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oldarmyc /
Created December 21, 2018 20:16
MLDB Example
MLDB example using the pymldb library
Note: pymldb only works in python 2
The pip packages you would need to install and use the are pymldb and tqdm
pip install pymldb tqdm
# Import the library
oldarmyc /
Last active February 18, 2019 13:44
Migrating repositories between AE5 versions

Migrating an Anaconda Enterprise 5 Repository

When faced with the prospect of moving between versions of AE5, you might be wondering what to do about your repository. Mirroring large repos can take hours. Plus, you may have custom channels that platform users have created to share packages. Follow the steps below to make the process of migrating your repository easier.

Before you begin:

Ensure that you have SSH access between both the existing and new clusters, so that files can be moved within and between systems.

The following processes use the root user, but root access is not required to complete the tasks.

On the newly installed cluster (version 5.2.3)

oldarmyc /
Created March 6, 2019 21:09
Build instructions for ibm_db

To build the ibm_db package you would need to execute the following steps.

conda skeleton pypi ibm_db

Once complete a directory labeled ibm_db will be created, and inside that directory you will have a meta.yaml file.

If you would like to build the package for a specific python version you can edit the meta.yaml file

oldarmyc /
Last active October 8, 2019 13:04
MSSQL Kerberos how to

Connecting to MS SQL using Kerberos Authentication

FreeTDS is as set of libraries that allows programs to talk to MS SQL Server. It doesn't currently support Kerberos authentication, however, so you'll need to rebuild the freetds package to enable the flag.

Rebuilding FreeTDS

  1. Pull down the existing recipe for the current conda packages for freetds located here:
git clone
oldarmyc /
Created September 6, 2019 14:19
Shortened checks
MODULES="overlay br_netfilter ebtables iptable_nat iptable_filter"
echo "Enabling Modules"
for i in ${MODULES}; do echo "$i" | tee /etc/modules-load.d/$i.conf > /dev/null; done
for i in ${MODULES}; do sudo modprobe $i; done
lsmod | grep 'overlay\|br_netfilter\|ebtables'
echo "Disabling SELinux"
sudo setenforce 0
sudo sed -i -- 's/SELINUX\=enforcing/SELINUX\=disabled/g' /etc/selinux/config
echo "Modifying Kernel Parameters"