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Created June 11, 2024 13:30
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Simple Rock, Paper, Scissors in Python (No Functions)
# Simple Rock, Paper, Scissors in Python (No Functions)
# Educational implementation without functions.
# Feel free to use, modify, and comment on the code.
# Python 3.10 - Rock, Paper, Scissors Game
# Olamigoke Philip 11-06-2024
import random
menu_message = "\n\n\tMenu Options \n1. Enter 'End' to Close Game.\n:"
name_entry_message = "Enter Player Name: "
game_entry_message = "Enter [Rock, Paper, or Scissors] to play: "
game_entry_error_message = "Invalid Input. Enter [Rock, Paper, or Scissors] to play: "
game_points = {
"paper": { "rock": 0, "scissors": 3, "paper": 1},
"scissors": {"rock": 3, "paper": 0, "scissors": 1},
"rock": {"rock": 1, "paper": 3, "scissors": 0},
results = {}
player_name = input(name_entry_message)
while len(player_name) < 3:
print("Error!: Player name cannot be less than 3 characters")
player_name = input(f"{name_entry_message} {menu_message}")
if player_name.lower() == END_KEYWORD:
game_entry = input(f"{game_entry_message}").lower()
while game_entry:
if game_entry != END_KEYWORD:
if game_entry not in game_points.keys():
game_entry = input(f"{game_entry_error_message} {menu_message}").lower()
computer_entry = list(game_points.keys())[
random.randrange(0, len(game_points.keys()))
# Formula => Game_points["oponnent_choice"]["player_choice"]
player_score = game_points[computer_entry][game_entry]
computer_score = game_points[game_entry][computer_entry]
results["player_score"] = results.get("player_score", 0) + player_score
results["computer_score"] = (
results.get("computer_score", 0) + computer_score
print(f"You chose: {game_entry} and Computer chose: {computer_entry}")
if player_score == computer_score:
print("Oh! It's a draw")
elif player_score > computer_score:
print("You WON!!!")
print("Computer Won!")
game_entry = input(f"{game_entry_message} {menu_message}").lower()
player_score = results.get("player_score", 0)
computer_score = results.get("computer_score", 0)
if player_score > 0 or computer_score > 0:
print("Your Score", player_score)
print("Computer Score", computer_score)
if player_score == computer_score:
print("You had a DRAW")
elif player_score > computer_score:
print("You WON the round.")
print("Computer Won the round")
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