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Created June 6, 2015 14:37
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package go.core
import go.util.conversions._
import go.util.Logic._
import go.collection.GoSet
import go.core.definitions._
import leon.annotation.library
import leon.lang._
import leon.collection._
import leon.annotation._
object CaptureLogic {
def capture(board: Board, p: Point, c: Cell): Board = {
require(board.isValid && !board.isOccupied(p) && board.insideBoard(p))
val board1 = board.put(c, p)
// first capture enemy, which may make self dead stones alive
val captures = capturedComponents(board1).filterNot(_._1 == c).map(_._2)
val board2 = captures.foldLeft(board1) { (b, c) => b.remove(c) }
// capture self dead stones --> for suicide detection
val selfCaptures = capturedComponents(board2).filter(_._1 == c).map(_._2)
selfCaptures.foldLeft(board2) { (b, c) => b.remove(c) }
def hasLiberty(board: Board)(component: List[Point]): Boolean = {
component.exists(p => board.neighbors(p).exists(_.c == EmptyCell))
def capturedComponents(board: Board): List[(Cell, List[Point])] = {
} ensuring { res => true
// implies(!hasLiberty(board)(x), res.contains(x))
// Missing condition when x has no liberty but neighbor has liberty
def capturedComponentsRecursive(board: Board, toVisit: List[PlacedCell], visited: List[Point] = List(), captured: List[(Cell, List[Point])] = List()): List[(Cell, List[Point])] = {
board.isValid &&
board.isValidList(toVisit) &&
if (toVisit.isEmpty)
else if (visited.contains(toVisit.head.p))
capturedComponentsRecursive(board, toVisit.tail, visited, captured)
else {
val component = connectedComponent(board, toVisit.head.c, List(toVisit.head.p))
val newVisited = visited ++ component
if (!hasLiberty(board)(component))
capturedComponentsRecursive(board, toVisit.tail, newVisited, (toVisit.head.c, component) :: captured)
capturedComponentsRecursive(board, toVisit.tail, newVisited, captured)
} ensuring { res => true
// Leon can't detect this bug
// implies(!hasLiberty(board)(x), res.contains(x))
def connectedComponentFrom(board: Board, pc: PlacedCell): List[Point] = {
require(board.isValid && board.isOnBoard(pc))
connectedComponent(board, pc.c, List(pc.p))
} ensuring { res =>
res.contains(pc.p) && isComponent(board, res, pc.c)
def connectedComponent(board: Board, color: Cell, toVisit: List[Point], component: List[Point] = List[Point]()): List[Point] = {
require(board.isValid &&
isComponent(board, component, color) &&
board.isValidPoints(toVisit) &&
board.isValidPoints(component) &&
isComponent(board, addValidElements(board, component, toVisit), color)
if (toVisit.isEmpty)
else if (component.contains(toVisit.head))
connectedComponent(board, color, toVisit.tail, component)
else {
val p = toVisit.head
val newComponent = addToComponent(board, component, p, color)
val newNeighbors = board.sameColorNeighborPoints(p, color)
val newToVisit = addValidElements(board, toVisit.tail, newNeighbors)
connectedComponent(board, color, newToVisit, newComponent)
} ensuring { res =>
isComponent(board, res, color)
def rootIsInComponent(board: Board, color: Cell, toVisit: List[Point], component: List[Point]): Boolean = {
board.isValid &&
board.isValidPoints(toVisit) &&
toVisit.content.subsetOf(connectedComponent(board, color, toVisit, component).content)
def isComponent(board: Board, lst: List[Point], color: Cell): Boolean = {
if (lst.isEmpty) true
// lst.forall(a => lst.forall(b => board.isConnected(PlacedCell(a, color), PlacedCell(b, color))))
def addToComponent(board: Board, lst: List[Point], e: Point, color: Cell): List[Point] = {
board.isValid &&
isComponent(board, lst, color) &&
board.isValidPoints(lst) &&
e :: lst
} ensuring { res =>
isComponent(board, res, color) && res.content == (e :: lst).content
def addValidElements(board: Board, a: List[Point], b: List[Point]): List[Point] = {
board.isValid &&
board.isValidPoints(a) &&
if (a.isEmpty) b
else addValidElements(board, a.tail, a.head :: b)
} ensuring { res =>
board.isValidPoints(res) && res.content == (a ++ b).content
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