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Created January 12, 2010 23:09
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- (void) updateToolOptionsView
ToolOptionsViewController* optionsController = tool.optionsViewController;
// Stretch view frame according to autoresizing rules
// If the view is not stretched, there will be autosurprising
NSView* optionsView = [optionsController view];
NSSize optionsSize = [optionsView frame].size;
NSSize targetSize = [[self.scrollView contentView] frame].size;
NSSize newOptionsSize = optionsSize;
NSUInteger autoresizingMask = [optionsView autoresizingMask];
if (autoresizingMask & NSViewWidthSizable)
newOptionsSize.width = targetSize.width;
if (autoresizingMask & NSViewHeightSizable)
newOptionsSize.height = targetSize.height;
[optionsView setFrameSize:newOptionsSize];
// Wrap the options view into a flipped view so that NSScrollView
// renders view from top to bottom as expected.
[self patchViewControllerWithFlippedViewIfNeeded:optionsController];
[self.scrollView setDocumentView:[optionsController view]];
- (void) patchViewControllerWithFlippedViewIfNeeded:(NSViewController*) controller
NSView* myView = [controller view];
// The view is already good or was already patched - do nothing.
if ([myView isFlipped]) return;
// MyViewFlipped is a subclass of NSView with a single method isFlipped returning YES
NSView* flippedWrapper = [[[MyViewFlipped alloc] initWithFrame:[myView frame]] autorelease];
// Clone the existing autoresizingMask
[flippedWrapper setAutoresizingMask:[myView autoresizingMask]];
[flippedWrapper setAutoresizesSubviews:YES];
// And autoresize myView inside the wrapper
[myView setAutoresizingMask:
NSViewWidthSizable |
NSViewHeightSizable |
NSViewMinXMargin |
NSViewMaxXMargin |
NSViewMinYMargin |
NSViewMaxYMargin ];
[myView setFrameOrigin:NSZeroPoint];
// Replace the view
[flippedWrapper addSubview:myView];
[controller setView:flippedWrapper];
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