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Created November 10, 2012 20:23
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import java.nio.FloatBuffer;
import org.ode4j.ode.internal.gimpact.GimGeometry.aabb3f;
import org.openmali.spatial.bodies.Box;
import org.openmali.spatial.bodies.Classifier;
import org.openmali.vecmath2.Matrix4f;
import com.jogamp.opengl.math.FloatUtil;
import com.jogamp.opengl.math.geom.AABBox;
import com.jogamp.opengl.util.PMVMatrix;
public class Frustum2 {
protected Plane[] planes = new Plane[6];
protected PMVMatrix pmvMatrix;
protected FloatBuffer pmv = FloatBuffer.allocate(16);
protected float[] mvp = new float[16];
protected int pmvOffset;
public Frustum2() {
for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
planes[i] = new Plane();
public Frustum2(PMVMatrix matrix) {
for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
planes[i] = new Plane();
public void setMatrix(PMVMatrix matrix) {
this.pmvMatrix = matrix;
// pmv = pmvMatrix.glGetPMvMatrixf();
// pmvOffset = pmv.position();
protected Matrix4f proj;
protected Matrix4f modl;
private FloatBuffer b;
private int bOffset;
private float f(int offset) {
return b.get(bOffset + offset);
private Matrix4f getMatrix4f(FloatBuffer b) {
this.b = b;
bOffset = b.position();
return new Matrix4f(f(0), f(1), f(2), f(3), f(4), f(5), f(6)/* 12 */, f(7), f(8), f(9), f(10), f(11), f(12),
f(13), f(14), f(15));
public void makePmvMatrix() {
FloatUtil.multMatrixf(pmvMatrix.glGetPMatrixf(), pmvMatrix.glGetMvMatrixf(), mvp, 0);
getMatrix4f(pmvMatrix.glGetMvMatrixf()).mul(getMatrix4f(pmvMatrix.glGetPMatrixf())).writeToBuffer(pmv, true,
protected class Vector3f {
public float x;
public float y;
public float z;
public String toString() {
return "{" + x + "," + y + "," + z + "}";
protected class Plane {
public Vector3f n = new Vector3f();
public float d;
public final float distanceTo(float x, float y, float z) {
return (n.x * x) + (n.y * y) + (n.z * z) + d;
public String toString() {
return "Plane[" + n + ", " + d + "]";
protected float[] getMatrixFloat(FloatBuffer b) {
if (pmvMatrix.usesBackingArray()) {
return b.array();
} else {
int p = b.position();
float[] pm = new float[16];
b.get(pm, p, 16);
return pm;
protected float m(int a) {
return mvp[a];
//return pmv.get(a);
private static final boolean quickClassify(Plane p, AABBox box) {
final float[] low = box.getLow();
final float[] high = box.getHigh();
if (p.distanceTo(low[0], low[1], low[2]) > 0.0f)
return (true);
if (p.distanceTo(high[0], low[1], low[2]) > 0.0f)
return (true);
if (p.distanceTo(low[0], high[1], low[2]) > 0.0f)
return (true);
if (p.distanceTo(high[0], high[1], low[2]) > 0.0f)
return (true);
if (p.distanceTo(low[0], low[1], high[2]) > 0.0f)
return (true);
if (p.distanceTo(high[0], low[1], high[2]) > 0.0f)
return (true);
if (p.distanceTo(low[0], high[1], high[2]) > 0.0f)
return (true);
if (p.distanceTo(high[0], high[1], high[2]) > 0.0f)
return (true);
return (false);
* Quick check to see if an orthogonal bounding box is inside the frustum
public final boolean isOutside(AABBox box) {
for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
if (!quickClassify(planes[i], box))
return true;
// We make no attempt to determine whether it's fully inside or not.
return false;
protected float[] mat = new float[16];
public void extractFrustumPlanes(boolean normalize) {
// Left: [30+00, 31+01, 32+02, 33+03]
// comboMatrix.m[12] + comboMatrix.m[0];
planes[0].n.x = m(12) + m(0);
planes[0].n.y = m(13) + m(1);
planes[0].n.z = m(14) + m(2);
planes[0].d = m(15) + m(3);
// Right: [30-00, 31-01, 32-02, 33-03]
planes[1].n.x = m(12) - m(0);
planes[1].n.y = m(13) - m(1);
planes[1].n.z = m(14) - m(2);
planes[1].d = m(15) - m(3);
// Bottom: [30+10, 31+11, 32+12, 33+13]
planes[2].n.x = m(12) + m(4);
planes[2].n.y = m(13) + m(5);
planes[2].n.z = m(14) + m(6);
planes[2].d = m(15) + m(7);
// Top: [30-10, 31-11, 32-12, 33-13]
planes[3].n.x = m(12) - m(4);
planes[3].n.y = m(13) - m(5);
planes[3].n.z = m(14) - m(6);
planes[3].d = m(15) - m(7);
// Far: [30-20, 31-21, 32-22, 33-23]
planes[5].n.x = m(12) - m(8);
planes[5].n.y = m(13) - m(9);
planes[5].n.z = m(14) - m(10);
planes[5].d = m(15) - m(11);
// Near: [30+20, 31+21, 32+22, 33+23]
planes[4].n.x = m(12) + m(8);
planes[4].n.y = m(13) + m(9);
planes[4].n.z = m(14) + m(10);
planes[4].d = m(15) + m(11);
// Normalize
if (normalize) {
for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
double invl = Math.sqrt(planes[i].n.x * planes[i].n.x + planes[i].n.y * planes[i].n.y + planes[i].n.z
* planes[i].n.z);
planes[i].n.x *= invl;
planes[i].n.y *= invl;
planes[i].n.z *= invl;
planes[i].d *= invl;
public void extractFrustumPlanes2(boolean normalize) {
// Left: [30+00, 31+01, 32+02, 33+03]
// comboMatrix.m[12] + comboMatrix.m[0];
planes[0].n.x = m(3) + m(0);
planes[0].n.y = m(7) + m(4);
planes[0].n.z = m(11) + m(8);
planes[0].d = m(15) + m(12);
// Right: [30-00, 31-01, 32-02, 33-03]
planes[1].n.x = m(3) - m(0);
planes[1].n.y = m(7) - m(4);
planes[1].n.z = m(11) - m(8);
planes[1].d = m(15) - m(12);
// Bottom: [30+10, 31+11, 32+12, 33+13]
planes[2].n.x = m(3) + m(1);
planes[2].n.y = m(7) + m(5);
planes[2].n.z = m(11) + m(9);
planes[2].d = m(15) + m(13);
// Top: [30-10, 31-11, 32-12, 33-13]
planes[3].n.x = m(3) - m(1);
planes[3].n.y = m(7) - m(5);
planes[3].n.z = m(11) - m(9);
planes[3].d = m(15) - m(13);
// Far: [30-20, 31-21, 32-22, 33-23]
planes[5].n.x = m(3) - m(2);
planes[5].n.y = m(7) - m(6);
planes[5].n.z = m(11) - m(10);
planes[5].d = m(15) - m(14);
// Near: [30+20, 31+21, 32+22, 33+23]
planes[4].n.x = m(3) + m(2);
planes[4].n.y = m(7) + m(6);
planes[4].n.z = m(11) + m(10);
planes[4].d = m(15) + m(14);
// Normalize
if (normalize) {
for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
double invl = Math.sqrt(planes[i].n.x * planes[i].n.x + planes[i].n.y * planes[i].n.y + planes[i].n.z
* planes[i].n.z);
planes[i].n.x *= invl;
planes[i].n.y *= invl;
planes[i].n.z *= invl;
planes[i].d *= invl;
public String toString() {
return "f2\n" + m(0) + " " + m(1) + " " + m(2) + " " + m(3) + "\n" + m(4) + " " + m(5) + " " + m(6) + " " + m(7)
+ "\n" + m(8) + " " + m(9) + " " + m(10) + " " + m(11) + "\n" + m(12) + " " + m(13) + " " + m(14) + " "
+ m(15) + " " + "Frustum2[" + planes[0] + ", " + planes[1] + ", " + planes[2] + ", " + planes[3] + ", "
+ planes[4] + ", " + planes[5] + "]";
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