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Created January 8, 2016 16:29
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(defvar *vowel-first* t)
(defvar *twl98* (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
(defvar *twl06* (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
(defvar *twl14* (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
(defvar *csw12* (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
(defvar *csw15* (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
(defvar *pbs* (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
(defun load-twl98 ()
(load-dict "/Users/john/scrabble/twl98.txt" *twl98*))
(defun load-twl06 ()
(load-dict "/Users/john/scrabble/twl06.txt" *twl06*))
(defun load-twl14 ()
(load-dict "/Users/john/scrabble/twl14.txt" *twl14*))
(defun load-csw12 ()
(load-dict "/Users/john/scrabble/csw12.txt" *csw12*))
(defun load-csw15 ()
(load-dict "/Users/john/scrabble/csw15.txt" *csw15*))
(defun load-ranked-pbs ()
(setf *pbs* (load-pbs "/Users/john/scrabble/ranked-pbs.txt")))
(defstruct word-info
(defun load-dict (file dict)
(with-open-file (stream file)
(loop for word = (read-line stream nil) while word do
(setf (gethash word dict) t))))
(defun split (string del)
(loop for i = 0 then (1+ j)
as j = (position del string :start i)
collect (subseq string i j)
while j))
(defun load-pbs (file)
(let ((pbs (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
(with-open-file (stream file)
for line = (read-line stream nil) while line
for (pb-string word) = (split line #\Space) do
(setf (gethash word pbs) (parse-integer pb-string))))
(defun alphagram (word)
(coerce (sort (coerce word 'list) 'string<) 'string))
(defun get-words (dict older older-smaller smaller oldest-small pbs length min-ana max-ana)
(labels ((pb-sum (words)
(loop for word in words summing (gethash (word-info-word word) pbs 0)))
(new (word)
(not (gethash (word-info-word word) older)))
(new-or-foreign (word)
(or (not (gethash (word-info-word word) oldest-small))
(not (gethash (word-info-word word) older-smaller))))
(changed (word)
(or (not (word-info-in-older word))
(not (eq (word-info-in-smaller word)
(word-info-in-older-smaller word)))))
(changed-hook (word)
(or (some #'changed (word-info-back-hooks word))
(some #'changed (word-info-front-hooks word))))
(find-front-hooks (word)
for hook-word = (concatenate 'string (list letter) word)
when (gethash hook-word dict) collect
(make-word-info :word letter
:in-older (gethash hook-word older)
:in-older-smaller (gethash hook-word older-smaller)
:in-smaller (gethash hook-word smaller))))
(find-back-hooks (word)
for hook-word = (concatenate 'string word (list letter))
when (gethash hook-word dict) collect
(make-word-info :word letter
:in-older (gethash hook-word older)
:in-older-smaller (gethash hook-word older-smaller)
:in-smaller (gethash hook-word smaller)))))
(let ((words (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
for word being the hash-keys of dict
when (= (length word) length) do
(let ((alpha (alphagram word))
(in-older (gethash word older))
(in-older-smaller (gethash word older-smaller))
(in-smaller (gethash word smaller))
(word-info (make-word-info)))
(setf (word-info-word word-info) word)
(setf (word-info-in-older word-info) in-older)
(setf (word-info-in-older-smaller word-info) in-older-smaller)
(setf (word-info-in-smaller word-info) in-smaller)
(setf (word-info-front-hooks word-info)
(find-front-hooks word))
(setf (word-info-back-hooks word-info)
(find-back-hooks word))
(push word-info (gethash alpha words))))
(sort (loop
for alpha being the hash-keys of words
for alpha-words being the hash-values of words
for pb = (pb-sum alpha-words)
when (and (<= min-ana (length alpha-words) max-ana)
(or t #+nil
(some #'new alpha-words)
(some #'new-or-foreign alpha-words)
(some #'changed alpha-words)
(some #'changed-hook alpha-words)))
collect (cons (cons pb alpha) alpha-words))
#'> :key #'caar))))
(defun tagged-word (word)
(let ((tags nil))
(if (word-info-in-older word)
(if (and (word-info-in-smaller word)
(not (word-info-in-older-smaller word)))
(push "o" tags))
(push "b" tags))
(unless (word-info-in-smaller word)
(push "r" tags))
(labels ((open-tag (tag)
(format nil "<~a>" tag))
(close-tag (tag)
(format nil "</~a>" tag)))
(apply #'concatenate 'string
(append (mapcar #'open-tag tags)
(list (format nil "~a" (word-info-word word)))
(mapcar #'close-tag (reverse tags)))))))
(defun tagged-hooks (hooks)
(and hooks (append (list "<sup>")
(mapcar #'tagged-word hooks)
(list "</sup>"))))
(defun word-line (word)
(apply #'concatenate 'string
(tagged-hooks (word-info-front-hooks word))
(list " " (tagged-word word) " ")
(tagged-hooks (word-info-back-hooks word))
(list "<br>"))))
(defun pretty-alphagram (alpha)
(if *vowel-first*
(let ((consonants nil)
(vowels nil))
for x across alpha
for xlist = (format nil "~A" x) do
(if (or (eq x #\A) (eq x #\E) (eq x #\I) (eq x #\O) (eq x #\U))
(push xlist vowels)
(push xlist consonants)))
(apply #'concatenate 'string
(append (reverse vowels) (reverse consonants))))
(defun make-card (alpha words)
(apply #'concatenate 'string
(append (list (pretty-alphagram alpha) "; ")
(loop for word in (sort words #'string<' :key #'word-info-word)
(word-line word)))))
(defun make-cards (words file)
(with-open-file (stream file
:direction :output
:if-exists :overwrite
:if-does-not-exist :create)
for ((pb . alpha) . alpha-words) in words
for card = (make-card alpha alpha-words) do
(write-line card stream))))
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