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Created April 17, 2012 16:34
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  • Save oldpatricka/2407347 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save oldpatricka/2407347 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
;Started: September 20th 2002
;By: Patrick Armstrong
; Credits:
; -dispHLatC: Jonah Cohen / Paul Marks ('Megacar')
#define equ .equ
#define EQU .equ
#define END .end
#include "" ;General TI-83 Plus include file
#include "" ;MirageOS include file
#define ballx saferam1
#define bally saferam1+1
#define balld saferam1+2
#define paddx saferam1+3
#define paddy saferam1+4
#define matrixloopx saferam1+5
#define matrixloopy saferam1+6
#define matrixyval saferam1+7
#define ExitCounter saferam1+8
#define blockb matrixloopx ;since this is only used in init, it can be re-used
#define blockc matrixloopy ;ditto
#define LivesCounter matrixyval
#define LevelCounter saferam1+60
#define ScoreCounter saferam1+61
#define ScoreCounterex saferam1+62 ;reserving for accuracy, DO NOT RE-USE!
; Block Ram equates
; Row 1
#define Blocks10 saferam1+10
#define Blocks11 saferam1+11
#define Blocks12 saferam1+12
#define Blocks13 saferam1+13
#define Blocks14 saferam1+14
#define Blocks15 saferam1+15
#define Blocks16 saferam1+16
#define Blocks17 saferam1+17
#define Blocks18 saferam1+18
#define Blocks19 saferam1+19
; Row 2
#define Blocks20 saferam1+20
#define Blocks21 saferam1+21
#define Blocks22 saferam1+22
#define Blocks23 saferam1+23
#define Blocks24 saferam1+24
#define Blocks25 saferam1+25
#define Blocks26 saferam1+26
#define Blocks27 saferam1+27
#define Blocks28 saferam1+28
#define Blocks29 saferam1+29
; Row 3
#define Blocks30 saferam1+30
#define Blocks31 saferam1+31
#define Blocks32 saferam1+32
#define Blocks33 saferam1+33
#define Blocks34 saferam1+34
#define Blocks35 saferam1+35
#define Blocks36 saferam1+36
#define Blocks37 saferam1+37
#define Blocks38 saferam1+38
#define Blocks39 saferam1+39
; Row 4
#define Blocks40 saferam1+40
#define Blocks41 saferam1+41
#define Blocks42 saferam1+42
#define Blocks43 saferam1+43
#define Blocks44 saferam1+44
#define Blocks45 saferam1+45
#define Blocks46 saferam1+46
#define Blocks47 saferam1+47
#define Blocks48 saferam1+48
#define Blocks49 saferam1+49
; Row 5
#define Blocks50 saferam1+50
#define Blocks51 saferam1+51
#define Blocks52 saferam1+52
#define Blocks53 saferam1+53
#define Blocks54 saferam1+54
#define Blocks55 saferam1+55
#define Blocks56 saferam1+56
#define Blocks57 saferam1+57
#define Blocks58 saferam1+58
#define Blocks59 saferam1+59
; 1=down/left
; 2=down/right
; 3=up/left
; 4=up/right
.org $9d93 ;Origin (set back two to account for AsmPrgm)
.db $BB,$6D ;Compiled AsmPrgm token
ret ;So TIOS wont run the program
.db 1 ;Identifier as MirageOS program
.db 11111111b,11111111b
.db 11100000b,00001111b
.db 11010000b,00111111b
.db 11110011b,11111111b
.db 00101110b,00111111b
.db 11111111b,11111011b
.db 11001100b,00000011b
.db 11010100b,11000011b
.db 11100001b,10000011b
.db 11111111b,10000111b
.db 11001110b,00001111b
.db 11010001b,00111011b
.db 11110001b,01111111b
.db 11111110b,01111111b
.db 11111111b,11111111b
.db "Im as happy as a bagowigs",0
;---------------------------Clean up screen + misc init settings-----------
bcall(_clrlcdfull) ;clear screen
SET fullScrnDraw, (IY + apiFlg4) ;allow write to col 95 row 0
SET bufferOnly, (IY + plotflag3)
bcall(_RunIndicOff) ;Turns off the Run Indicator
RES indiconly, (IY+indicflags) ;make sure keys are scanned
SET textWrite, (IY + sGrFlags) ;sets text display to buffer
ld a,0 ;make sure exitcntr = 0
ld (ExitCounter),a
;random code probably gone soonish
;-----------------------------Ball's initial position----------------------
; bcall(_Random) ;set op1 to rand #
; ld a,96
; bcall(_SetXXOp2) ;set op2 to 96
; bcall(_FPMult) ;get rand # betw 0/96
; bcall(_Int) ;set to integer
; bcall(_convop1) ;set e to that num
; ld a,e
; ld (ballx),a ;initial ballx val
; bcall(_Random)
;; ld a,64
; bcall(_SetXXOp2)
; bcall(_FPMult)
; bcall(_Int)
; bcall(_convop1)
; ld a,e
; ld (bally),a
;; bcall(_Random)
; bcall(_OP2Set3)
; bcall(_FPMult)
; bcall(_Int)
; bcall(_convop1)
; inc e
; ld a,e
; ld (balld),a
;-----------------------------end generate initial position for ball------------------
; Non random ball init pos code
ld a,45
ld (ballx),a
ld a,10
ld (bally),a
ld a,4 ;up/right
ld (balld),a
;-----------------------------Draw paddle's initial position
;ld a,0
ld h,0 ;X value
ld l,64 ;Y value (below 0 so inc *'ed below works
;ld d,0
ld h,47
;ld d,1 ;Set D to 1.
dec l ;*
call pixelonhl ;\
inc h ; \
call pixelonhl ; \
inc h ; \
call pixelonhl ; \
inc h ; \
call pixelonhl ; \
inc h ; \
call pixelonhl ; \___Draw Paddle
inc h ; /
call pixelonhl ; /
inc h ; /
call pixelonhl ; /
inc h ; /
call pixelonhl ; /
inc h ; /
call pixelonhl ; /
inc h ;/
call pixelonhl
ld a,h
SUB 9 ;restart for 2nd row
ld h,a
ld a,62
cp l ;check if we've drawn to 2nd row
jr nz,Initdraw
;dec l
ld a,0
ld (paddy),a
ld a,h
ld (paddx),a
;------------------------End draw initial paddle-------------------------
;------------------------Start drawing blocks----------------------------
#include "blocks.z80"
;------------------------Stop drawing blocks-----------------------------
; Setup top bar stuff
ld a,1 ;line style
ld h,0 ;x1
ld l,6 ;y1
ld d,95 ;x2
ld e,6 ;y2
call fastline
ld d,0 ;y
ld e,0 ;x
ld hl,Level
call setvputs
ld d,0 ;y
ld e,30 ;x
ld hl,Score
call setvputs
ld d,0 ;y
ld e,77 ;x
ld hl,oneUp
call setvputs
;Setup counter values (Lives/score/level)
ld a,3
ld (LivesCounter),a
ld a,0
ld (ScoreCounter),a
ld (ScoreCounterex),a
ld (LevelCounter),a
call DrawLives
call DrawScore
;ld a,0
ld b,0
ld c,0
ld d,0
ld e,0
;------------End setup score----------------------------------------------
;------------------------Start Main Game Loop----------------------------
call paddler
#include "ballmov.z80"
#include "blockdc.z80"
call DrawScore
call fastcopys
call paddler
jp Mainloop
call quittoshell
#include "paddler.z80"
; Miscelaneous text and .db's
.db "Score:",0
.db "Level:",0
.db "1Up:",0
ld a,91
ld (pencol),a
ld a,0
ld (penrow),a
ld a,(LivesCounter)
add a,'0'
;ld a,52
;ld (pencol),a
;ld a,0
;ld (penrow),a
ld hl,(ScoreCounter)
ld c,72
call dispHLatC
ld h,0
ld l,0
dispHLatC: ;c=column, hl=number
ld a,c
sub 4
ld c,a
ld (penCol),a
add a,'0'
ld a,h
or l
jr nz,dispHLatC
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