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Forked from dtothefp/generators-duhh.js
Created March 24, 2016 12:17
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import request from 'superagent';
import cheerio from 'cheerio';
import vo from 'vo';
import {readFile} from 'fs';
* An example generator
function *gen(init) {
//confusing because what is stored in `first` variables is not what is returned from
//3 + variable injected, but instead what is "injected" by the `.next` invocation
const first = yield (3 + init);
const second = yield first;
return first + second;
const it = gen(5);
console.log('Log the generator object', it);
console.log('LOG initial dependency injected',; //8
console.log('LOG `first`',; //2
console.log('LOG generators return value',; //5
* An example throwing and catching errors for generator
function *foo () {
try {
x = yield 'B'; //Error will be thrown
} catch (err) {
console.error('Generator Error', err);
const bar = foo();
const {value} =;
if (value === 'B') {
bar.throw(new Error('it\'s B!'));
} else {
console.log('value', value);
* Below is all about making Thunks and generator recursive loops
//lapwing: req(''),
//leveredreturns: req('')
function get(url, fn) {
.end(function(err, res) {
if (err) return fn(err);
return fn(null, res.text);
function superAgentThunk(url) {
return (cb) => {
get(url, cb);
* Create a thunk, basically a function that returns another function
* a) first returned function takes arguments that are cached within the closure
* b) second returned function takes a cb as only argument
* and calls the "thunkified" function with concated cached args and cb
function thunkify(thunkFn) {
return (...args) => {
return (cb) => {
thunkFn.apply(this, [...args, cb]);
* Create a "thunkfied" `fs.readFile` function
* a) takes a fp as it's argument
* b) returns a function that takes the node signature callback as it's argument
const read = thunkify(readFile);
const readAsync = read('./mocks/file-1.js', {encoding: 'utf8'});
readAsync((err, res) => {
if (err) return console.log('ERR', err);
console.log('RES', res);
* Go one step further and create a `run` function that takes a `generator` function
* as it's only argument
* a) `run` caches the generator object
* b) contains a private `_next` function that initially starts the generator
* c) `_next` also acts as the callback to the node callback signature
* - first time around it obtains the "thunkified" function from `yield`
* - this function represents `readAsync` in the above example
* - `_next` is then called recursively with the node callback signature args
* - `_next` also advances the generator so the data from the cb is returned from `yield`
function run(genFn) {
const it = genFn();
function _next(err, val) {
if (err) it.throw(err); //throw err to be caught in generator
//get the generator object
//a) the first time through val === undefined as yield returns what is returned from the thunk
//b) next time through `val` will be the value passed as the second arg to the
// node callback signature
// - essentially this will "dependency inject" the async value from the `yield`
const cont =;
if (cont.done) return;
const cb = cont.value; //yielded function from Thunk that takes a callback as only arg
//call the callback which exposes data inside the generator
//the "confusing" part is that `_next` is the cb passed as the second arg to `fs.readFile`
//so it will only be called again when `fs.readFile` calls it's cb
//therefore, the generator is paused at the yield, until `_next` is called by `fs.readFile`
//and therefore the generator object `.next` method is called advancing the
//generator and resulting in generator obj `{value: ..., done: true}`
_next(); //start the generator
* Call the `run` function with a generator as it's first argument
* notice how we can log returned async data with a seemingly sync API
run(function *() {
try {
const file = yield read('./mocks/file-1.js', {encoding: 'utf8'});
console.log('Read File', file);
const html = yield superAgentThunk('');
const $ = cheerio.load(html);
const title = $('title').text();
console.log('\n***SuperAgent HTML Title****\n', title);
} catch (err) {
console.log('File Read Error', err);
* Let's give it a go with promises
function getWithProm(url) {
return new Promise((res, rej) => {
.end((err, result) => {
if (err) return rej(err);
return res(result.text);
* Create a `spawn` function to deal with promises
function spawn(gen) {
const it = gen(); //instantiate the generator and return the generator object
function _co(method, arg) {
let res;
try {
//retrieve the promise returned by the http request if `arg` is undefined
//if `arg` is defined it will be the data from the http request promise
//and will be "injected" into `yield` and caught in a variable
res = it[method](arg);
} catch(err) {
//not sure about the error handling here??
return Promise.reject(err);
if (res.done) {
if (method === 'throw') {
return arg;
} else {
return res.value;
} else {
//at this point we may resolve a promise or a value??
//a) if we are resolving a promise we will inject it's value by calling `.next`
//b) if we are resolving a value it will be ignored by `.next` as `yield` will be
// the returned Promise from the http request
return Promise.resolve(res.value)
.then((val) => {
return _co('next', val);
}, (err) => {
//not sure about the error handling here??
return _co('throw', err);
return _co('next'); //start the process by calling `.next` on the generator instance
const upTitles = '';
spawn(function *() {
let ids;
try {
const moviesWithUpTitle = yield getWithProm(upTitles);
const {Search} = JSON.parse(moviesWithUpTitle);
ids = => `${data.imdbID}`);
console.log('****Movies Id\'s with title "UP"****', ids);
} catch (err) {
console.error(`Error making HTTP request for ${upTitles}`, err);
//iterate through the promises, can't use a forEach here, `yield` only works in `for of`
//this is nice because all Promises will begin resolving inside of the `map`
for (let data of {
try {
const dataById = yield data;
const {Title} = JSON.parse(dataById);
console.log('***Movie Title***', Title);
} catch (err) {
console.err(`Error fetching data for ${err}`);
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