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Created April 25, 2020 21:32
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### Baudot TTY/TDD Message Transmitter
### The 5-bit mode is defined in ANSI TIA/EIA-825 (2000)
### "A Frequency Shift Keyed Modem for use on the Public Switched Telephone Network"
import audiocore
from audiocore import RawSample
from audioio import AudioOut
from audiomixer import Mixer
import adafruit_trellism4
import board
import array
import time
import math
trellis = adafruit_trellism4.TrellisM4Express()
led_on = []
for x in range(trellis.pixels.width):
for y in range(trellis.pixels.height):
trellis.pixels.fill((0, 0, 0))
current_press = set()
# constants for sine wave generation
SIN_LENGTH = 100 # more is less choppy
SIN_AMPLITUDE = 2**12 # 0 (min) to 32768 (max) 8192 is nice
SIN_OFFSET = 32767.5 # for 16bit range, (2**16 - 1) / 2
DELTA_PI = 2 * math.pi / SIN_LENGTH # happy little constant
sine_wave = [int(SIN_OFFSET + SIN_AMPLITUDE * math.sin(DELTA_PI * i)) for i in range(SIN_LENGTH)]
tones = (
RawSample(array.array("H", sine_wave), sample_rate = 1800 * SIN_LENGTH), # Bit 0
RawSample(array.array("H", sine_wave), sample_rate = 1400 * SIN_LENGTH), # Bit 1
bit_0 = tones[0]
bit_1 = tones[1]
carrier = tones[1]
char_pause = 0.1 # pause time between chars, set to 0 for fastest rate possible
# dac = audiopwmio.PWMAudioOut(board.A2) # the CLUE edge connector marked "#0" to STEMMA speaker
# The CLUE's on-board speaker works OK, not great, just crank amplitude to full before trying.
#dac = audiopwmio.PWMAudioOut(board.SPEAKER)
# main audio object
dac = AudioOut(left_channel=board.A0, right_channel=board.A1)
# mixer to allow pylyphonic playback
mixer = Mixer(
LTRS = ("\b", "E", "\n", "A", " ", "S", "I", "U", "\r", "D", "R", "J",
"N", "F", "C", "K", "T", "Z", "L", "W", "H", "Y", "P", "Q", "O",
"B", "G", "FIGS", "M", "X", "V", "LTRS")
FIGS = ("\b", "3", "\n", "-", " ", "-", "8", "7", "\r", "$", "4", "'",
",", "!", ":", "(", "5", '"', ")", "2", "=", "6", "0", "1", "9",
"?", "+", "FIGS", ".", "/", ";", "LTRS")
char_count = 0
current_mode = LTRS
# The 5-bit Baudot text telephone (TTY/TDD) mode is a Frequency Shift Keyed modem
# for use on the Public Switched Telephone network.
# Definitions:
# Carrier tone is a 1400Hz tone.
# Binary 0 is an 1800Hz tone.
# Binary 1 is a 1400Hz tone.
# Bit duration is 20ms.
# Two modes exist: Letters, aka LTRS, for alphabet characters
# and Figures aka FIGS for numbers and symbols. These modes are switched by
# sending the appropriate 5-bit LTRS or FIGS character.
# Character transmission sequence:
# Carrier tone transmits for 150ms before each character.
# Start bit is a binary 0 (sounded for one bit duration of 20ms).
# 5-bit character code can be a combination of binary 0s and binary 1s.
# Stop bit is a binary 1 with a minimum duration of 1-1/2 bits (30ms)
def baudot_bit(pitch=bit_1, duration=0.022): # spec says 20ms, but adjusted as needed, loop=True)
def baudot_carrier(duration = 0.15): # Carrier is transmitted 150 ms before the first character is transmitted
baudot_bit(carrier, 0.15)
def baudot_start():
def baudot_stop():
baudot_bit(bit_1, 0.04) # minimum duration is 30ms
def send_character(value):
baudot_carrier() # send carrier tone
baudot_start() # send start bit tone
for i in range(5): # send each bit of the character
bit = (value >> i) & 0x01 # bit shift and bit mask to get value of each bit
baudot_bit(tones[bit]) # send each bit, either 0 or 1, of a character
baudot_stop() # send stop bit
baudot_carrier() # not to spec, but works better to extend carrier
def send_message(text):
global char_count, current_mode
for char in text:
if char not in LTRS and char not in FIGS: # just skip unknown characters
print("Unknown character:", char)
if char not in current_mode: # switch mode
if current_mode == LTRS:
print("Switching mode to FIGS")
current_mode = FIGS
elif current_mode == FIGS:
print("Switching mode to LTRS")
current_mode = LTRS
# Send char mode at beginning of message and every 72 characters
if char_count >= 72 or char_count == 0:
print ("Resending mode")
if current_mode == LTRS:
elif current_mode == FIGS:
# reset counter
char_count = 0
# increment counter
char_count += 1
while True:
#send_message("\nADAFRUIT 1234567890 -$!+='()/:;?,. ")
#send_message("\nWOULD YOU LIKE TO PLAY A GAME?")
pressed = set(trellis.pressed_keys)
for press in pressed - current_press:
x, y = press
if press:
# print("Pressed:", press)
pixel = (press[1] * 8) + press[0]
pixel_index = pixel * 256 // 32
trellis.pixels[x, y] = (128,128,128)
pixel_code = LTRS[pixel]
print (pixel_code)
for release in current_press - pressed:
if release:
# print("Released:", release)
for x in range(trellis.pixels.width):
for y in range(trellis.pixels.height):
pixel_index = ((y * 8) + x) * 256 // 32
trellis.pixels[x, y] = (0,0,0)
current_press = pressed
# here's an example of sending a character
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