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Last active October 12, 2020 13:26
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  • Save olekscode/8131c924c622c83221de4f5d8dc62c18 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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"In Pharo 7"
methods := Smalltalk image allClasses flatCollect: [ :aClass |
aClass methods ].
signatures := methods collect: [ :method | method name ].
fileReference := '/Users/oleks/Documents/Data/Methods/signatures7.ston' asFileReference.
fileReference writeStreamDo: [ :stream |
STON put: signatures onStream: stream ].
"In Pharo 8"
methods := Smalltalk image allClasses flatCollect: [ :aClass |
aClass methods ].
signatures := methods collect: [ :method | method name ].
fileReference := '/Users/oleks/Documents/Data/Methods/signatures8.ston' asFileReference.
fileReference writeStreamDo: [ :stream |
STON put: signatures onStream: stream ].
dir := '/Users/oleks/Documents/Data/Methods/' asFileReference.
signatures7 := (dir / 'signatures7.ston') readStreamDo: [ :stream |
STON fromStream: stream ].
signatures8 := (dir / 'signatures8.ston') readStreamDo: [ :stream |
STON fromStream: stream ].
signatures7 := signatures7 asSet.
signatures8 := signatures8 asSet.
same := signatures7 intersection: signatures8.
removed := signatures7 difference: signatures8.
added := signatures8 difference: signatures7.
removed size / signatures7 size asFloat. "0.05904114760286901"
added size / signatures8 size asFloat. "0.1549608190703126"
"14% of methods in Pharo 6 are not in Pharo 7"
"19% of methods in Pharo 7 were not in Pharo 6"
"6% of methods in Pharo 7 are not in Pharo 8"
"15% of methods in Pharo 8 were not in Pharo 7"
"5% of methods in Pharo 8 are not in Pharo 9"
"13% of methods in Pharo 9 were not in Pharo 8"
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