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Last active October 18, 2018 14:36
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Restartable decorator for python functions - sync and async versions
from asyncio import sleep as async_sleep
from datetime import time
import logging
from typing import Tuple, Callable
def restartable(max_attempts: int = 5,
delay: int = 0.5,
backoff: int = 2,
exceptions: Tuple[Exception] = (Exception,),
callback: Callable = None):
Wraps function with a try-except, making it restartable.
:param max_attempts: max attempts count
:param delay: seconds to sleep after first attempt
:param backoff: multiplier for delay between attempts
:param exceptions: list of exceptions to catch
:param callback: func to call after exception
:return: func value or raise exception (if error)
def decorate(func):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
attempts = max_attempts
to_sleep = delay
last_ex = None
while attempts > 0:
return func(*args, **kwargs)
except exceptions as ex:
last_ex = ex
msg = "Sleep to {sec} sec. Func - {f}. Exception - {ex}"
if callback:
to_sleep *= backoff
attempts -= 1
raise last_ex
return wrapper
return decorate
def restartable_async(max_attempts: int = 5,
delay: int = 0.5,
backoff: int = 2,
exceptions: Tuple[Exception] = Exception,
callback: Callable = None):
Restartable async version.
Wrap func with a try-except, making it restartable.
:param max_attempts: max attempts count
:param delay: seconds to sleep after first attempt
:param backoff: multiplier for delay between attempts
:param exceptions: list of exceptions to catch
:param callback: func to call after exception
:return: func value or raise exception (if error)
def decorate(func):
async def async_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
attempts = max_attempts
to_sleep = delay
last_ex = None
while attempts > 0:
return await func(*args, **kwargs)
except exceptions as ex:
last_ex = ex
msg = "Sleep to {sec} sec. Func - {f}. Exception - {ex}"
if callback:
await async_sleep(to_sleep)
to_sleep *= backoff
attempts -= 1
raise last_ex
return async_wrapper
return decorate
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