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Created August 4, 2013 02:19
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import Data.List (permutations,sort)
import Data.Map (Map,lookup,fromListWith,mapWithKey,toList)
import Data.Maybe
wordPairs :: String -> [(String,Char)]
wordPairs x = wordPairs' (" " ++ x ++ " ")
wordPairs' (a:b:c:xs) = ([a,b],c):(wordPairs' (b:c:xs))
wordPairs' _ = []
getAssocs :: Fractional a => String -> [((String,Char),a)]
getAssocs w = zip (wordPairs w) $ repeat 1
getCounts :: Fractional a => [String] -> Map (String,Char) a
getCounts ws = fromListWith (+) assocs
where assocs = concatMap getAssocs ws
alphabet :: String
alphabet = ' ':['A'..'Z']
getProbs' :: Fractional a => Map (String,Char) a -> Map (String,Char) a
getProbs' probs = mapWithKey toFraction probs
where toFraction (x,_) v = v / (toNumerator x)
toNumerator x = sum $ catMaybes $ map (\y -> Data.Map.lookup (x,y) probs) alphabet
getProbs :: Fractional a => [String] -> Map (String,Char) a
getProbs ws = getProbs' $ getCounts ws
minProb :: Ord a => Fractional a => a
minProb = 1 / 1000
pairProb' :: Ord a => Fractional a => Maybe a -> a
pairProb' Nothing = minProb
pairProb' (Just x) = max minProb x
pairProb probs (x,y) = pairProb' $ Data.Map.lookup (x,y) probs
wordProb probs w = product pairProbs
where pairProbs = map (pairProb probs) $ wordPairs w
main :: IO ()
main = do
contents <- getContents
let ws = words contents
let probs = getProbs ws
-- print $ wordPairs "RETAINS"
-- mapM_ print $ toList probs
let tens = filter (\x -> 10==length x) ws
-- mapM_ print $ sort $ map (\x -> (1/wordProb probs x,x)) $ permutations "DRIVY"
mapM_ print $ sort $ map (\x -> (1/wordProb probs x,x)) $ tens
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