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  • Save olafghanizadeh/9bb8b796a814c4016554cf3f1356227d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Time Event PID Info Duration Process
20:50:36 fork 1451 parent sshd: vagrant@notty
20:50:36 fork 2001 child sshd: vagrant@notty
20:50:36 exec 2001 bash -c
20:50:36 exit 2001 0 0.010s bash -c
20:50:36 fork 1451 parent sshd: vagrant@notty
20:50:36 fork 2002 child sshd: vagrant@notty
20:50:36 exec 2002 bash -l
20:50:36 exec 2002 bash -l
20:50:36 fork 2002 parent bash -l
20:50:36 fork 2003 child bash -l
20:50:36 fork 2003 parent bash -l
20:50:36 fork 2004 child bash -l
20:50:36 exec 2004 /usr/bin/locale-check C.UTF-8
20:50:36 exit 2004 0 0.001s /usr/bin/locale-check C.UTF-8
20:50:36 exit 2003 0 0.002s bash -l
20:50:36 fork 2002 parent bash -l
20:50:36 fork 2005 child bash -l
20:50:36 fork 2002 parent bash -l
20:50:36 fork 2006 child bash -l
20:50:36 exec 2005 locale
20:50:36 exit 2005 0 0.002s locale
20:50:36 exit 2006 0 0.002s bash -l
20:50:36 fork 2002 parent bash -l
20:50:36 fork 2007 child bash -l
20:50:36 exit 2007 0 0.001s bash -l
20:50:36 fork 2002 parent bash -l
20:50:36 fork 2008 child bash -l
20:50:36 exec 2008 touch -am /vagrant/public_html/wp-content/themes/luonnonvirta/js/src/index.js
20:50:36 exit 2008 256 0.004s touch -am /vagrant/public_html/wp-content/themes/luonnonvirta/js/src/index.js
20:50:36 exit 2002 256 0.016s bash -l
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