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Last active March 2, 2021 01:46
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Python script to convert any file to PNG and back, made just for fun
from sys import argv
from math import sqrt, ceil
from struct import pack, unpack
from PIL import Image
def file_to_image(data, ext):
size = pack(">I", len(data))
full_data = bytearray(ext + '\0', 'ascii') + size + data
while len(full_data) % 4 != 0:
full_data += bytearray('\0', 'ascii')
width = ceil(sqrt(len(full_data) / 4))
img_dest ='RGBA', (width, width))
pixels = img_dest.load()
for i in range(width):
for j in range(width):
pos = (i*width + j)*4
if pos < len(full_data):
pixels[j,i] = (full_data[pos], full_data[pos+1],
full_data[pos+2], full_data[pos+3])
pixels[j,i] = (0, 0, 0, 0)
return img_dest
def image_to_file(img):
pixels = img.load()
data = bytearray()
for i in range(img.width):
for j in range(img.width):
ext = bytearray()
byte = 0
while byte < len(data) and data[byte] != 0:
byte += 1
ext = ext.decode('ascii')
byte += 1
size = unpack('>I', data[byte:byte+4])[0]
byte += 4
data = data[byte:byte+size]
return data, ext
if len(argv) == 2:
name = '.'.join(argv[1].split('.')[:-1])
ext = argv[1].split('.')[-1]
if ext == 'png':
img =[1])
data, ext = image_to_file(img)
with open(name + '_.' + ext, mode='wb') as file:
with open(argv[1], mode='rb') as file:
fileContent =
img = file_to_image(fileContent, ext) + '.png')
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