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Last active September 6, 2022 15:33
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Structure of _StackLayoutCache and related types, used by SwiftUI as the Cache type for VStackLayout and HStackLayout
// Structure of _StackLayoutCache and related types.
// Used by SwiftUI as the Cache type for VStackLayout and HStackLayout.
// As of: iOS 16.0 simulator in Xcode 14.0b6
import SwiftUI
struct _StackLayoutCache {
var stack: StackLayout
struct StackLayout {
var header: Header
var children: Array<Child>
struct Header {
let minorAxisAlignment: AlignmentKey
let uniformSpacing: Optional<CGFloat>
let majorAxis: Axis
var internalSpacing: CGFloat
var lastProposedSize: ProposedViewSize
var stackSize: CGSize
let proxies: LayoutSubviews
let resizeChildrenWithTrailingOverflow: Bool
struct Child {
var layoutPriority: Double
var majorAxisRangeCache: MajorAxisRangeCache
let distanceToPrevious: CGFloat
var fittingOrder: Int
var geometry: ViewGeometry
struct MajorAxisRangeCache {
var min: Optional<CGFloat>
var max: Optional<CGFloat>
struct AlignmentKey: Hashable /*, Comparable */ {
let bits: UInt
struct ViewGeometry /*: Equatable */ {
var origin: ViewOrigin
var dimensions: ViewDimensions
struct ViewOrigin: Equatable /*, Animatable */ {
var value: CGPoint
struct ViewDimensions /*: Equatable*/ {
let guideComputer: LayoutComputer
var size: ViewSize
struct ViewSize: Equatable /*, Animatable */ {
var value: CGSize
var _proposal: CGSize
struct LayoutComputer /*: Equatable, Defaultable */ {
var engine: AnyLayoutEngineBox
var seed: Int
class AnyLayoutEngineBox {
// My reflection code shows no stored properties. Is this true?
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