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Created November 25, 2020 12:12
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Functions - Introduction to Dart
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
const double pi = 3.14;
void main() {
showPerimeter();//calling method with no parameters
showPerimeterWithRadius(80);//calling method with parameter
double result = perimeter();
var result2 = perimeterWithRadius(100);
print("Perimeter is $result2");
showPerimeterWithMultiple("Perimeter of circle with multiple parameters and radius of", 120);
showVolume(length: 20, breadth: 30, height: 80);
//showVolume();//fix issue with default parameters
//showVolume(length: 20, breadth: 30);
//showVolume(height: 80);
showCubeVolume(length: 60);
showArea(3, 5);
print(anyArea(25, breadth: 32));
print(anyArea(13, breadth: 7, height: 91));
sendMessage("Olaide", "Damilola");
sendMessage("Esther", "Imole", "Hello World!!!");
void showPerimeter() {
int radius = 70;
double result = 2 * pi * radius;
print("Perimeter of circle with radius of $radius is $result");
//Method with parameter
void showPerimeterWithRadius(int radius) {
double result = 2 * pi * radius;
"Perimeter of circle with parameter radius of $radius is ${result.toStringAsFixed(2)}");
//Method with return type
double perimeter() {
return 2 * pi * 70;
//Method with required position parameter and return type
double perimeterWithRadius(int radius) {
return 2 * pi * 70;
//Methods with required position multiple parameters
void showPerimeterWithMultiple(String prefix, int radius) {
double result = 2 * pi * radius;
print("$prefix $radius is ${result.toStringAsFixed(2)}");
//Methods with Named optional parameters
void showVolume({int length, int breadth, int height}) {
var result = length * breadth * height;
print("The volume is $result");
void showCubeVolume({@required int length}){
showVolume(breadth: length, height: length, length: length);
//Methods with Optional Positional parameters
void showArea([int length = 1, int breadth = 1]){
print("the area is ${length * breadth}");
//methods with combined parameters
int anyArea(int length, {int breadth = 1, int height = 1}){
return length * breadth * height;
void sendMessage(String sender, String receiver, [String message = "Ping"]){
print("Message from $sender to $receiver is: $message");
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