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Created April 28, 2020 10:32
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@ import $ivy.`org.scalameta:::mtags:0.8.4`, scala.meta.internal.mtags._, scala.meta.internal.metals._
iimport $ivy.$ , scala.meta.internal.mtags._, scala.meta.internal.metals._
@ import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
val sources = coursierapi.Fetch.create().withClassifiers(Set("sources").asJava).addDependencies(coursierapi.Dependency.of("org.scala-lang", "scala-library", "2.13.2")).fetch()
sources: collection.mutable.Buffer[] = ArrayBuffer(
@ val index = OnDemandSymbolIndex()
index: OnDemandSymbolIndex = scala.meta.internal.mtags.OnDemandSymbolIndex@4a44cfc0
@ sources.foreach(jar => index.addSourceJar(jar))
@ val docstrings = new Docstrings(index)
docstrings: Docstrings = scala.meta.internal.metals.Docstrings@1e495414
@ docstrings.documentation("scala/Option#map().").get()
res6: scala.meta.pc.SymbolDocumentation = MetalsSymbolDocumentation(
"""Returns a [scala.Some](scala.Some) containing the result of applying `f` to this [scala.Option](scala.Option)'s
value if this [scala.Option](scala.Option) is nonempty.
Otherwise return `None`.
This is equivalent to:
option match {
case Some(x) => Some(f(x))
case None => None
- This is similar to `flatMap` except here,
`f` does not need to wrap its result in an [scala.Option](scala.Option).
- `f`: the function to apply
- [flatMap](flatMap)
- [foreach](foreach)""",
SeqWrapper(List(MetalsSymbolDocumentation("scala/Option#(B)", "B", "", "", SeqWrapper(List()), SeqWrapper(List())))),
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