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Created June 10, 2014 03:39
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Save olegafx/8214b7257e300ed03b5c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Some jQuery methods written in plain JavaScript.
// -----------------------------Listening for Document Ready-----------------------------
// Add an event listener of DOMContentLoaded to the whole document and call an anonymous function.
// You can then wrap your code in that function's brackets
// and it will execute once loading is complete.
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
// Our hawaiian greeting is displayed as soon as the page loads,
// -----------------------------Selecting elements-----------------------------
// We can use document.querySelector to get the first element that matches a certain criteria.
// It's only argument is a string containing one or more CSS selectors.
var lochNess = document.querySelector(".monsters");
console.log("It's from Scotland - " + lochNess.textContent);
// We can also get all elements of a certain type or class by using document.querySelectorAll.
// This returns a NodeList of all the elements that fit our criteria.
var scary = document.querySelectorAll(".monsters");
console.log("Hide and seek champions: ");
for (var i = 0; i < scary.length; i++) {
// -----------------------------Attaching and removing event listeners-----------------------------
var btn = document.querySelectorAll("button"),
list = document.querySelector("ul");
// We call the addEventListener method on our desired event target(in this case a button).
// This will start a listener that will wait until a click is generated on the element.
btn[0].addEventListener("click", function () {
// When this button is clicked we want to enable zooming of our list.
// To do this we add an event listener to our list itself,
// so when the cursor hovers it, the enlarge function gets called.
list.addEventListener("mouseover", enlarge);
// To disable the zooming we can simply use removeEventListener.
btn[1].addEventListener("click", function () {
// Removing event listeners doesn't work on anonymous functions, so always use a named one.
list.removeEventListener("mouseover", enlarge);
// Let's create our enlarge function.
var enlarge = function () {
// Add class zoomed to the unordered list.
// When the cursor leaves the list return to normal size by removing the class.
list.addEventListener("mouseout", function () {
// Now we want to be able to color the names by clicking them.
// When a 'click' is registered on one of the list entries it should change its color to green.
// Thanks to event delegation we can actually add an event listener to the whole parent object.
// This way we don't have to add separate event listeners to each <li>.
list.addEventListener("click", function (e) {
// Make the coloring happen only to the clicked element by taking the target of the event.'green');
// -----------------------------Manipulating classes and attributes-----------------------------
var btn = document.querySelectorAll("button"),
div = document.querySelector("#myDiv");
btn[0].addEventListener("click", function () {
// Get any attribute easily.
// Element.classList stores all classes of the element in the form of a DOMTokenList.
var classes = div.classList;
btn[1].addEventListener("click", function () {
btn[2].addEventListener("click", function () {
// It supports adding and removing classes.
btn[3].addEventListener("click", function () {
// You can also toggle a class on and off
// -----------------------------Getting and setting element content-----------------------------
var myText = document.querySelector("#myParagraph"),
btn = document.querySelectorAll("button");
// We can easily get the text content of a node and all its descendants.
var myContent = myText.textContent;
console.log("textContent: " + myContent);
// When using textContent to alter the text of an element
// it deletes the old content and replaces it with new.
btn[0].addEventListener('click', function () {
myText.textContent = " Koalas are the best animals ";
// If we want to grab all the HTML in a node (including the tags) we can use innerHTML.
var myHtml = myText.innerHTML;
console.log("innerHTML: " + myHtml);
// To change the html simply supply new content.
// Of course we aren't limited to text only this time.
btn[1].addEventListener('click', function () {
myText.innerHTML = "<button> Penguins are the best animals </button>";
// -----------------------------Inserting and removing elements-----------------------------
var lunch = document.querySelector("#lunch");
// In the HTML tab we have our lunch for today.
// Let's say we want to add fries to it.
var addFries = function () {
// First we have to create our new element and set its content
var fries = document.createElement("div");
fries.innerHTML = '<li><h4> Fries </h4></li>';
// After that's done, we can use appendChild to insert it.
// This will make our fries appear at the end of the lunch list.
// Now we want to add cheese both before and after the beef in our burger.
var addCheese = function () {
var beef = document.querySelector("#Beef"),
topSlice = document.createElement("li"),
bottomSlice = document.createElement("li");
bottomSlice.innerHTML = topSlice.innerHTML = 'Cheese';
// Inserting the top slice:
// Take the parent of the beef (that's the sandwich) and use insertBefore on it.
// The first argument to insertBefore is the new element we're gonna add.
// The second argument is the node before which the new element is inserted.
beef.parentNode.insertBefore(topSlice, beef);
// The bottom slice:
// We have to use a little trick here!
// Supply the next nearest element as the second argument to insertBefore,
// that way we can actually insert after the element we want.
beef.parentNode.insertBefore(bottomSlice, beef.nextSibling);
var removePickles = function () {
// Finally, we want to get rid of those pickles. Again javascript got us covered!
var pickles = document.querySelector("#pickles");
if (pickles) {
// Delicious!
var btn = document.querySelectorAll("button");
btn[0].addEventListener('click', addFries);
btn[1].addEventListener('click', addCheese);
btn[2].addEventListener('click', removePickles);
// -----------------------------Walking the DOM tree-----------------------------
var snakes = document.querySelector('#snakes'),
birds = document.querySelector('#birds');
snakes.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
// To access the parent of a certain element in the DOM tree, we use the parentNode method.
var parent =;
console.log("Parent: " +;
// For the opposite, calling the .children method gets all child elements of the selected object.
console.log("Children: ");
var children =;
// This returns a HTMLCollection (a type of array), so we have to iterate to access every child's content.
for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
birds.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
// Getting the nearest sibling to our element is self-explanatory.
var previous =;
if (previous) {
console.log("Previous sibling: " + previous.textContent);
var next =;
if (next) {
console.log("Next sibling: " + next.textContent);
// However, to acquire all the siblings of a node is a bit more complex.
// We have to take all of its parent's children and then exclude the original element.
// This is done by using filter and calling a function that checks every child one by one.
console.log("All siblings: ");, function (child) {
if (child !== {
// -----------------------------Looping over arrays-----------------------------
var ninjaTurtles = ["Donatello", "Leonardo", "Michelangelo", "Raphael"];
// ForEach automatically iterates through an array.
ninjaTurtles.forEach(function (entry) {
// The map method calls a function on every element of an array and creates a new array with the results.
var lovesPizza = (entry) {
return entry.concat(" loves pizza!");
// -----------------------------Animations-----------------------------
var btn = document.querySelectorAll("button"),
circle = document.querySelector("#circle");
// First, we have to add a class of animated to our object, so the library can recognize it.
// We iterate over all of our buttons and add event listeners to each one.
for (var i = 0; i < btn.length; i++) {
// Define an anonymous function here, to make it possible to use the i variable.
(function (i) {
btn[i].addEventListener('click', function () {
// To start an animation you just have to add a specific class to the object.
// In our case we stored the classes' names in the data-animation attribute of each button.
var animation = btn[i].getAttribute('data-animation');
// To make it work more then once we have to remove the class after the animation is complete.
window.setTimeout(function () {
}, 1000);
// -----------------------------Ajax-----------------------------
// This simple example logs the body of our url (a html file) in the console.
// It's possible to do a manual GET request but it is somewhat a tedious task.
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', '', true);
request.onload = function (e) {
if (request.readyState === 4) {
// Check if the get was successful.
if (request.status === 200) {
} else {
// Catch errors:
request.onerror = function (e) {
// Using a small library, such as Reqwest, can make your job much easier.
url: '',
method: 'get',
error: function (err) {
success: function (resp) {
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