optional<T> &&other, std::true_type) {
::new (data()) T(std::move(*;
void move_helper(Optional<T> &&other, std::false_type) {
::new (data()) T(*;
template<typename U>
void from_some_helper(types::Some<U> some, std::true_type) {
::new (data()) T(std::move(some.val_));
template<typename U>
void from_some_helper(types::Some<U> some, std::false_type) {
::new (data()) T(some.val_);
union {
uint8_t bytes[sizeof(T)];
uint8_t *addr;
namespace details {
template<typename T>
struct RemoveOptional {
typedef T Type;
template<typename T>
struct RemoveOptional<Optional<T>> {
typedef T Type;
template<typename T, typename Func>
void do_static_checks(std::false_type) {
static_assert(types::callable_trait<Func>::Arity == 1,
"The function must take exactly 1 argument");
typedef typename types::callable_trait<Func>::template Arg<0>::Type ArgType;
static_assert(std::is_same<ArgType, T>::value || std::is_convertible<ArgType, T>::value,
"Function parameter type mismatch");
template<typename T, typename Func>
void do_static_checks(std::true_type) {
template<typename T, typename Func>
void static_checks() {
do_static_checks<T, Func>(std::is_bind_expression<Func>());
template<typename T, typename Func>
const Optional<T>&
optionally_do(const Optional<T> &option, Func func) {
details::static_checks<T, Func>();
static_assert(std::is_same<typename types::callable_trait<Func>::ReturnType, void>::value,
"Use optionally_map if you want to return a value");
if (!option.isEmpty()) {
return option;
template<typename T, typename Func>
optionally_map(const Optional<T> &option, Func func)
-> Optional<typename types::callable_trait<Func>::ReturnType>
details::static_checks<T, Func>();
if (!option.isEmpty()) {
return Some(func(option.get()));
return None();
template<typename T, typename Func>
optionally_flatmap(const Optional<T> &option, Func func)
-> Optional<typename details::RemoveOptional<typename types::callable_trait<Func>::ReturnType>::Type>
details::static_checks<T, Func>();
if (!option.isEmpty()) {
const auto &ret = func(option.get());
if (!ret.isEmpty()) {
return Some(ret.get());
return None();
template<typename T, typename Func>
Optional<T> optionally_filter(const Optional<T> &option, Func func) {
details::static_checks<T, Func>();
typedef typename types::callable_trait<Func>::ReturnType ReturnType;
static_assert(std::is_same<ReturnType, bool>::value ||
std::is_convertible<ReturnType, bool>::value,
"The predicate must return a boolean value");
if (!option.isEmpty() && func(option.get())) {
return Some(option.get());
return None();
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