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Created June 16, 2016 16:36
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object Test extends App {
import scala.meta._
import scala.meta.tokens.Token.Comment
val tree = """
|package io.buildo.baseexample
|package enums
|import ingredients.caseenum.annotations.enum
|// scalastyle:off number.of.types
|@enum trait CampingLocation {
| // Foobar
| object Seaside // trailing
| object Mountains
case class AssociatedComments(leadingMap: Map[Token, Seq[Comment]],
trailingMap: Map[Token, Seq[Comment]]) {
def leading(tree: Tree): Seq[Comment] =
(for {
token <- tree.tokens.headOption
comments <- leadingMap.get(token)
} yield comments).getOrElse(Seq.empty[Comment])
def trailing(tree: Tree): Seq[Comment] =
(for {
token <- tree.tokens.lastOption
comments <- trailingMap.get(token)
} yield comments).getOrElse(Seq.empty[Comment])
def contains(tree: Tree) =
trailing(tree).nonEmpty || leading(tree).nonEmpty
def getAssociatedComments(tokens: Tokens): AssociatedComments = {
import scala.meta.tokens.Token._
val leadingBuilder = Map.newBuilder[Token, Seq[Comment]]
val trailingBuilder = Map.newBuilder[Token, Seq[Comment]]
val leading = Seq.newBuilder[Comment]
val trailing = Seq.newBuilder[Comment]
var isLeading = true
var lastToken: Token = tokens.head
tokens.foreach {
case c: Comment =>
if (isLeading) leading += c
else trailing += c
case _: `\n` => isLeading = true
case _: Trivia =>
case currentToken =>
val t = trailing.result()
if (t.nonEmpty) {
trailingBuilder += lastToken -> trailing.result()
val l = leading.result()
if (l.nonEmpty) {
leadingBuilder += currentToken -> leading.result()
lastToken = currentToken
isLeading = false
AssociatedComments(leadingBuilder.result(), trailingBuilder.result())
val comments = getAssociatedComments(tree.tokens)
tree.transform {
case t: Tree if comments.contains(t) =>
println(t, t.getClass, comments.leading(t), comments.trailing(t))
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[debug] CommentTest.scala:99      [t]: @enum trait CampingLocation {
  // Foobar
  object Seaside // trailing
  object Mountains
[debug] CommentTest.scala:99      [t.getClass]: class scala.meta.Defn$Trait$Impl
[debug] CommentTest.scala:99      [comments.leading(t)]: List(// scalastyle:off number.of.types (93..126))
[debug] CommentTest.scala:99      [comments.trailing(t)]: List()
[debug] CommentTest.scala:99      [t]: @enum
[debug] CommentTest.scala:99      [t.getClass]: class scala.meta.Mod$Annot$Impl
[debug] CommentTest.scala:99      [comments.leading(t)]: List(// scalastyle:off number.of.types (93..126))
[debug] CommentTest.scala:99      [comments.trailing(t)]: List()
[debug] CommentTest.scala:99      [t]: object Seaside
[debug] CommentTest.scala:99      [t.getClass]: class scala.meta.Defn$Object$Impl
[debug] CommentTest.scala:99      [comments.leading(t)]: List(// Foobar (159..168))
[debug] CommentTest.scala:99      [comments.trailing(t)]: List(// trailing (186..197))
[debug] CommentTest.scala:99      [t]: Seaside
[debug] CommentTest.scala:99      [t.getClass]: class scala.meta.Term$Name$Impl
[debug] CommentTest.scala:99      [comments.leading(t)]: List()
[debug] CommentTest.scala:99      [comments.trailing(t)]: List(// trailing (186..197))
[debug] CommentTest.scala:102     [comments.leadingMap]: Map(@ (127..128) -> List(// scalastyle:off number.of.types (93..126)), object (171..177) -> List(// Foobar (159..168)))
[debug] CommentTest.scala:103     [comments.trailingMap]: Map(Seaside (178..185) -> List(// trailing (186..197)))

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