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Last active November 25, 2020 08:33
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Variables - Introduction to Dart
//This is a single line comment
* This is a multiline comment
* and can span more than one
* line
* Containers for holding values
int age = 25;
int distance = 200;
var score = 78; //inferred
String name = "Olaide";
String fullname = "Olaide Nojeem Ekeolere";
var grade = "A"; //inferred
bool accepted = false;
bool failed = true;
var sleeping = true;//inferred
void helloWorld() {
print("hello world!");
void main() {
//print an outer variable
//local variables
int cars = 5;
String city = "Lagos";
print(8 * 5);
print(cars + 4);
double result = 90 / 3;
int division = 80 ~/ 4;
int anotherScore = score + 10;
//String concatination
print("hello " + "word");
print(name + " lives in " + city);
String anotherString = city + " is large";
print("$name scored $score");
//dynamic variable
dynamic superstar = "I am a String";
superstar = 70;
print(" I am the integer $superstar");
superstar = false;
print("I am now a bool of $superstar");
//constant variables
const double pi = 3.14;
//pi = 4.56;
int radius = 70;
var perimeter = 2 * pi * radius;
print("Perimeter of circle with radius of $radius is $perimeter");
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