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Created October 30, 2020 10:26
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RenderDoc Helper for Capture Compute Shaders
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
public static class RenderDoc {
struct RENDERDOC_API_1_0_0 {
public IntPtr GetAPIVersion;
public IntPtr SetCaptureOptionU32;
public IntPtr SetCaptureOptionF32;
public IntPtr GetCaptureOptionU32;
public IntPtr GetCaptureOptionF32;
public IntPtr SetFocusToggleKeys;
public IntPtr SetCaptureKeys;
public IntPtr GetOverlayBits;
public IntPtr MaskOverlayBits;
public IntPtr Shutdown;
public IntPtr UnloadCrashHandler;
public IntPtr SetLogFilePathTemplate;
public IntPtr GetLogFilePathTemplate;
public IntPtr GetNumCaptures;
public IntPtr GetCapture;
public IntPtr TriggerCapture;
public IntPtr IsRemoteAccessConnected;
public IntPtr LaunchReplayUI;
public IntPtr SetActiveWindow;
public StartFrameCapture StartFrameCapture;
public IntPtr IsFrameCapturing;
public EndFrameCapture EndFrameCapture;
//typedef void (RENDERDOC_CC *pRENDERDOC_StartFrameCapture)(RENDERDOC_DevicePointer device, RENDERDOC_WindowHandle wndHandle);
public delegate void StartFrameCapture(IntPtr device, IntPtr window);
//typedef uint32_t (RENDERDOC_CC *pRENDERDOC_EndFrameCapture)(RENDERDOC_DevicePointer device, RENDERDOC_WindowHandle wndHandle);
public delegate int EndFrameCapture(IntPtr device, IntPtr window);
[DllImport("renderdoc.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern int RENDERDOC_GetAPI(int version, out IntPtr outAPIPointers);
private static int eRENDERDOC_API_Version_1_0_0 = 10000;
public static void StartCapture() {
IntPtr pAPI = new IntPtr();
int ret = RENDERDOC_GetAPI(eRENDERDOC_API_Version_1_0_0, out pAPI);
RENDERDOC_API_1_0_0 api = (RENDERDOC_API_1_0_0) Marshal.PtrToStructure(pAPI, typeof(RENDERDOC_API_1_0_0));
api.StartFrameCapture(new IntPtr(), new IntPtr());
public static void EndCapture() {
IntPtr pAPI = new IntPtr();
int ret = RENDERDOC_GetAPI(eRENDERDOC_API_Version_1_0_0, out pAPI);
RENDERDOC_API_1_0_0 api = (RENDERDOC_API_1_0_0) Marshal.PtrToStructure(pAPI, typeof(RENDERDOC_API_1_0_0));
api.EndFrameCapture(new IntPtr(), new IntPtr());
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