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Compiler of SECDR scheme (GPL)
;; compiler.scm
;;;; SECDR Compiler
;; Date written 11-Feb-1990 by Atsushi Moriwaki
;; Date revised 20-Feb-1990 by Atsushi Moriwaki
;; Date revised 06-Mar-1990 by Atsushi Moriwaki
;; Date revised 31-Jul-1992 by Shoichi Hayashi
;; Date revised 20-Nov-1992 by Shoichi Hayashi
;; Date revised 13-Mar-1993 by Shoichi Hayashi
;; Date revised 07-May-1993 by Shoichi Hayashi
;; Date revised 11-May-1993 by Shoichi Hayashi
;; Copyright(C) 1990,1991,1992,1993 Atsushi Moriwaki, Shoichi Hayashi.
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
;; Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
;; The author can be reached at or
;; Shoichi Hayashi,
;; RCS info: $Header: /usr/PDS/lang/Scheme/SECDR/RCS/compiler.scm,v 1.0 1993/07/06 08:26:09 s-haya Rel s-haya $
(define (-*-compile-*- exp . mode)
;;; Definition of operator numbers
(define %LD% '#0)
(define %TLD% '#1)
(define %GLD% '#2)
(define %LDC% '#3)
(define %LDF% '#4)
(define %AP% '#5)
(define %TAP% '#6)
(define %PUSH% '#7)
(define %RTN% '#8)
(define %SEL% '#9)
(define %TSEL% '#10)
(define %ASSIG% '#11)
(define %TASSIG% '#12)
(define %GASSIG% '#13)
(define %DEF% '#14)
(define %PUSHCONS% '#15)
(define %SAVE% '#16)
(define %EXEC% '#17)
(define %STOP% '#18)
;; --- List of machine transitions ---
;; S E (LD (i . j) . C) D R ==> S E C D r
;; where r = (list-ref (list-ref E i) j)
;; S E (TLD (i . j) . C) D R ==> S E C D r
;; where r = (list-tail (list-ref E i) j)
;; S E (GLD sym . C) D R ==> S E C D r
;; where r = gloabl value of sym
;; S E (LDC const . C) D R ==> S E C D const
;; S E (LDF code . C) D R ==> S E C D (closure of code and E)
;; (args . S) E (AP . C) D op ==>
;; case: op is closure
;; () (args . env) code (S E C . D) NIL
;; where code is closure code of op and
;; env is closure environment of op.
;; case: op is primivite procedure
;; First, execute primitive procedure op with arguments args
;; and set registers to S E C D r, where r is the return
;; value of primitine procedure op.
;; case: op is continuation
;; s e c d r
;; where r is first element of args and
;; s e c d are saved registers in op.
;; (args . S) E (TAP . C) D op ==>
;; case: op is closure
;; () (args . env) code D NIL
;; where code is closure code of op and
;; env is closure environment of op.
;; case: op is primivite procedure
;; First, execute primitive procedure op with arguments args
;; and set registers to S E C D r, where r is the return
;; value of primitine procedure op.
;; case: op is continuation
;; s e c d r
;; where x is the first element of args and
;; s e c d r are saved registers in op.
;; S E (PUSH . C) D R ==> (R . S) E C D R
;; S E (RTN . C) (s e c . d) R ==> s e c d R
;; S E (SEL ct cf . C) D test ==> S E cx (S E C . D) test
;; where cx = (if test ct cf)
;; S E (TSEL ct cf . C) D test ==> S E cx D test
;; where cx = (if test ct cf)
;; S E (ASSIG (i . j) . C) D R ==> S E' C D R
;; where E' is made by
;; (set-car! (list-tail (list-ref E i) j) R)
;; S E (TASSIG (i . j) . C) D R ==> S E' C D R
;; where E' is made by
;; (if (zero? j)
;; (set-car! (list-tail E i) R)
;; (set-cdr! (list-tail (list-ref E i) (- j 1)) R))
;; S E (GASSIG sym . C) D R ==> S E C D R
;; where global value of sym = R
;; S E (DEF sym . C) D R ==> S E C D sym
;; where global value of sym = R
;; (s . S) E (PUSHCONS . C) D R ==> ((R . s) . S) E C D R
;; S E (SAVE C1 . C2) D R ==> S E C1 (S E C2 . D) R
;; S E (EXEC . C) D code ==> NIL NIL code (S E C . D) NIL
;; S E (STOP . C) D R ==> Stop SECDR execution
;;; comp assumes 5-syntaxes quote, lambda, if, define(top-level), set!
(define (comp exp vars cont tail)
;;; Local procedures for comp
;; compile the body of lambda
(define (comp-body e v c)
(if (pair? e)
(if (null? (cdr e))
(comp (car e) v c #t)
(comp (car e) v (comp-body (cdr e) v c) #f))
(comp e v c #t)))
;; compile arguments
(define (comp-args e v c)
(if (pair? e)
(comp-args (cdr e) v (comp (car e) v (cons %PUSHCONS% c) #f))
(comp e v (cons %PUSH% c) #f)))
;; search a position of symbol in frame
(define (frame-loc f s)
(define (iter-list-loc i j l s)
(if (pair? l)
(if (eq? (car l) s)
(cons (cons i j) #f)
(iter-list-loc i (1+ j) (cdr l) s))
(if (eq? l s) (cons (cons i j) #t) #f)))
(define (iter-frame-loc i f s)
(if (pair? f)
(let ((loc (iter-list-loc i 0 (car f) s)))
(if loc loc (iter-frame-loc (1+ i) (cdr f) s)))
(iter-frame-loc 0 f s))
;;; Begining of main part of procedure 'comp'
(if (pair? exp)
((eq? (car exp) 'quote)
(cons %LDC% (cons (cadr exp) cont)))
((eq? (car exp) 'lambda)
(cons %LDF%
(cddr exp)
(cons (cadr exp) vars)
(cons %RTN% '()))
((eq? (car exp) 'begin)
(cons %LDF%
(cdr exp)
(cons '() vars)
(cons %RTN% '()))
((eq? (car exp) 'if)
(comp (caddr exp) vars (cons %RTN% '()) #t))
(comp (car (cdddr exp)) vars (cons %RTN% '()) #t)))
(comp (cadr exp)
(cons (if tail %TSEL% %SEL%)
(cons thenpt (cons elsept cont)))
((eq? (car exp) 'define)
(let ((loc (frame-loc vars (cadr exp))))
(caddr exp)
(if loc
(if (cdr loc)
(cons %TASSIG% (cons (car loc) cont))
(cons %ASSIG% (cons (car loc) cont)))
(cons %DEF% (cons (cadr exp) cont)))
((eq? (car exp) 'global-define)
(caddr exp)
(cons %DEF% (cons (cadr exp) cont))
((eq? (car exp) 'set!)
(let ((loc (frame-loc vars (cadr exp))))
(caddr exp)
(if loc
(if (cdr loc)
(cons %TASSIG% (cons (car loc) cont))
(cons %ASSIG% (cons (car loc) cont)))
(cons %GASSIG% (cons (cadr exp) cont)))
(#t (comp-args (cdr exp)
(comp (car exp)
(cons (if tail %TAP% %AP%) cont)
;; else (pair? exp)
(if (symbol? exp)
(let ((loc (frame-loc vars exp)))
(if loc
(if (cdr loc)
(cons %TLD% (cons (car loc) cont))
(cons %LD% (cons (car loc) cont)))
(cons %GLD% (cons exp cont))))
(cons %LDC% (cons exp cont)))))
;;; End of procedure 'comp'
;;; Macro expansion
(define (macro-expand exp)
(define (tail-map proc lis)
(if (pair? lis)
(cons (proc (car lis)) (tail-map proc (cdr lis)))
(proc lis)))
(define (check-variables l)
(let ((ch-var (lambda (s)
(if (symbol? s)
(if (or (get s '%special-form%)
(get s '%macro-special-form%))
(error "Unable to use specail-form form as varibale: " s)
(error "Expect symbol: " s)))))
((pair? l) (ch-var (car l)) (check-variables (cdr l)))
((null? l) #t)
(#t (ch-var l)))))
(if (pair? exp)
;; lambda
((eq? (car exp) 'lambda)
(let ((vars (cadr exp))
(body (tail-map macro-expand (cddr exp))))
(define (get-def-vars b)
(if (pair? b)
(if (pair? (car b))
(cond ((eq? (caar b) 'define)
(cons (cadar b) (get-def-vars (cdr b))))
((eq? (caar b) 'if)
(append (get-def-vars (cdar b))
(get-def-vars (cdr b))))
((and (pair? (caar b))(eq? (caaar b) 'begin))
(append (get-def-vars (cdaar b))
(get-def-vars (cdr b))))
(else (get-def-vars (cdr b))))
(get-def-vars (cdr b)))
(check-variables vars)
(let ((def-vars (get-def-vars body)))
(if (null? def-vars)
;;; case of no internal defintion
`(lambda ,vars ,@body)
;;; case of internal definition
;; (lambda (<var1> ...)
;; (define <def-var1> <def-body1>) ...
;; <body>)
;; ==>
;; (lambda (<var1> ...)
;; ((lambda (<def-var1> ...)
;; (define <def-var1> <def-body1>) ...
;; <body>)
;; '() ...))
`(lambda ,vars
((lambda ,def-vars ,@body)
,@(map (lambda (a) ''()) def-vars)))))))
;; begin
((eq? (car exp) 'begin)
,@(tail-map macro-expand (cdr exp)))))
;; quote
((eq? (car exp) 'quote) exp)
;; define
((eq? (car exp) 'define)
(let ((var
(if (pair? (cadr exp))
(caadr exp)
(cadr exp)))
(if (pair? (cadr exp))
`(lambda ,(cdadr exp) ,@(cddr exp))
(caddr exp))))
(check-variables var)
`(define ,var ,(macro-expand body))))
;; if
((eq? (car exp) 'if)
`(if ,@(tail-map macro-expand
(if (null? (cdddr exp))
`(,@(cdr exp) #f)
(cdr exp)))))
;; set!
((eq? (car exp) 'set!)
(check-variables (cadr exp))
`(set! ,(cadr exp) ,(macro-expand (caddr exp))))
;; expansion of macro-special-form
(if (symbol? (car exp))
(let ((macro-proc (get (car exp) '%macro-special-form%)))
(if macro-proc
(macro-expand (macro-proc exp))
(cons (car exp) (tail-map macro-expand (cdr exp)))))
(tail-map macro-expand exp))))
(begin (if (symbol? exp) (check-variables exp)) exp)))
;;; End of macro-expand
(put 'lambda '%special-form% #t)
(put 'begin '%special-form% #t)
(put 'quote '%special-form% #t)
(put 'define '%special-form% #t)
(put 'global-define '%special-form% #t)
(put 'if '%special-form% #t)
(put 'set! '%special-form% #t)
(if (not (null? mode))
(macro-expand exp)
(comp (macro-expand exp) '() (cons %RTN% '()) #t)))
;;; End of -*-compile-*-
(define (macro-expand exp)
(compile exp #t))
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